Myriad Paths

Chapter 1020 A Hard Life

The thin woman fell directly.

Li Qi was shocked!

What kind of start is this? Why not just let yourself be born in the toilet of a vocational school?

However, he could also feel that his mother did seem to be very weak from taking care of him.

There is already a way to generate kindness, and there is also a way to cultivate kindness.

Moreover, the surroundings were not hallucinations. He could conclude that this time and space was definitely in the real universe. It was a 'neutral zone' and was not constructed by magic.

Is it because the inner demon can't do it?

Maybe so.

Not to mention that, after Li Qi discovered that his mother fell down and fainted, he immediately started to save himself.

Even if you were really born in a vocational school toilet, you can't wait to die, right?

Besides, looking at my mother, she looks about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Hmm... It seems that her education level is not very high, and she gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and her husband died early.

Life is a bit hard.

No, she is her mother now, and it is she who is suffering now.

Li Qi's little face showed a very adult and helpless smile.

Weigh your little arms and legs.

Don't even think about standing up. It's hard for your muscles to even turn over. Now it's hard to roll.

Then there is only one thing that can be done.

That is - cry!

Li Qi's energy sank into his dantian, and he used his familiar breathing method to oscillate sound waves and regulate the frequency.

The property of sound waves is actually that the particle vibrates near the equilibrium position along the direction of propagation. In other words, the propagation of sound waves is essentially the transfer of energy in the medium.

The greater the amplitude, the greater the loudness, and the higher the frequency, the farther it travels. At the same time, sound waves also have a resonance effect.

In industrial society, most things are composed of specific materials with high purity, and specific materials have a certain natural frequency. When a certain energy is close to their natural frequency, these materials will more easily release energy. , the effect is the amplification of the vibration effect

At the resonant frequency and wavelength, a small periodic vibration can produce a large vibration because the material itself stores kinetic energy.

If it is a composite material, such as bone or soil, and the relative materials are mixed a lot, it will not be easy to resonate.

But correspondingly, if it is a high-purity material, such as steel frame, such as glass, it is easy to break due to resonance. Similarly, the water surface is also easy to produce strong ripples due to resonance, because the purity of water can easily become Very high.

Through specific breathing methods, Li Qi adjusted the frequency of his crying.

Soon, the floor shook.

Then, Li Qi continued to adjust the frequency.

After a while, there was a bang and the glass shattered.

Immediately afterwards, there was a knock on the door outside, and Li Qi restrained his sound waves and instead made a normal cry of a baby.

The baby's cry seemed to make the people outside even more anxious, and the knocking on the door disappeared.

But soon, the manager of this cheap apartment came and opened the door with the key.

What happened after that was a matter of course.

The young girl was rescued, but she was not sent to the hospital because she was shaken awake. Fortunately, it was nothing serious. She just fell asleep due to weakness and fatigue, but she slept a little deeply.

But after she woke up, she apologized very regretfully to everyone. After being scolded by the administrator, she was told to remember to fix the glass and then left.

As for how the glass broke, no one is investigating.

After everyone left, the young, eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl sat down tiredly.

Her name is Xingxue. She just graduated and chose to work part-time instead of continuing her education.

She calculated the price of repairing the window and couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, she was not sent to the hospital. If that were the case, things would have been difficult. She would definitely be in arrears with next month's rent.

And now, she had to quickly add some food to herself. She could no longer eat those cheap sprouts, otherwise there might really be problems.

After calculating her savings and calculating her current payday, she has three jobs, all part-time jobs. The salary from one of them is used to pay rent, the other is used to pay for living expenses, and the third is used to raise children.


Yes, kid.

The young girl looked at her child.

The cute little baby was lying on the bed, not distressed as usual, but looking at him with big watery eyes.

A few months ago, she was filled with joy when she saw this little life. Even though she was exhausted and confused when she gave birth to the child, she bled profusely and had to undergo two blood transfusions, but she was still filled with joy.

But now, she only felt pain.

Xingxue felt like she had no strength at all.

A few months ago, when she was discharged from the hospital and walked out with her son in her arms, she thought she would usher in a happy life. Although she left home, refused her father's warning and married her current husband, at that time, she thought she would have a happy life. Won't regret it.

But her husband fell off the scaffolding a month later, and the compensation was taken away by others. She wanted to ask for it, but was almost killed. She was so worried that she gave the child to her. My grandparents take care of me while I work hard to save some money.

Those people rushed into her home and threatened to burn her house down if she came back again. They also spray-painted her door. In the past month, every time she came home, she would see several children squatting at her door. Gangster.

So, during that time, she closed the door tightly every day and blocked it with boxes.

This happened every time she came home from work. In those few months, as soon as she returned home, she began to suffer from terrible claustrophobia. She always felt that the walls around her were locking her in, as if she was going to crush her and she couldn't breathe air.

She was extremely nervous and couldn't stay at home for long. Every time she was at home, she couldn't help running down the stairs, through the hall, and running to the street. At least there were no walls on the street. She couldn't stand staying at home.

She was almost going crazy and felt that the whole world was spinning.

Finally, she found a solution, which was to take the child back from the grandparents.

After taking the child back, her illness suddenly healed.

She was much calmer.

Although the child always cried and screamed at night, and threw toys and milk bottles everywhere every time, the whole apartment was full of the dirty smell of the child's milk regurgitation, no matter how Xingxue washed it, it couldn't be cleaned.

But she was able to calm down miraculously.

The power wiring in the apartment where she lived was too old, so the air conditioner was sometimes good and sometimes bad, so the heat and humidity in the house could never be removed.

