Myriad Paths

Chapter 991 War

The universe is now very different.

In this noisy and busy world, a relatively small war has started again in the universe.

Of course, it is smaller than the ‘Human-Witch War’, but in fact, this is a war in which multiple second-grade warriors participate. For many civilizations, the intensity is not much different from that of the Human-Witch War.

In the fast universe, various flying boats are mobilized and travel, most of which are transporting materials, and some of them are warships.

These things are running and chasing the demons, crushing them into meat sauce, forcing them into a dead end and crushing them to death.

If there are people who want to resist, they will soon be suppressed by the powerful. Many of the third-grade demons chose to evacuate and did not confront head-on.

Because the second-grade demons did not take action, and the first-grade demons were even too lazy to care.

The demons have never been monolithic, and the first-grade demons are almost indifferent to the existence below.

No one wants the demons to protect themselves, right? Or do they count on the dead demons?

Therefore, without enough high-quality power to attack, Li Qi's action to eradicate the Demonic Dream City was fast, rapid, and incredibly fast.

This was a long-awaited, well-prepared, and anticipated fight, and now it just broke out.

On many battlefields, dead bodies were lying everywhere, and humanoid creatures that were crushed and missing arms and legs were lying everywhere. Many crashed, twisted, and burned vehicles and various equipment were scattered throughout the universe.

Above the chaotic Dream City, various aircraft were hovering, and people everywhere were attacking others with familiar weapons from the roofs and windows.

The most chaotic thing on the battlefield was not the battle, but the slogans.

All the walls were posted with rough, colorful, and dazzling slogans, and the huge words were bright red, like burning torches.

Some of these slogans called on others to stand on the side of the Demonic Path and oppose the evil people and war elements who attacked the Dream City, hoping that everyone would defend their own Dream City and their own property.

Some slogans were painted over. They said, "I hope everyone will wake up, don't be controlled by the devil, and kill the devils who treat everyone as food."

Go and smash their devilishly howling oppressive torture instruments. These devils use various methods to squeeze every drop of oil out of others, and they don't care about the resources. What they want is your pain and the devilish thoughts that keep growing.

There are also some strange slogans, calling on everyone to burn those man-made things, clear some tortured land, reduce the population, let the land grow grass, and let the dusty dream city become a beautiful natural environment such as forests, grasslands, wastelands, streams and swamps where people can live well.

Or call on everyone to stop the war, want peace instead of war, or promote other ideas.

Many of the slogan boards were painted very beautifully, with soft colors and clever and humorous words. These slogans were quite moving, with red and green slogans, and the words of the slogans were as hot as fire, very eloquent, and logically rigorous, making people feel wonderful and unable to help but believe that these words were right.

This is also a kind of war.

And the slogans not only exist on the streets, but also in the information network, newspapers, and various information channels, from personal information gathering places, some pubs and restaurants, to a certain forum, some online information posts, etc.

The war of ideas quickly evolved into a war in the real world.

People sometimes stood in front of this slogan for a while, and sometimes stayed in front of that slogan for a while. Of course, the fierce war sounds around them were always disturbing people and urging them: Don’t look at it! Hurry up and choose a slogan to join! ! !

As for Li Qi, as the creator of this scene, he was waiting for Maudgalyayana to continue to contact other great bodhisattvas, while he was also seeking ways to find the immortal heaven.

Unlike meeting the great bodhisattvas, it is really... a little difficult to find Xiantian.

So far, he has no clue.

Xiantian hides very deeply, and this cautious first-rank is unwilling to expose himself to the outside world. As a wild beast, he cares most about his life.

It is difficult for Li Qiguang to find the other party.

Now he is already a second-rank, and no one can help him with this matter. It is not like looking for the great bodhisattvas, and there is a line of Maudgalyayana to help him run around.

Then to find Xiantian, you can only ask someone to find it slowly, and you have to pay attention at any time and place.

But compared to those, the current progress is too smooth, so smooth that Li Qi feels a little weird.

Is the magic way really not going to take care of it?

There are indeed many dream cities in the universe. In fact... creating a dream city is a "method". A ninth-rank magic way can also use his influence in the mortal world to build a ninth-rank dream city and then absorb the magic thoughts in it.

There is no threshold at all, just like the Taoist breathing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

To put it in an analogy, what Li Qi has to do now is to not allow Taoist practitioners to breathe the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so that they can only pick herbs and make pills to maintain their practice.

The practitioners of the magic path can no longer use the method of Dream City to brew evil thoughts on a large scale. They can only go to the door one by one and find ways to parasitize and stimulate the evil thoughts of sentient beings.

This large-scale targeting did not attract any action from the high-ranking demons, which really frightened Li Qi.

He made a lot of preparations for this. In the gap between searching for the immortal heaven, he had been guarding against the counterattack of the demons.

One day about 60 million years later——

Li Qi was drinking tea with his father-in-law, the Sun and Moon True Lead Cauldron.

It was called drinking tea, but at this stage, everyone gathered together to drink tea, most likely to talk about what they are doing now.

Yang Zhenqian, also a second-rank, although his path to the Tao has been cut off, but after the war between humans and witches, he is not desperate now.

This father-in-law is naturally one of Li Qi's back-up.

"Father-in-law, is there still no clue at this point?" Li Qi asked.

They were drinking tea in a cave, where the scenery combined the aesthetics of the witch and the Taoist, and was particularly green and exquisite.

Pine trees and cranes chirped, and under the hillside covered by pine trees, there were some low-lying lawns. Water seeped through the grass, and streams flowed in the dense bushes.

