Myriad Paths

Chapter 1024 Who are the audience?

Li Qi threw away all his power, and then regained the cultivation system of the witches. Almost in an instant, he broke through from the ninth rank to the seventh rank.

After all, he was once a second-rank witch. When the thinking organ merged into the world itself, Li Qi's cultivation structure would also rapidly approach his former self.

However, it takes some time.

Li Qi's inner world was too complicated, and it contained countless Tao rhymes and truths, and could even interpret all theorems of different observable universes.

What's more, Li Qi's own composition is incredibly complex, and the movement in it is difficult to simulate.

Therefore, even if Li Qi expands his cultivation violently at a fast speed without bottlenecks, just like vacuum decay, and releases huge energy to the surroundings with a rumble, it will still take many billions of years to find a visible impact compared to the universe itself.

But those don't matter anymore.

Because Li Qi has completely broken away from the so-called "audience's" eyes.

He discovered a long time ago that there seems to be a "behind-the-scenes audience" in the world.

His every move is being "voted" by the audience.

When he makes a choice that "goes against the audience", the audience will tell Li Qi the price of doing so.

As for those emotions, they are brewed by the world itself and are the "trend" that Li Qi needs to follow.

However, Li Qi saw a flaw in it.

The "audience" actually has no choice, and there is no state that you must do something to satisfy the audience.

The audience is just a manifestation of a certain "intuition".

What they are pursuing is not Li Qi's obedience, so it is meaningless to obey or reject that kind of "emotion".

This is the trap of the inner demon.

The inner demon made Li Qi aware of the existence of that kind of "emotion". If Li Qi chooses to obey or chooses to refuse, it will inevitably lead to a bad ending.

Emotion is the result of letting it go.

Therefore, if you follow the trap of the inner demon and regard emotions as the object of confrontation, you will go wrong.

Because... these are all scripts compiled by the inner demon.

The audience that was attracted before was attracted by the inner demon. The inner demon made up this world, wrote the script, and let Li Qi play the role. In this way, the audience came to see the inner demon.

No matter whether Li Qi resisted or obeyed, the audience was the audience of the inner demon.

Li Qi had gone completely wrong before. He regarded the audience as the enemy, regarded emotions as objects that needed to be examined, and distinguished his own situation according to good or bad endings.

The inner demon wanted to see this.

Because, this game is not a reincarnation disaster at all!

Li Qi's momentum quickly broke through this world, and even left the surface.

The first thing he did after breaking through the seventh rank was to rush into the universe.

As for all the family affection and friendship created in this world before, they were abandoned by Li Qi at this moment. Li Qi cut off the previous "script" table.

From now on, the audience will stand on Li Qi's side.

There is no other reason, because Li Qi has already screened the audience, and the audience who don't want to watch have left, and the rest want to watch Li Qi's story, not the story compiled by the inner demon.

Li Qi can never satisfy the audience, because the audience does not want to see Li Qi's obedience or refusal.

Li Qi's happiness or misfortune, love or hatred, safety or danger, and the final outcome of all this -

It has nothing to do with the audience. These are not the results of the audience, but the behavior of others, and the script written by the inner demon.

And what Li Qi did was to throw away the script of the inner demon.

He will write the next script.

He is going to make a remake.

The next ending, the ending, is that Li Qi himself created his own destiny. Destiny is completely caused by ourselves. It is not an external event at all, but it is caused by ourselves.

As for what to do with the inner demon?

Li Qi doesn't care about him.

The battle has begun. Where to stop and who will die are not up to people.

Li Qi did not hesitate to control the situation on the battlefield according to his own understanding.

First cut off the previous cause and effect.

Let the world restart.

Throw away everything except Li Qi.

Then, restart.

Li Qi began to shape a new story that he liked and created in the new map.

This story is about a young man who started from scratch to find his own way.

There are not so many twists and turns, not so many people appearing in front of him, and not so many enemies.

