Myriad Paths

Chapter 1061: Future World

Shen Shuibi has been thrown back to the world, inside the Wushen Mountain.

It is now extremely crowded here.

In fact, the whole world has begun to "take refuge".

All places in the world have begun to take refuge in their own ways. The method of Wushen Mountain is to take everyone into Wushen Mountain and protect them by many second-grade people.

This is actually safe enough, because the first-grade people, except for crazy people like the dead demon, don't really want to destroy the world.

Even if the world is destroyed, it will not be destroyed in the world.

The existence of the world is too important and involves too many things, so it has always been well protected.

Everyone is protected, including Shen Shuibi, and they are assigned their own positions, and then quietly wait for the catastrophe to pass.

From this degree of organization, it can also be perceived that this kind of thing is not the first time.

In fact, the last time such a chaotic battle occurred was the world-destroying war started by the four demons.

Even this level of first-grade war... is not the first time it has happened.

It seems to also subtly imply the cycle of history.

In the endless universe, everything follows the old track, nothing new.

Insignificant mortals think they are miracles of great changes. They feel the so-called changes of countless generations and countless civilizations, but in fact... it was so in the past and it is still so now.

People are full of illusory pride and think that they are different from others in time and space. There are countless people who hold this illusion and think that they are unique, irreplaceable and cannot be copied.

In the foreseeable future, there will be more and more such people... to the point of infinity.

Although all of this is just an ordinary thing that is bound to happen under the giant eyes of gods and even other powerful people.

However, even in the lives of gods, all the strange moments and extraordinary events, all the amazing coincidences about environment, opportunities and accidents, are actually... just dramas that are repeated again and again.

The first-class chaos, the terrible catastrophe that mortals can never perceive, has also happened several times.

Shen Shuibi was extremely worried. Although she mustered up the courage to find Haotian, she really didn't expect that even Haotian would be involved.

In the end, what should she do?

Things are far beyond what she, a fourth-rank person, can understand and control.

Zhu Fengdan and Prince Changqin have already been thrown into the chaos and can't protect her.

She sat there in a daze, hugging Li Tiande, praying that Li Shiwei and Shitou can find a place to take shelter, and praying that Li Qi can return soon...

Other than that, there is nothing she can do.

But... at least Li Tiande is still around, at least Li Shiwei should still be alive...

As for the battle itself, she can't even observe it.

No matter how fast the flies in the high-speed train fly, they can't fly out of the range of the train. If the train is accelerated by the cyclotron and gradually reaches the speed of light, the flies on the train may not feel anything.

The essence precedes all phenomena, and mortals can only perceive phenomena.

Although Shen Shuibi has incomplete reality, she is still in the category of mortals.

Below the third rank, they are all mortals.

They do not have the power to truly become a "real unit".


And on the battlefield of the dead demon and the heavenly demon.

The battle has entered a stalemate stage. You can see many possible distortions around, broken timelines splashing, blood spraying, and condensing into the final chorus.

Both sides are not prepared to show their trump cards at this stage, but if they don't show their trump cards, everyone can't do anything to each other, so they stay here and don't develop further.

But the Death Demon seems very unhappy. He hopes that the intensity will continue to increase, and it would be best to let all things die now.

However, the Heavenly Demon persuaded him: "The end of the Dharma is about to begin, why worry about it for a while? No matter who wins between Haotian and Taiyi, the Heavenly Court will definitely collapse."

"Without the maintenance of the world by the gods, by then... you will have as many deaths as you want."

Hearing this, the Death Demon barely suppressed the riot in his heart.

Anyway, the war can no longer be stopped.

Even the Heavenly Demon who provoked this dispute himself can't stop it.

Of course, he doesn't want to stop, but not wanting doesn't mean he can.

The war has already involved the extent that all means of backtracking have failed.

At this time, Medicine Master Liuli Light King Buddha joined the battlefield.

"Oh, Buddha, you are from the lineage of supernatural powers. Amitabha is dead, why are you still here to join in the fun? Your path was also rejected by your Buddha himself." The demon said to Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha.

Yes, Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light King Buddha is also from the lineage of supernatural powers.