Yang Zhenqian ordered a cup of tea: "It is indeed difficult to find. Xiantian's whereabouts have always been a secret. If your information is correct, it means that Xiantian is absolutely resistant to the outside world. Before you were in Xiantian, there was an absolute vacuum isolation zone of 3 billion light years around you. I think it was also his handiwork. Now you are asking about Xiantian's whereabouts everywhere. He probably doesn't want you to find him even more."

As he spoke, he gently poured the remaining tea in his hand into the stream beside him.

The tea flowed into the many plants along the stream. In a blink of an eye, all the flowers in the grassland, no matter what season, bloomed.

The flowers were all elegant and decent, and the snow-white primroses suddenly bloomed. In the thorns and by the water, clusters and bunches of roses were in full bloom.

Compared with the flowers in Chang'an Shangyuan, the flowers here are plain, pale, and thin, but they have a different kind of beauty. Although they lack the full charm of flowers from the human world, which makes it easy for viewers to ignore them, they are more in line with the aesthetics of Li Qi and Yang Zhenqian.

"This is not a problem. The key is that I am afraid that Xiantian is stupid... I am afraid that he can't figure it out." Li Qi sighed.

"Although Xiantian is just a wild beast, he has lived for so many years after all." Yang Zhenqian comforted.

"If living long can gain wisdom, then the most intelligent thing should be stone. Wisdom is extracted from thinking, and Xiantian, I don't think he can think. Now think about it, he even needs to eat people to learn the fifth-grade magic. It is really hard to imagine that he can rely on his intelligence to intervene in the current first-grade mutual calculation plan." Li Qi was a little helpless.

"That can't be helped. Why not relax? Which great bodhisattvas have agreed to your request?"

"Avalokitesvara, Mahasthamaprapta, and Samantabhadra. Apart from them, Sunlight and Moonlight have not been found, but Manjusri has refused, and Ksitigarbha has refused to meet me. Perhaps he has not made up his mind yet." Li Qi talked about the current results.

"It's already pretty good. With you and me, Zhu Fengdan, Changqin, and the Golden Monkey, there are now eight second-grade people involved in this matter. Unless the first-grade demons take action, it is unlikely to stop you and me." Yang Zhenqian said.

"We are afraid that the first-grade demons will take action, so we also need the first-grade demons to stand on our side." Li Qi turned the topic around again.

"So I said, don't be too anxious. Do you think the four demons care about the demons below? For the demons, nothing is important except the self. What we do is just a small fight. You are blessed by the witch god. As a second-grade witch, it is unlikely that the first-grade will directly attack. The same is true for the other great bodhisattvas. Although those Buddhas are in seclusion, they are not dead. It is said that there is no first-grade support, but in fact, who doesn't have a first-grade?" Yang Zhenqian said so.

This made Li Qi feel a little relieved.


Behind Guanyin Bodhisattva is Amitabha. Although the other party doesn't know what he is doing now, he should not sit back and watch the first-grade demons come to kill people.

And behind him is "Wu Geng", his master. Although he has not seen him much, Wu Geng should not let himself be beaten to death, right?

Although the action is not supported, it is a good thing that someone is backing him up.

So, Li Qi continued to discuss with Yang Zhenqian how to act, where to invest strength, which key nodes to modify, and how to guide the direction of history.

Through such discussions, they made plans for the next step, planned the future development of history and the changes needed in the past, and prepared to use the power of eight second-grade masters to remove the grassroots power of the Demonic Path and reduce the demonic thoughts created by the Dream City.

This is a grand project, but the results are abundant.

Perhaps ordinary people are not aware of the results brought by this project, but... they can live in an ordinary, ordinary, although there is some competition, but there is no danger to life, perhaps because of this project.

If it weren't for what Li Qi did, the civilization they lived in would most likely be a brand new Dream City.

However, Li Qi was not prepared to receive their thanks. He just calculated what he had to do and pushed forward the action of destroying demons step by step.

Destroying the Dream City cannot really destroy the Demonic Path. Destroying a Taoist school is essentially destroying an idea, which cannot be accomplished by violence.

Even if all the practitioners of the magic path were destroyed, in the future, there would still be a ‘genius’ who would suddenly come up with an idea and create the idea of ​​the magic path from scratch.

To destroy an idea, one needs only another idea. As long as someone comes up with the ‘magic path’, one can immediately use this idea to refute the other party, so as to truly kill the ‘devil’.


How to refute something like ‘absolute subjectivity’?

Li Qi didn’t know, and he couldn’t think of it, but there was always a way.

This is the meaning of thinking, isn’t it?


And at this moment…

Xiantian was ‘playing a drama’.

He silently grabbed the chess pieces with his fingers, grabbed all the old men, young men, children, women, all the lively and happy and sad-looking, strong and weak, agile and clumsy ‘chess pieces’, and quickly put them on his chessboard and arranged them into a game.

He happily organized them into groups and families, let them compete and fight, let them be friendly and hostile to each other, and form a small world.

He happily exerted his power to make this lively and well-organized little world move, let them compete, fight, form alliances, and fight, let them propose to each other, get married, and have children.

He staged a drama with many characters and vivid tension.

Then he showed a bored look.

Xiantian had enough.

Then he wiped his hand on the chessboard and gently pushed the chess pieces down, and the whole world collapsed.

History ended.

Then he quickly opened the second game, thinking, arranging a new game with the same images, reorganizing them, and making them form new and complex relationships. The second game was very similar to the first. This was the same world built with the same materials, but the colors changed, the speed changed, the emphasized themes were different, and the scenes were different.

In this way, the great being named Xiantian composed one game after another with the same images, each of which was the same, and these games looked very similar from a distance, obviously belonging to the same world and coming from the same source, but as can be expected, each drama was completely new.

Xiantian was learning.

He witnessed the Dao struggle, so... this beast is learning how to manipulate history.

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