Myriad Paths

Chapter 1026 Promise

Will things definitely get better if you stay alive?

I’m afraid even mortals know that things may not get better if you stay alive.

So… to put it another way, will things get better if you stay alive?

Most mortals would agree with this, right?

After all, for them, the possibilities are endless. As long as they live long enough, they may get the future they hope for.

However, all this does not apply to the second-class.

Who said that if you stay alive, things ‘may get better’?


It is entirely possible to keep you alive while blocking you from going to a certain possible future, just like building a wall in front of you.

For the second-class, possibilities and time and space are all ‘flattened’ in front of them. They can look at the map and then travel through it at will, and nothing special will happen.

And if you build a wall to prevent them from going to that possibility, it is like locking a person in a cage. You seem to be alive, but you can never go outside the cage.

Mortals may think that the second-grade in the cage still has freedom, but that is only because the cage is too big for them.

Just like those mortals living on the planet.

They can't even step out of the surface of the earth. The universe and the speed of light imprison them. They will never be able to go to any place one light year away in person.

But they still feel that they are free and still feel that they can go wherever they want.

It's just because the surface of the earth is wide enough for them and they won't feel unfree.

For Yang Zhenqian, the possibility of just surviving is too narrow.

Li Qi's words can't convince him.

He looked at Li Qi, waiting for Li Qi's next words.

Because of the atmosphere between the two of them, the surroundings became dull.

It had just rained, and the air should be fresh and refreshing, but everyone found that the raindrops seemed to become sticky.

The air was so stuffy, but there was no wind or coolness from the outside world. The huge gloomy sky was like a box filled with stiff clouds and dead birds.

Yes, those birds also chose to land on the trees and stopped flying. All life felt depressed. The fresh and fragrant air seemed to have never drifted into this lifeless and dull city.

So, Li Qi continued.

"The possibility of the future will eventually be created by higher life. If the road is blocked, just open it."

"So, am I not opening the road? It's you who are persuading me to stay in the cage and wait for the destined ending. Why?" Yang Zhenqian was looking forward to Li Qi's answer.

Although he had said so, he did not mean to blame Li Qi. His Dao heart became like this now, which had nothing to do with Li Qi, so he would not vent his anger on Li Qi.

Li Qi was silent for a while.

Then, he looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the rain was still falling, but the joy of the people around had disappeared. The mortals did not quite understand why this rain seemed so strange and sticky.

Then, Li Qi looked up and said to Yang Zhenqian: "I can achieve the first rank. When the time comes, I will go up. The success rate will increase a lot. Just wait until then."

With just one sentence, the dullness around was swept away in an instant.

In an instant, the surrounding mountains and forests became fresh.

The wind blew in the woods, and the wind blew over with a moist, bright, and sweet fragrance. The forest on the slope and the stream flowing through the slope and the orchard all exuded a deep and cool breath.

The stuffy breath that everyone felt turned into a normal blue sky after the rain in an instant.

The surroundings were jubilant again.

In the jubilation, Yang Zhenqian widened his eyes: "In that case, you can't use the Sun and Moon Walk."

Yes, according to Li Qi's statement, Li Qi could not touch Yang Zhenqian's Sun and Moon Walk. He had to rely on himself to break through the first rank.

Even Yang Zhenqian himself knew that Li Qi could actually use the Sun and Moon Path.

This time, Yang Zhenqian brought Li Qi with him, thinking in his heart that he would try it. If he failed... he could use this excuse to let Li Qi get the next chance of the Sun and Moon Path.

In this way, Yang Zhenqian would make up for his regrets, and Li Qi would also get a first-class opportunity. I think Wushen Mountain would not even agree to this.

After all, if Li Qi succeeded, he would be the Wushen of Wudao.

Of course, if he failed, that would be another matter, but since all these things were considered, they must be considered from the direction of success. If he failed... then everything would be over, and there would be nothing to say.

Anyway, Yang Zhenqian thought that his Tao heart was already defective. When the idea of ​​"making up for regrets" came up, it was already difficult for him to succeed. It would be better to set an example for his son-in-law and sew a wedding dress for him.