The first thing she did when she opened the door every day was to pick up the child. She hugged him tightly and kissed him, completely ignoring the smell of milk on the child. At this time, the child kept crying and flapping his arms. Although she felt guilty, she couldn't put him down. She had to do this to persevere.

But other problems also followed.

She had to make money and go out to work, otherwise she couldn't support the child. So she chose to send the child to the grandparents during the day and pick him up at night.

This arrangement made the grandparents extremely dissatisfied. They hoped that the child would stay here instead of being picked up and dropped off constantly, which was not good for the child.

Xingxue herself knew that it was not good to always run around, but she actually knew that the grandparents wanted the child, but not her.

They even blamed Xingxue, the woman, for their son's death. They loved their grandson very much, but they didn't want Xingxue to live here.

Xingxue suspected that if she really didn't come to pick up the child for a few months, they would never let her see the child.

She could never accept this.

So she quit her job and switched to odd jobs so that she could take the child completely.


After a few months, the pressure of three odd jobs and taking care of the child had made her miserable and weak.

Now she had a terrible idea -

She really hoped the child would die.

An idea came to Xingxue's mind, pick up the child, let him sleep on the table near the window, and then leave... She hoped that he would suddenly fall from the window to the downstairs and die.

She would not do this, but just this impulse came out of her heart, and the guilt surged, as if to send her to the guillotine.

Li Qi looked at the stunned mother, and two strings of tears slowly flowed from her eyes.


Will I be strangled to death?

However, it can also be seen that his mother is under a lot of pressure.

So, Li Qi suddenly laughed.

He propped himself up and crawled up. He had already controlled his body to crawl before he learned to turn over.

In his mother's surprised eyes, he crawled over, then stretched out his chubby little hand, touched her nose, and then shouted: "Mom——"

The voice was very childish.

Xingxue's resentment was miraculously dissipated temporarily in this voice.

She held the child's little hand, tears flowed, she really couldn't tell what kind of tears these were, joy? Pain, or something else?

But she would definitely not put the child on the table near the window, nor would she give him to his grandparents.

Soon, when he was one year old, according to the customs of this world, it was time to give Li Qi a name.

Many relatives were invited to the naming, including grandparents, and even Li Qi's grandmother, but grandpa didn't come.

Grandpa, Xingxue's father, still felt resentful about Xingxue running away from home, so he was unwilling to see him.

After the grandparents came, they had a big fight with Xingxue. They wanted to take Li Qi away, but Xingxue refused to agree, and finally they parted unhappily.

But even so, Xingxue's mother came over.

She came secretly without Xingxue's father's knowledge, and she walked to Xingxue who had just finished a quarrel.

"You are so young, and so miserable." The mother said, stuffing two bills into her.

"Keep these for yourself, buy some new clothes, and style your hair. Look, you take care of him so well, but you make yourself like this."

She folded the money and put it in her wrinkled handbag, holding Li Qi in her other hand.

Li Qi was clean and fragrant, but Xingxue herself looked extremely haggard.

What was the old man thinking?

What would happen to Xingxue in the future?

But no one knew that. Xingxue's life was in tatters, and the old man could only give her some money to buy some new clothes and style her hair. She could do nothing else.

As for naming, it went very smoothly, but there was still a small episode.

Originally, Li Qi's new name was Xia Xiri, and Li Qi had no complaints about it, but he felt that keeping the name 'Li Qi' would help maintain his own cognition in the reincarnation calamity.

After all, this is not necessarily just one round, and being called Li Qi all the time can help Li Qi stabilize his self-awareness, even though Li Qi's self-ideology is a bit weird.

So, Li Qi, who was only one year old, spoke and said that he wanted to be called Xia Li Qi.

This shocked everyone.

Who would have thought that a one-year-old child could express his purpose so clearly and even give himself a name?

There was a lot of chaos.

But in the end, with Li Qi's insistence, his name was really called: Xia Li Qi.

The ceremony ended.

Li Qi was held in Xingxue's arms, teasing him, telling him about his amazing performance today, although he was tired, but happy.

However, Li Qi said, "Mom, don't worry. When I grow up, I will definitely protect you!"

Li Qi's words still carried the babyish voice that could not be removed from his vocal cords, but the logic was smooth and the sentences were firm, which made Xingxue at a loss for a moment.

Li Qi was still wearing diapers.

There was no way around it. Li Qi was indeed at an age where he couldn't hold his urine. His instincts were still greater than his consciousness. After everything became a mortal, there were actually very few things that his willpower could do, especially when he was still a little kid.

But talking was enough.


At the age of one, Li Qi's body had begun to develop. He had begun to learn to walk and use tableware, and basically had the basic ability to move.


After one year old, Li Qi's breathing method had already begun to operate for a long time.

Innate Qi, or according to some sayings, is called 'residual stem cell differentiation ability after birth'. Babies have strong vitality and all parts of the body can continue to develop because newborn stem cells are stored. This is also the reason why umbilical cord blood is stored. Maybe it will play a role in the future.

Now, the remaining innate Qi in his body has been called out. When he turns over to exercise every day, he consciously activates his muscles and bones and develops his bones.

At the age of two, Li Qi was already stronger than his peers even though he didn't eat well.

At the age of three, Li Qi was able to run and jump, but his internal organs were still too immature to withstand strengthening and needed to grow a little more.

When he was five years old, Li Qi easily relied on his own 15 yuan pocket money in this civilized financial system on the Internet, starting with his mother's account, and made the money multiply 20,000 times.

More is not okay, more will involve the dealer's affairs, and then calculation and intelligence will not work.

When Li Qi took out a few thousand yuan to give to his mother——

The tired Xingxue realized something.

The child she gave birth to... doesn't seem to be an ordinary person.

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