Myriad Paths

Chapter 1014 That's not me

Li Qi and Zhu Fengdan may not have realized it at first, but when they were ready to steal things, they almost figured it out.

Sure enough, the old man is still the best.

Wu Xian finally used the relationship between Zhu Fengdan and Xiantian to fish Xiantian out.

And Xiantian will lure Lingdao to take action.

If Lingdao takes action, they will no longer be "perfect", and Wu Xian will have the opportunity to do it himself.

Really... this group of people, it's not easy to worry about.

Li Qi suddenly had a feeling now.

Zhu Fengdan's appearance, is it not affected by Wu Xian?

Although Wu Xian showed a calm appearance, in fact, this person is insidious and cunning, cheating, and completely worthy of the stereotype of "witch" outside.

This time it was another chain fishing trap, which was fished out by Xiantian, and even let Li Qi take out something that could make Xiantian excited, that is, the construction method that Li Qi learned from Taiyi.

Wu Xian himself probably doesn't know how to do this, and even if he tries to learn it, he probably won't learn anything. His Taoism conflicts with Taiyi's, so he has to rely on Li Qi.

Finally, Wu Xian started to fish for spiritual Taoism, and as a reward, he gave Li Qi a chance to steal something.

Li Qi figured this out and felt relieved.

"So, teacher, is this why you don't want to deal with these powerful people?" Li Qi asked Zhu Fengdan.

Zhu Fengdan was digging a hole under Wushen Mountain. While working, he said, "What else do you think? There is a reason why Xiantian is so afraid. These people are very mean, especially Wu Xian. He has many mean tricks."

"Alas, I don't want to deal with them anymore. By the way, are there any powerful people who are less cunning?"

"Less cunning? Yes, there are many people in the human world who are not cunning. If the human world asks you to do this, they will probably directly draw a line and let you do it directly. They will not hide or mislead you, but... they will not allow you to refuse. Do you like this style?" Zhu Fengdan was tired of digging holes and said while taking a break.

"Uh..." Li Qi took over Zhu Fengdan's work and continued to dig holes in the mountains of Wushen Mountain: "I mean, the kind that is more friendly and more honest."

"Yes, he is dead. You know the Tathagata, the Buddha? He is more friendly, more honest, and doesn't like to force others. Now he has been buried." Zhu Fengdan said with a smile.

"What about the living ones?" Li Qi was unwilling to accept it. He felt that all powerful people would not be like this.

"The living ones, Daozu, Haotian, Taiyi, you have seen them all, right? They don't like to play tricks, nor do they like to force others, but by the same token, they rarely interfere with the outside world. To be honest, when the first-rank has nothing to ask for, you are basically unlikely to establish contact with the first-rank, so this has become a cycle." Zhu Fengdan spread his hands and answered with a bachelor's face.

This is a cycle.

When the first-rank has something to ask you, you will have an intersection with the first-rank, and this intersection is generally that the first-rank needs you to help them do something.

Whether it is deception or coercion, you have to do this anyway. The reward may not be bad for you, but the process basically does not allow you to refuse.

And you hope to find a first-rank who has nothing to ask of you, then... a first-rank who has nothing to ask of you is generally too lazy to see you.

Therefore, the first-rank that everyone often deals with is almost certainly the type of Wu Xian who is insidious and cunning or the type of Rendao who is tyrannical and overbearing. There is no way around it.

This is a survivor bias in a sense.

"Alas, but fortunately, I can talk to them now. When I was young, I could only let them do whatever they wanted." Li Qi was quite open-minded. While digging the hole, he chatted with Zhu Fengdan about these things.

In that period of nothingness, Li Qi fast-forwarded his own time and finally learned all the knowledge.

It must be said that it was quite outrageous that Zhu Fengdan could research these things.

Li Qi felt that he was about to become a thief king.

With this set of knowledge, he felt that he dared to dig the tomb of the human emperor.

Of course, Li Qi was just joking.

But Zhu Fengdan could take out the structure of the human emperor tomb group to explain the principle to Li Qi. Was he joking... Li Qi was actually muttering in his heart.

The human emperor will die, and there must be a place to bury him after death, so there will be such a thing as a cemetery.