In this way, before he lost consciousness, he might be able to see what the Sun and Moon Path looked like after he became a Taoist.

However, what he didn't expect was that Li Qi's answer was even more terrifying.

Li Qi was actually going to give up Sun and Moon Path!

Where else in the world are there so many first-class opportunities?

Xiantian is one.

Sun and Moon Path is also one.

There are only two first-class opportunities that are publicly available now, right?

Li Qi doesn't want it, so when will he be able to achieve the first rank?

"Can you do it?" Yang Zhenqian looked at Li Qi with a flickering look.

"Yes." Li Qi nodded.

"This answer is not like you." Yang Zhenqian looked at Li Qi.

Yes, this answer has nothing to do with Li Qi.

Li Qi is a person who thinks twice before acting, always considering a lot. He takes one step and looks a hundred steps ahead, and never takes risks. If he can't see the road in front of him clearly, he will stop and look carefully to ensure his safety, and then move forward.

And now, the road to the first rank is absolutely dark.

Yang Zhenqian is also a second rank, and he knows very well how far he is from the first rank.

After so many years of witchcraft, there are only four witch gods, and so many second rank gods have failed by relying on the sun and moon.

The recent inner demon, relying on the breakthrough of the fairy sky, also failed.

How difficult is it to practice to the second rank, how many things do you have to go through?

But in the end, they still fell at this step.

Li Qi should also know this.

So where does his confidence come from? Li Qi has never been a man without plans or faith, and he shouldn't have made such a promise.

In Yang Zhenqian's surprised eyes, Li Qi said: "Father-in-law, the Demon Prince and I have spent a lot of effort to collect the Desire Realm and the Formless Realm. Could it be that we are only planning to deal with the inner demon?"

"Do you really want to target the first-grade demon? No wonder you do these things. After I fail, you will also be in trouble, right?" Yang Zhenqian smiled.

This is of course a joke, but it is not all a joke.

Yang Zhenqian's life is definitely an important help to Li Qi's plan. The help brought by a second-grade who absolutely supports Li Qi is huge.

Let alone Li Qi, even a big force like Wushen Mountain does not have too many second-grades, only a few dozen of this level, and no more can be taken out.

If Yang Zhenqian really died, the impact would definitely be huge. It is very likely that the situation created by Li Qi now will be destroyed again, and the reality that has been "stabilized" will also be revised.

This is also a status quo of the struggle of the second-grade.

Many times, an event is not determined by one second-rank official, but a "consensus" witnessed and maintained by many second-rank officials.

For example, the destruction of the Dream City was witnessed by the second-rank officials that Li Qi had won over. As long as these second-rank officials still maintain this fact, it will not be easy for others to change that history. At least they will have to fight with Li Qi and others.

The death of Yang Zhenqian is likely to bring about such a change, so Li Qi's attempt to retain Yang Zhenqian must have this purpose.

However, even if it is not so utilitarian, Li Qi still does not want Yang Zhenqian to die.

"There is a reason for this, but if my father-in-law really has a chance of winning, I will not force you to stay. But, why bother? You don't have a chance. My queen, Yang Ning and Yu'er all need my father-in-law to support you."

"I just think you can hold it up." Yang Zhenqian replied.

"So, I said... Please be patient, father-in-law, and wait for me to reach the first level. When the winning rate increases greatly, then try again, isn't it good?" Li Qi bowed his head.

"Then I'll ask you again, can you do it?" Yang Zhenqian said.


Yang Zhenqian said nothing.

Li Qi then added: "Even if it can't, then father-in-law will try again, and no one will stop you, so why not wait? Right."

As these words came out, Yang Zhenqian's brows relaxed.

This is what Li Qi would say.

"Look, if you said this earlier, I wouldn't have so many doubts. Well, I promise you, let's put this matter aside for now, and let the sun and moon stay in the hands of the sky for a while." Yang Zhenqian replied, and then took the lead and disappeared on the spot.

Li Qi also left here.

