Myriad Paths

Chapter 1052 Acknowledge all living beings

"You have to eat both me and the devil." Amitabha said.

When these words were spoken, Li Qi was dumbfounded.

What to eat?

No, sir, Li Qi only wanted to dig out a piece of flesh from the demon, but Amitabha wanted Li Qi to eat the demon and himself.

Does he really want Li Qideng to come to the first rank?

"My God, you are... forcing yourself to do something difficult. I can't do it."

"If you can't do it, you have no choice but to die. Now you have no choice." Amitabha said.

"No..." Li Qi wanted to say something, but in the end he gave up.

He could only sigh, and then asked Amitabha: "So, why? Do you think that if you don't die, sentient beings will not be able to become Buddhas? Do you have the same view as the World-Honored Tathagata?"

"Yes, it's not that I think so, but that's how it is. The key here is not that all living beings are stupid, but because, whether they are demons or Buddhas, they are pursuing 'heart'." Amitabha said.

Li Qi had nothing to argue with.

Buddha and demon are consistent in a certain sense.

They all believe that the world can essentially be interpreted from the heart, and the difference is just how you perceive the world.

The devil believes that only his own heart is true, and other people's hearts are false.

Buddhism recognizes the existence of other "hearts" and believes that everyone's hearts can interpret the world. It is the communication between hearts that constitutes the material world.

This is the so-called theory of ‘causality and dependent origination’.

Everyone's heart is a point of cause. Due to the movement of time, this point naturally becomes a "line". These lines intersect with each other, and these intersections manifest into everything in this world.

This intersection can be called "fate".

The fundamental view of Buddhism is "emptiness of dependent origination", which means that everything in this world is born due to causes and conditions. There is a predestined relationship, so everything you see, hear, and feel has rules that can be observed, summarized, and thought about. This kind of rules is called "Dharma" by the Blessed One.

When we talk about Buddhism and Buddhism, we are actually talking about this ‘Dharma’.

From the perspective of Buddhism, the rules themselves can only be "Dharma" and cannot reach the level of "Tao". The real "Tao" is actually the "hearts" of countless people. These hearts form the network of cause and effect itself, and then 'Origin' has developed into the whole world.

The world is determined by the "hearts" of all living beings. It is the hearts of all living beings that combine to shape all objective existence.

Although this view is fundamentally the same as that of magic, the specific applications are quite different.

Although the material world itself is interpreted by the heart, there is more than one mind in the world, and there are also sentient beings in the world.

But now, Amitabha has realized that the compassion of "self-care" will eventually affect the hearts of all living beings.

Perhaps Buddha should never have existed in the first place.

There should be no such thing as Buddha in the hearts of sentient beings.

"So, Li Qi, you never think that the heart is real, and you don't recognize the existence of Buddha, right?" Amitabha said: "In that case, then this is your chance."

He clasped his hands together and said, "Eat my pure land of bliss to offset the influence of the devil and reject the devil's way."

"In this case, I will veto it together with Buddha, and I may not succeed, but you will definitely die." Li Qi's tone was a little solemn.

"Isn't it bad to overrule the Buddha? When all sentient beings become enlightened, they will all be Buddhas. There is no need to have a Buddha." Amitabha stated his purpose.

It is best to reject the idea of ​​losing the Buddha.

Amitabha thought this was best.

Therefore, he dismissed the Pure Land of Paradise, rejected the greatest achievement of the supernatural power lineage, and even hoped to let Li Qi completely reject the dispute between Buddha and Demon by eating him and the demon.

All sentient beings can cross by themselves, no need for Buddha to cross over.

Whether there is a Buddha or not is actually not important.

Whether you are enlightened or not is the great cause of awakening the world.

Li Qi looked at Amitabha in front of him and seemed to be able to feel the other person's thoughts.

Time is running out, and the last power of Amitabha is about to pass away.

Li Qi let out a long sigh.

Who could have imagined that things would develop to this point?

But now that things have come to this, we can only risk our lives.

"I don't guarantee success. Although this is a first-class opportunity, the success rate is too low. I feel that the success rate is not even one in ten thousand." Li Qi said: "But... Even so, I can only I can give it a try, but I just want to ask, is the one in ten thousand chance worth risking your life for?"