Given the number of human emperors, except for those who are particularly talented and have made great contributions, all other human emperors are placed in the mausoleum.

Li Qi did not ask where Zhu Fengdan got these things. He just studied hard.

Now, using what they learned, they successfully opened a hole under Wu Xian's mansion.

This hole does not exist in the real world, but exists in possibility.

There is a "possibility" of this hole under Wu Xian's cave.

Although it does not exist in reality, it is possible.

So, you can get in through this "possibility".

It sounds mysterious and mysterious, but the second-grade is so mysterious. For them, as long as there is a possibility, they can do it.

However, at this moment, this "hole" suddenly shook.

"You are responsible for this side." Zhu Fengdan is very experienced and immediately divided the work.

Li Qi immediately moved forward and resisted the sudden shaking.

Zhu Fengdan disappeared here soon. Li Qi wanted to resist the wavering, and he wanted to solve the cause of the wavering.

On Li Qi's side, he felt the heavy pressure falling from above the cave.

The magic technique in his hand was opened, and Li Qi, who was one level, kept transforming above him. His thoughts and strength were divided into infinity, resisting the pressure from above.

And just above him, a grass can be seen.

It is the root system of this grass that firmly blocks the entire bottom of the cave, including all possibilities.

Li Qi began to calculate, trying to find loopholes.

But when he started to calculate, he found that the grass was also calculating, because, Li Qi discovered that the root system was changing according to his calculation results.

It can be seen from the operation in the root system that the other party is cracking Li Qi's algorithm.

In other words, Li Qi was seen through by a piece of grass.

What kind of grass? so smart?

Li Qi was surprised and opened his mouth to really know the rhyme.

A heavenly eye opened on his forehead, and this eye scanned everything, as if to see through everything.

Oh, Li Qi saw it.


This is 筮草.

Wu Xian once used the 筮 to create the method of divination.

Is this grass in front of me the grass used by Wu Xian?

No wonder, maybe Li Qi really can't count against him.

The moment Li Qi opened his true knowledge, Li Qi's whole temperament changed.

True knowledge is essentially an eye of the demon.

Although the eye was now dug out and placed on Li Qi's forehead, Li Qi still carefully controlled it and would not open it at will.

Although Li Qi knew that theoretically, the demon could not see what this eye saw, and this eye actually had nothing to do with the demon, it was always good to be careful.

And now, it's the situation where it 'has to be opened'.

With true knowledge unfolding, Li Qi's information acquisition and processing abilities have improved dramatically.

He quickly followed Hao Cao's calculations.

Then, countless Li Qi appeared among the possibilities calculated by Xiaocao.

The infinite against the infinite.

Li Qi split himself up. Many Li Qi, who were contradictory and restricting each other, appeared in these discontinuous time and space, competing with Xiocao in terms of processing power.

The root system of the wormwood quickly retreated, and it did not confront Li Qi head-on.

It knew very well that its purpose was not to win against Li Qi, but to protect this place and prevent others from entering.

However, Li Qi also knew very well that his purpose was not to defeat Xiocao, but to hold on to the hole so that it would not disappear. If possible, it would be good to attract more attention.

As a result, Li Qi began to infiltrate the interior of the cave, and the true knowledge began to penetrate through the gaps in a tricky way, just like analyzing reality, he began to analyze the cave itself.

Unexpectedly, when Zhicao saw Li Qi doing this, he pulled away instead.

Li Qi took the opportunity to rush forward.

Then there was a bang, and Li Qi suddenly felt as if his brain had been hit with a hammer.

"Is this... the talisman carved by Wu Xian? It's a curse—!" A thought quickly flashed through Li Qi's mind, and then he lost consciousness.

The curse began to spread, and Li Qi's body and mind were covered.

The grass retracted its roots and began to protect the cave itself again.

"Idiot." It couldn't help but say.

Do you really think that he is the only one guarding the cave? He dared to directly touch what Wu Xian had carved. He really had never died before.

Where did such a stunned second-grade person come from? You can also practice to the second level at this level, is it just for fun?

"It's wrong to curse people." At this time, suddenly, a joking voice came from beside Zhicao.