There is only a story that is told slowly, as if it is a peaceful story of traveling. Go to a place, encounter new things, see new things, and make new friends.

Then, after watching it, leave again, and then come to a new place.

There is neither a passionate battle nor a life-and-death enemy, nor any desperate belief and nemesis that must be fought.


After the initial boiling malice, the audience soon calmed down.

They were screened.

Li Qi performed his favorite play, attracting a group of audiences who like him, and the inner demon can only watch.

He is still writing scripts, trying to find trouble for Li Qi, but the audience is increasingly disgusted with the inner demon's scripts. They don't want to watch the scripts compiled by the inner demon to lure Li Qi to kill.

The audience who likes those has disappeared.

Soon, Li Qi could feel that the inner demon was getting weaker and weaker, and his ability to write scripts was getting weaker and weaker.

Li Qi and the inner demon were like two hidden script editors, sabotaging each other.

This fight lasted for about seven thousand years.

The inner demon's advantage over Li Qi was that he was hiding in the dark.

But Li Qi's advantage was also this, Li Qi was in the light.

Li Qi in the light was the first thing the audience saw, so naturally he was more likely to be favored.

There were advantages to hiding behind, but the disadvantages were also obvious.

The situation gradually tilted.

In the end, the inner demon lost the bet.

The inner demon withered and lost completely in this theater.

When Li Qi completed his last adventure, the world collapsed.

Li Qi won.

But he was not happy.

Because, there is still a question that has no answer.

That is... who is the audience?

To complete this scene of drama, the audience is indispensable, and there must be a higher-level "audience" to do all this, and this audience has not yet appeared.

Who is the audience?

Who can observe Li Qi's existence? Who can decide the life and death of the inner demon and Li Qi?

Li Qi didn't know.

But he wrote down everything he experienced at this moment.

When everything collapsed, Li Qi regained the power and mind of the second rank, and nothing affected him.

Outside, many second rank were waiting for Li Qi.

Several great bodhisattvas, as well as the devil prince, Zhu Fengdan and others.

They all looked at Li Qi.

"Win." Li Qi chuckled and said so.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, from now on, the second rank of the magic path will no longer have the possibility of fighting with Li Qi's second rank.

When the first rank of the magic path is too lazy to take action, there will be no room for ordinary magic paths to survive in the real universe.

The magic paths will hide in the spiritual world. After losing this battle, they will completely lose the right to speak in the real universe.

Amid the laughter of the people around him, Li Qi stretched out his hand and said, "In all the heavens and the worlds, anyone who encounters a demon should chant my name."

"Those who chant my name will not be disturbed by demons!"

"Those who chant my name will not be disturbed by demons!"

"Those who chant my name will not be disturbed by demons!"

The echo began to reverberate in the universe.

All living beings will soon encounter a series of "coincidences". The content of the oath made by "Li Qi" will appear silently in all civilizations in the universe.

They will know about this because of various things, such as discovering scriptures, dreaming, or because of missionary work in other places, but no matter what, just like the ripples of a stone hitting the water, Li Qi's words will eventually reverberate throughout the universe.

Just like what Amitabha Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva did.

With the examples of Amitabha Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva, Li Qi is just following suit.

From today on, the failure of the second-grade demons has been engraved in history. Anyone who wants to modify this history will have to beat Li Qi in person.

This universe, all practitioners, have lost a huge obstacle.

The "demon obstacle" disappeared.

Several great bodhisattvas chanted the Buddha's name.

What the Buddha did not complete when he was alive, I didn't expect to complete it at this time.

Although it was because the four demons themselves were too lazy to intervene, after all, the four demons really didn't care about the lives of the demons below. In the Dharma-ending Age when the Buddha entered Nirvana, they achieved the initial stage of demon extermination.

It's really... touching.

Of course, they also know that there are actually many coincidences involved.