"The lineage of supernatural powers is wrong. Avalokitesvara, me, Ksitigarbha, and so on. Practitioners who hope to save sentient beings by relying on supernatural powers are all wrong. Since they are wrong, they must change."

After Amitabha said these words, he closed his eyes, and the last trace of his power dissipated, turning into the power to counteract the demon.

Li Qi watched with his own eyes a first-grade man who gave up his power and passed away.

Although it is always said that Taoists only hope to see their Tao proven, even if it is falsified, it doesn't matter, at least they can reach the end of the road.

Taking the wrong path is also an answer. In the ancient times when the nine-grade classification system had not yet appeared, countless people took the wrong path, but taking a wrong path set a sign for the correct path.

That being said... Li Qi was deeply shocked by the sight of a first-grade person proving that one path was wrong and then passing away.

The first-rank master went the wrong way, so he died contentedly.

He is the first-rank master.

However, at this time, he was just like an ordinary Daoist.

Then, how many people in the whole space and time are like this?

How many Daoists did Li Qi see?

Even if it is the memory of the second-rank master, it feels a bit huge when he starts to recall it at this moment.

Jing Yan, who went the wrong way without knowing it.

The monk Chan Zhi, who thinks that the Buddha and Demon lineage is the right path and despises other Daoism.

Li Lieqi, who firmly believes in the human way.

Zhu Fengdan, who hesitates between the fate of the gods and the witch way.

Wang Dun, who thinks that the great way does not exist, supports the way of reason.

The oil world meets "No. 1", although he does not know what the "Tao" is, he wants to protect his own world.

Yang Zhenqian, who gave up the pursuit of the Tao for family affection.

The two brothers Liu Canzhi and Liu Junyi.

The Imperial Academy Cheng who targeted Li Qi for the school.

The Holy Emperor of the Holy Flame Realm used his last martial arts divine will to draw his sword against the Green Mountain God, and his last sigh was: "I have long lost my blood and courage, and what is left is just some 'can't let go'."

There is also Gaga, and the Green Mountain God who tried to rule the Holy Flame Realm.

The self-righteous Lingxiao Flower God, and the seemingly vicious but very measured Tie Haitang.

The clam people under the rule of the dragon.

Cooking the sea pot.

The geniuses such as the Demon Prince and the Little Heavenly Master, and even Li Qi's demonic clone.

The down-to-earth mountain god Niuhuang, and his son-in-law Shitou.

Qiu Zhi who died in the war between humans and witches.

The no-returners who chose to fight against humanity.

Old Ma who died of old age because of slacking off in practice.

The eldest lady Ling Xiao who painted Li Qi's portrait.

Chang You who walked alone in the fairyland and opened the gate of heaven.

Mitaki whose mother planet was invaded.

The upside-down villains under the water in the demon Wanchi Realm.

Xiao Chan, Bai Di, Zhang You of Baiyue, and Zhang You's grandfather, Zhang Lan of Zhengjian Palace, died for their righteousness and did not break through the seventh rank.

The god, Jian, who was killed by his own believers.


The bird with a broken heart.

Liu Zheng who refused to accept his previous life.

He still doesn't know whether he is Sun Wukong, Liu Er Mihou, or just a golden monkey with a monkey hair.

So many, so many.

How many people are there?

How many are there in the nine lands of the world? How many different civilizations are there, how many different possibilities are there?

The universe is like the night, and all living beings are like stars. The starry sky is extremely clear and deep. The galaxy across the sky and the endless twinkling stars constitute the magnificent picture we see.

Occasionally, a meteor will pass by, leaving a moment of brilliance on the sky.

Amitabha is such a meteor now.

Then, Li Qi took a deep breath and growled in a suppressed voice: "Demon... There is more than one star in this world."

Yes, the devil's way is wrong.

The devil's way must be wrong.

Because Li Qi witnessed the starry sky and the galaxy composed of all living beings with his own eyes.

He saw the most dazzling meteor streak across the sky.

That was the light of the first-grade falling.