The lineage of supernatural powers is much easier to practice than the lineage of wisdom. Even within the Buddhist sect, people practice supernatural powers more and wisdom less. After all, this method is easy to start and has a high success rate. It takes less effort but is effective quickly. It is fast and effective.

For the powerful, forging the "Pure Land" is very simple and the effect is very good.

For mortals, they can be reborn in the Pure Land by just chanting the Buddha's name, which is even easier.

The Pure Land of Medicine King Buddha is called the ‘Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land’. Anyone who wishes to be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and has heard the Dharma without any effect, if he hears the name of Medicine Buddha, eight Bodhisattvas will come with supernatural powers to show him the way at the time of his death, and he can be reborn in the Eastern Lapis Lazuli Pure Land. Believing in Medicine Buddha can cure all diseases, relieve all kinds of chronic diseases and pains, eliminate disasters and prolong life.

He once made twelve great vows, hoping to make sentient beings happy in this life, to make sentient beings live in happiness without suffering, to make them complete all the roots, and to lead them to liberation. Therefore, he became a Buddha according to this vow and lived in the Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli, whose land is as majestic as the Pure Land of Bliss.

Medicine King Buddha is also one of the mortal enemies of the affliction demon.

Sentient beings who have not yet been enlightened will have various afflictions that disturb their body and mind, especially greed, anger, ignorance, etc., which mix with each other to produce a complex 48,000 different kinds of afflictions, tormenting those unenlightened sentient beings.

The manifestation of the power of Medicine King Buddha's vow is to eliminate these afflictions and save them from suffering. Therefore, chanting the mantra of the main deity or the sutra of the original vows and merits of Medicine Buddha, and making worship and offerings, can not only eliminate disasters and prolong life, eliminate all disasters and sufferings, but also be reborn in the Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli at the end of life.

It is precisely because of this that he is called "Medicine Master".

His "Medicine Master Mantra" can eliminate all afflictions.

But at this moment, he did not go to the trouble demon, but came to the center of the battlefield of the demon.

The demon was a little curious.

But Medicine King Buddha left immediately.

Hum, it can't make any waves. The death of the Buddha has completely locked the path of these magical power lineages.

Unless they find a way to refute the Buddha, unless they break through the Buddha's way and break a new path, all the first-grade of the magical power lineage will have a fatal dead spot.

The Buddha's death is basically equivalent to completely revealing the dead spots of the first-grade of these magical power lineages, making it almost impossible for them to win in the same-level battle.

Amitabha Buddha also knew this, so he chose to enter death on his own initiative.

The demon has already known the dead spots of the magical power lineage, and no magical power lineage can win in the first-grade battle.

In other words, the remaining Buddhas in Buddhism, that is, Medicine King Buddha and Maitreya Buddha, are all from the magical power lineage.

Although Maitreya Buddha is a minority, he still has the "Maitreya Pure Land".

Maitreya Pure Land, also known as Tushita Mandala, may evolve into the "Future Pure Land on Earth" in the future, but it seems impossible to go down and take it.

There are 49 layers of exquisite treasure palaces. Each railing is composed of trillions of Brahma Mani treasures. Nine hundred million heavenly kings and five hundred billion heavenly maidens are naturally born between the railings. In the hands of each heavenly king, countless trillions of seven-treasure lotuses are born, and on each lotus, there are countless trillions of lights. In the light, there are various musical instruments. Such heavenly music sounds without being played. When this sound comes out, the maidens naturally hold various musical instruments and compete to sing and dance. Maitreya Buddha expounds the Ten Virtues and the Four Great Vows in it, and all the heavens who hear it have the supreme heart of the Tao.

These are the many pure lands of Buddhism, Maitreya Pure Land, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and the Pure Land of Lapis Lazuli.

Five Buddhas.

Amitabha Buddha, Tathagata, Medicine King Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, and Dipankara Buddha.

Three of them pinned their hopes on the "Pure Land" method.

No wonder the Tathagata finally passed away. Even more than half of the first-class Buddhists behaved in this way, and his own Buddhist son Maudgalyayana also relied on supernatural powers.

The Buddha must be broken, so that the Dharma can be truly spread.