For example, the actions of the Demon Prince and the Golden Monkey, in the era of the Buddha, did not have the help of these two fierce men, and Li Qi was actually very powerful. The fact that this war can be fought until now is also related to the fact that other forces did not intervene, and the war between humans and witches has exhausted the universe, and the war situation has not expanded.

Including the role of the Shinto, whether the Dao Sect intervened or not, the retreat strategy of the human way and the secret support of the witches for Li Qi, all are part of the victory.

All these factors together have led to today's victory.

But no matter what, finding ten thousand reasons when reviewing the game is a matter of hindsight.

The most important thing is... winning.

If you win, then you can say anything, it doesn't matter.

It's too easy to find reasons for victory, but it's difficult to find a way to win.

As for the counterattack of the Demonic Path, let's talk about it later.

"The traces of the Demonic Path in the real universe have been eliminated. Let Qidian and your remaining sects build the current universe well. We must occupy the vacancy left by the Demonic Path." Li Qi said to everyone: "As for other things, let's consider it later."

Then, he suddenly slapped his head: "Oh, there is one more thing. Since you are all here, I will ask here."

Li Qi said, and unfolded the Daoyin.

He told the other second-grade in front of him the situation when he was fighting against the inner demon in full.

Including what he and Xingxue encountered, such as those emotions, and the existence of the "audience".

"To be honest, although I won, I still don't know how the inner demon died, and what the audience is. Does anyone know?"

Li Qi asked one by one.

However, even the well-informed Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Golden Monkey shook their heads, saying that they had never seen such a situation.

Because, according to Li Qi's description, the 'audience' is not an existence with independent consciousness, because the audience can be screened and extracted, and it looks more like a manifestation of some unconscious collective.

But this manifestation can even determine the birth and death of Li Qi and even the inner demon.

The 'audience' is even stronger than the second-grade, but has no self-awareness.

Is there a first-grade that is a manifestation of the 'unconscious collective'?

Yes, such as Taiyi.

But although Taiyi is a collective, he actually has a self-awareness of 'Taiyi', so it doesn't quite fit.

Is there an existence similar to the audience among the first-grade?

Several second-grades discussed with each other and pondered, but in the end they could not get any results.

Finally, Yang Zhenqian spread his hands: "Discussing here will not produce any results. It is better for everyone to find clues on their own. Discussing here may not find the truth."

This was agreed by everyone.

Li Qi could only nod: "Yes, it is indeed difficult to find such a thing, so this is the only way."

"Okay, relax, if someone attacks, just beat him out!" The golden monkey seemed to be carefree and didn't care about these things at all.

If there is a malicious attack, just beat him out, why worry before that?

Perhaps it was the golden monkey's optimism that made everyone feel relieved. In the end, everyone agreed on some things and left.

The matter of dealing with the demon path was settled, so everyone should do their own things. Everyone was very busy.

In the end, only Li Qi and the demon prince were left.

For others, it was over.

But for Li Qi and the demon prince, it was just the beginning.

"The matter of the second level of the demon path is over." Li Qi said.

"And the desire realm and the colorless realm have been obtained." The demon prince said.

"Then, you will continue to study the Great Tripitaka, and I will target the spiritual path and the demon path." Li Qi said so.

After all, for their two goals, keeping all living beings from being disturbed by demons is only the first step.

They are targeting the Heavenly Demon.

The Demon Prince was also ready to leave, but before he left, he seemed to suddenly think of something and said to Li Qi: "You said... Is it possible that the audience is 'Xiantian'?"

But before Li Qi could answer, he had already left.

Only Li Qi was left pondering behind.


Is the audience Xiantian?

Does it make sense?

Wait, it seems that there is a point.

Because, as we all know, Xiantian is not the real 'Xiantian'.

The current Xiantian is just a manifestation of personality, not the real 'first-class concept'.

And the inner demon wants to take over Xiantian's body.


Li Qi fell into deep thought.

Chapter 1022 was banned, wait for me to appeal, if I can't wait, there is nothing I can do, qtnnd starting point

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