Demon is definitely not the only one in this world who is real.

All living beings, including mortals and powerful people, are important elements that make up this world. This world is neither entirely determined by the material world nor by the mind of a certain person.

There is no ultimate way in this world.

There is no ultimate determiner who can interpret everything and generally determines all things by fate.

The fate of things is determined by themselves.

The development of the world is the result of the mutual interference of all living beings.

All things, all living beings, everything, you give a little, I give a little.

You change a little, I change a little, and thus, this world is born.

Therefore, the higher wisdom itself, the ‘heart’ of all beings itself, is a component of objective reality, which is beyond subjective consciousness itself.

All paths are like this.

Therefore, there is no entity.

Therefore, there is no ultimate.

Therefore, nothing can replace all beings themselves, and nothing can replace the countless higher wisdom.

Man cannot replace heaven, because man and heaven are both elements of the world.

The ultimate concept pursued by the spiritual way does not exist, and everything has its own form of development.

There is no perfection in natural evolution, and the ultimate creature that adapts to everything does not exist fundamentally.

The ‘nature’ pursued by the witch is available, because nature is all this, and the form of existence of all this is natural.

The Taoist freedom is too empty and has no possibility of realization.

The ‘change’ of the monsters is too narrow. Although they recognize the existence of all objective things, they are unwilling to recognize the objectiveness of all subjective things.

The gods, especially Haotian, did a good job. What Haotian wanted was also a world composed of all beings. This world is objectively composed of different subjective things, which is similar to the answer Li Qi got.

The demon wants to deny these. The demon does not want a world made up of sentient beings. He wants to decide everything with his own will. Everything is the demon himself. The demon is the end of everything and the answer to everything.

Li Qi will not accept such an answer.

Between the nine lands of the world, when Li Qi saw Amitabha pass away, he seemed to understand his own answer.

Yes, from the beginning, Li Qi wanted to acknowledge the existence of sentient beings.

But if you want to acknowledge the existence of sentient beings, you can't get away from the objective basis of the material world and subjective cognition. Moreover, he must have a sufficient understanding of the objective basis of the material world.

In other words, you must explore science and mathematics to a certain extent before you have enough background to support your exploration of the objective basis of the world, otherwise it is just nonsense.

If you don't understand this world, how can you explore the specific composition of this world?

You must first know what happened in this world, confirm what happened, and have a certain degree of cognition of this objective world before you can judge the relationship between them.

And this process of cognizing the world is generally regarded by sentient beings as the exploration of truth and the improvement of science, and this improvement is reflected in technology, that is, the improvement of science, technology and techniques.

The exploration of subjective cognition touches another level, which is about how your own "heart" recognizes this world and how to interpret the objective you see.

When the subjective and objective are unified, the "Tao" emerges.

Li Qi's exploration of science and technology and magic has surpassed most mortals. This is the power of "technology". He has long been clear about the formulas that mortals cannot understand, and he has long been able to master the technology that mortals cannot control.

After having a cognitive basis for the real world, he gradually stepped into the inner world and began to explore the position of his subjective will and the subjective will of all beings in objective reality.

Now, after witnessing the demise of Amitabha Buddha and absorbing part of the body of the demon, Li Qi feels that it is time to truly recognize all beings.

It is time to recognize the subjective will of all beings in this world and the answer to the mutual influence between objective reality.

Just as Li Qi once realized.

My own subjectivity is the objectivity of others, and the subjective will of others, in my opinion, is the objective fact.

All beings draw a line and recognize their own time with their own subjectivity, which constitutes the objective time and space of the external world. They both get their own relative time from their own relative perspectives.

All basic units in the universe are "realities" frozen in time. Each "reality" is an indivisible basic unit, containing different possibilities of cosmic history. Arrange the "realities" one by one, and you will see the activities of all the "realities" in the universe, that is, depicting the history of the universe, the present of the universe, and the future of the universe.

The location and moment of these "realities", and every change they make, will give birth to the complete universe seen by all living beings.

So, how to recognize all living beings?

It's very simple.

Li Qi can only transcend subjective time and space...

It is obvious that he can't do it.

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