But in other words, he personally broke the weakness of the Buddha, which means that the only first-class Buddhist who still has fighting power is Dipankara Buddha.

However, Dipankara Buddha has not made a move yet, and Maitreya Buddha is still young among the first-class.

The demons do not feel threatened.

Obviously, these first-class Buddhists have been completely abandoned by the Tathagata.

In this case, there is no need to care so much.

Just wait... wait.

The demons are very patient.

There are two ways to prove that this world is completely subjective and is shaped by the subjective will of the demons.

One is through the Tathagata, through the second "wisdom", so that you can indirectly prove that you are wrong, and the world still has objective reality.

But the Tathagata has passed away.

Then, the second way... has begun.


How long did the First-Rank War last?

It’s hard to say, because everyone’s perception of time is different.

For example, in the subjective time of all living beings in the world, it’s only a few million years, which is really very short.

However, in some timelines, the universe there has been destroyed, and the possibility has long been cut off. The duration must be calculated in tens of trillions of years. Even the black holes have cooled down, and all celestial bodies have collapsed into energy, and the universe is heat dead.

Even in some timelines, they don’t feel anything at all. For them, not a second has passed.

Time is a completely subjective feeling.

It is impossible to measure the universe with time as a metric. The nature of relative time already represents the difference in everyone’s subjective consciousness.

Unless it transcends subjectivity.

Unfortunately, no one can do it now.

Putting aside those, it is currently known that the universe has reopened 192 times during the First-Rank War.

192 times is ten times the last time.

Each First-Rank is doing his own thing.

The illusion of subjective time at this moment has further increased the chaos of this war.

Imagine that a spell was cast on May 10th and arrived at the destination on May 1st.

And he was supposed to arrive on May 1st, this was part of the plan.

Both sides can predict each other's actions, because they can go back to the past after experiencing the future to stop each other. Therefore, in a series of endless speculations and counter-speculations, history is reversed by one side and then reversed back, and the timeline is endlessly modified. Since both sides can foresee the war hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of years in the future, both sides can return to the past after the other side's action is successful and counterattack before the action is implemented. Therefore, it is natural that the war has long been in a destructive stalemate.

Only when you force your opponent to be unable to stop your action in any form can you "make a move".

Only when you force your teammates to be unable to make a move can you be considered to have completed a possibility closure.

But the closure of a possibility is too rare. In fact, every moment of the battle will close tens of thousands of possibilities. How many moments did the battle last?

I don't know, because subjective time has long lost its meaning.

Therefore, the time sequence brought by the real universe is completely out of control.

The battle has evolved into a chaotic battle situation that cannot be understood, observed, or predicted below the first level.

There are too many first-class people participating in the battle. Everyone writes reality for each other, which has made the book so chaotic that even the first-class people can't read it clearly.

At this moment, there is no more "predicting things like a god".

The ability of the first-class people to "calculate with one finger" is also invalid at this time. No powerful person can deduce time and space to this extent.

The degree of chaos in this universe has reached the greatest level in history. All time and space have become unpredictable chaos under the battle of the first-class people.

However... for mortals, subjective time still has meaning, because they can only perceive the outside world through subjective time. They cannot perceive more time, so whether time is backtracked or fast-forwarded, it is unchanged in their eyes.

This is actually... an advantage.

This means that no matter how the time outside changes, the subjective time of mortals is always normal.

Not being able to perceive abnormality is also an advantage, which can prevent one's mind from falling into the chaos of time and space.

And Shariputra fully enjoys these advantages.

The Shariputra in front of him has arrived at the Pure Land of Maitreya.

However, at this moment, there are only Sariputra and Maitreya Buddha in Maitreya Pure Land.

Long ago, confusion and despair surrounded Sariputra, so he chose to enter Nirvana.

This is the end of Sariputra. What he saw were the last moments of death. The past collapsed in front of his senses, and he knew that he was dead.

But he did not surrender to eternity.

He attacked the unknown again and again.

Now, countless and inconceivable kalpas have passed.

Maitreya Buddha whispered: "The future world has arrived, Sariputra, you will become a Buddha."

As soon as the voice fell.

Maitreya Buddha entered Nirvana.

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