The two people who suddenly disappeared made the people around them look confused, and even caused some commotion, but in the end they were still treated as urban legends.

Maybe it will still be passed down in the future.

However, for the two who left, things are not so simple.

In fact, both of them know one thing.

When Li Qi failed to break through the first level and died, Yang Zhenqian still couldn't try.

Because at that time, he really had to be the only one to support the main beam. After Li Qi died, who else would take care of Shen Shuibi and Yang Ning? In addition to his old father, who could bear the backlash of the devil at that time?

In the final analysis, there are only two choices.

Who will carry the banner? Who will fight hard this time?

Yang Zhenqian felt that he had to try it himself. Although he himself felt that he could not succeed, it could be regarded as a fulfillment of his long-cherished wish and pain, and after his death, Li Qi could also bear the remaining responsibilities.

But Li Qi's answer was...

Let Li Qi go for this first level, let them switch roles, Li Qi go this time.

And the argument to persuade Yang Zhenqian was also very simple, that is, Li Qi felt that he could do it.

Can it work?

Who knows.

But Li Qi said he could do it.

Yang Zhenqian believed it.

That was enough.

The only thing that was a little surprising was Li Qi's attitude.

Li Qi, who had always been calm, conservative, and even a little "cowardly", could actually say that he could do it without any certainty.

Maybe he could really do it?

In short, Yang Zhenqian finally went back.

Li Qi also returned to Xuanjing Mountain, but after returning home, he found that Shen Shuibi was gone, and there was only a note.

The note said that she and Yang Ning went out, and Li Tiande was also taken by her to play.

I don’t know why, but Li Qi actually felt that his breathing was a little easier.


It’s a rare time, let’s go fishing.

Go to the East China Sea!

On the other side, on Luofu Mountain, which has returned.

Yang Zhenqian also saw a wisp of divine thoughts left behind.

Luofu Niangniang also went out, saying that she was going to see Yang Ning.

...Good thing, just go to Penglai, drink tea, and refine fire. It’s been a long time since I was cleansed by the true fire of Penglai, so I went to rub it.


As the center of the incident, Yang Ning is now staying with her mother and sisters.

They did go out to play, and the place they came to was still a very famous place in the heavens. This is one of the Taoist heavens, "Five Directions and Six Kingdoms, Eight Directions and Giant Seas".

The place where we are now is the country of Mingheluoti. The terrain is round, the soil is as fresh as green fat, there are no mountains, and the width is 900,000 miles. The people in this country are two feet long. They perform rituals and chant the high and upper qi, and sing the sound of transformation, which can give them a lifespan of 400 years.

Outside the six countries is the vast ocean. There are ten states on the sea, which are sparsely populated. It is the place where immortals rest and can grow immortal grass. There are also various fairyland and caves, which are endless.

Luofu Niangniang, Shen Shuibi, and Yang Ning are here to have fun, watch the scenery in all directions, and experience all kinds of wonders, just to relax.

Li Tiande is like a child only when he is with his mother. Unlike Li Shiwei who liked to play with Yang Ning when he was a child, he is very afraid of his aunt who is familiar with him.

His aunt is too enthusiastic and lively. She will force him to go out and experience some very exciting things without saying anything, such as one of the tourist projects here, quickly crossing the Yuanjing Qingdun.

This project will go straight down to the Great Wind Marsh, 520 billion miles away from the ground. If there is no protection, the Qingfeng Chaos Qi in it can blow out the soul of the fourth rank. However, now a corridor has been built. Not only is it safe to cross it, but you can also face the Yuanjing Qingdun directly. Maybe you can get an epiphany in it, or at least experience the power of this wonder of heaven and earth.

Many people have realized some tricks and magic here. You can see these people demonstrating their tricks here, and tourists have become part of the landscape.

Li Tiande is in pain and is holding his mother tightly.

And Luofu Niangniang smiled beside her. Yang Ning went to play the second round again. She said to Shen Shuibi: "So, you have let it go?"

"Yes, what is there to be upset about?" Shen Shuibi smiled.

She just supports Li Qi's affairs.

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