This voice is not Li Qi.

Zhicao was immediately shocked!

Wait, this is Zhu Fengdan’s voice!

When was the replacement made?

"It has been changed a long time ago. After all, without Wu Xian's talisman, how can we get in." Zhu Fengdan said, and unknowingly, his and Li Qi's positions had been reversed.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain, let Zhicao take the initiative to withdraw from the guard, and then Li Qi uses the body of the law to take over the attack of Wu Xian's spell, which is equivalent to carving the key on himself.

Then, the responsibility of stopping others fell on Zhu Fengdan.

It's just a simple diversion of attention, but it's a little difficult to operate.

It's really not easy to change the positions of two people. They rehearsed for a long time, but it is obvious that the rehearsal is effective.

The moment the grass shrinks its roots, it means the door has been opened——

Of course, Li Qi was indeed cursed.

But that can't be helped.

You can't let yourself suffer it, right?

The apprentice should use it when it is time to use it, and don't be stingy, because it won't die anyway.

Even if he is about to die, it will be enough to find his master when the time comes, and Li Qi's master will be relieved. It is not a big deal.

It can even be said that if your master can't solve it, then go directly to Wu Xian and ask Wu Xian to help you solve it.

Some people may think that this is a slap in the face, but Zhu Fengdan has always been like this.

Just say you don't understand, can you really watch Li Qi die?

As for the rest?

Anyway, after you get the Desire Realm, it's still impossible to pay it back. It's impossible to pay it back in this life. It's up to you whether I can save it or not.


Word spread quickly.

Wu Xian's cave was stolen, and the reason was that Zhicao complained in person. It was said that he felt aggrieved and wrote directly on the top of Wushen Mountain.

The master-disciple thief duo was named and accused.

Li Qi was not present.

But Zhu Fengdan responded quickly. He personally went to the top of the mountain and confronted Shucao under the auspices of another witch god.

Zhu Fengdan had his hands tied at the time, and was questioned by the witch god in front of everyone:

"You stole the Wuxian Cave Mansion, didn't you?"

"No, it wasn't me." Zhu Fengdan answered firmly.

"It's you, and your apprentice. The gatekeeper, Shucao, recognized you."

"It should be that guy who looks like me."

"She said that the thief is called Zhu Fengdan."

"Then it should be that guy who looks like me and has the same name and surname as me."

"That person was wearing the same clothes as you that day."

"What a coincidence, there is actually someone who looks like me, has the same name and surname as me, and wears the same clothes."

"The fluctuations in cultivation and aura are the same."

"We have the same appearance, the same name and surname, the same clothes, the same hair color, and the same aura. There must be a powerful person behind this. I have been framed. I think you should investigate the devil."

"This is the evidence left by Shucao. This thing is your debris, right? The cause and effect points to you."

"I really want to meet that person. There is actually someone who looks like me, has the same surname, wears the same clothes, and practices the same skills and Taoism as me. Could it be a disguised demon?"

"Is it over yet?" Wu Shen laughed.

"I'll leave after it's over." Zhu Fengdan replied.

"You did it."

"No, it wasn't me."

The matter was eventually left unresolved. After all, what could they do with two second-grades? Beheaded? Not that bad.

Besides, the victim Wu Xian himself didn't say anything. It was said that he went to Lingdao and said that all the things here were handed over to the grass to deal with, and he had no objection.

And the result of the grass's handling could only be this.

Zhu Fengdan's reputation spread again, just like countless times in the past.

Obviously, this was not the first time he faced such a scene, and it was certainly not the first time he did such a thing. There was a reason why he was resisted by everyone.

But in the past, Li Qi's reputation was still very good. Everyone felt that Li Qi was a little wronged to follow Zhu Fengdan. It was not Li Qi's fault. This child was still very good and talented.

However, after today's incident, everyone felt that it was indeed a master and apprentice relationship. The apprentice would indeed inherit most of the master's appearance. After all, the master-apprentice relationship was obviously closer than that of father and son.

At the same time, far away on the other side of the universe, Lachi was suddenly asked to leave the wonder.

He was confused.

What happened? Why was he suddenly not allowed to visit the museum?

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