Myriad Realms Gene

Chapter 18 The Illusion of Life

"Where did you learn your exercises from?"

"How did you break through from 1-star bronze to 3-star bronze in half an hour?"

"Have you worshipped some master as your teacher?"


Jiang An racked his brains, thinking about how to respond to the questioning of the head teacher Bai Qingxue.

However, it turns out.

It's just an illusion of life.

Those questions were purely his own thoughts.

Bai Qingxue didn't ask at all!


Bai Qingxue has been sitting quietly in the office chair for ten minutes!

She looked at Jiang An and said nothing.

Jiang An stood three meters away.

At the beginning, he was a little uncomfortable.

what the hell is this?

Called him to the office, but said nothing.

Is this really good?

But slowly he calmed down.

Hmm, a little thirsty.

Jiang An looked around.

There are water dispensers and disposable cups five meters away.

So he walked to the water dispenser, picked up the disposable cup and poured himself a glass of water.

He found that Bai Qingxue was still looking at him.

So he poured another glass.

The second cup was poured for Bai Qingxue.

He put the water on the desk in front of Bai Qingxue.

Bai Qingxue did not speak, nor did Jiang An speak!

Silence is gold!

This is a divine sentence.

Jiang An has always been convinced.

He gulped and drank, a cup did not quench his thirst, he poured another cup.

Cup after cup.

After three drinks, he felt much more comfortable.

The water consumed in the battle against the intelligent robot just now finally made up for some.

Fifteen minutes passed.

Bai Qingxue finally retracted her gaze.

Jiang An also breathed a sigh of relief.



"you've changed!"


Jiang An was a little flustered.

"You've changed, you've become better!"


"Your cultivation has greatly increased, and the teacher is here to congratulate you!"


Jiang An couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief again.

Teacher, you really know how to play.

Called me to the office, fifteen minutes passed.

Just to say that?

next moment.

Jiang An showed a "shy" smile.

"Thank you, teacher. I will make persistent efforts to become better!"

"Pay attention to taking care of your body and heal your injuries as soon as possible. Well, now you can leave."

After Jiang An heard this, he was immediately puzzled.

That's it!

Aren't you going to ask something else?

Bai Qingxue seemed to see through Jiang An's inner thoughts.

"What's the matter, do you want the teacher to ask something else?"

Suddenly, Jiang An shook his head into a rattle.

"No, teacher, I'll leave now."

After speaking, Jiang An ran out of the office in a flash.

Bai Qingxue naturally wanted to ask a lot of questions, but she had expected that even if she asked, Jiang An might not be able to tell the truth, so she simply didn't ask.

Not long after Jiang An left, a male teacher walked into the office.

His name is Dai Binghua, and he is the head teacher of Class 7 in the third year.

"Mr. Bai, tomorrow is this month's training competition. How is your class preparing?"

There will be training competitions between classes every month

It's a battle between classes.

There are a total of 40 classes in the third year of high school, and each class has three places to play.

The practice competition is different from the last practice exam.

This training competition is a real combat.

So it will be more tragic!

Dai Binghua was quite happy,

Because one of his classmates in Class 7 of Year 3 has broken through from three-star bronze to one-star silver.

Instead, Bai Qingxue said, "Mr. Dai is in high spirits. It seems that the students in your class have made great progress."

Dai Binghua smiled and said "humbly": "There has not been much progress, just one of our classmates broke through to the silver level."

Dai Binghua wanted to hide it and keep a low profile, but he couldn't hide the joy in his heart.

After all, among the current senior year students, there are no more than ten people with silver-level cultivation.

After Bai Qingxue heard this, her heart moved.

It is not good news for her that a classmate in Class 7 of the third year has broken through to the silver level.

Because of tomorrow's game, Class 8 and Class 3 are rivals!

This first game is a contest between the two classes.

And so far, no one in Class 3 and 8 has broken through to the silver level.

At this moment, Dai Binghua is looking forward to it.

There was a battle between the two classes before.

However, Class 7 in three years lost.

In fact, he has always been angry, and wants to win the eighth class every three years.

Now, finally have a chance to turn over!

"Mr. Bai, the first game tomorrow is the contest between our two classes. Don't be angry if our class accidentally wins."

Bai Qingxue's face twitched slightly.

This is naked show off!

"Mr. Dai is joking. There are always winners and losers in the competition between classes. If our class loses, it's not as good as others. How can I be angry!"

Saying so with your mouth, you may not think so in your heart.

There is also competition between classes, and no one wants to bring their own class to lose to their opponents.


By the river.

Evening breeze.

Classmates dressed in different clothes strolled by.

Hot day.

Therefore, most of the students wear cool clothes.

Young and young, full of passion, the future is promising.

This is the lush years worth cherishing!

"The scenery by the river is infinitely beautiful, if you don't see it, it's a waste!"

So, after dinner, Jiang An was pulled to the river by Huo Dongyang and Qi Feng.

The scenery is good and the air is good.

Standing by the small river can indeed make people relax from the intense study and cultivation.

Huo Dongyang was excited as soon as he got to the river.

You can feast your eyes again!

"Look, Zheng Haiyan is here. Fortunately, we came in time, otherwise we would have missed this most beautiful scenery."

It's no secret that Huo Dongyang likes Zheng Haiyan, who is in Class 9 in three years.

As soon as he saw Zheng Haiyan, Huo Dongyang blushes and his heart beats.

Jiang An and Qi Feng have become accustomed to this scene.

Qi Feng glanced at it.

"It looks so thin, what's so beautiful."

"I like those with thin waists, can't I! Whoever looks like you only knows how to watch football."

"Of course, I'm a real fan."

Huo Dongyang was looking good, but his face suddenly changed, as if he saw something terrible, he hurriedly hid behind Qi Feng.

Qi Feng said contemptuously, "Coward."

Huo Dongyang only showed a head.

"That's a female tyrannosaurus, who isn't afraid?"

Not far away, a well-developed girl with short hair walked past.

That girl is also from the next class, Class 3, 9, and her name is Wang Yanan.

During the practice exam last month, Huo Dongyang happened to meet Wang Yanan.

"Mother Tyrannosaurus!"

That's what's causing the trouble!

Since then, Huo Dongyang has been remembered by Wang Yanan!

"See you once in the future, and I'll beat you once!"

This is what Wang Yanan said at the time.

She also pays for action!

Within a month, Huo Dongyang was beaten three times!

Now, as soon as he saw Wang Yanan, Huo Dongyang was instinctively frightened and could only hurry to find a place to hide.

He didn't want to hide either, but he wasn't the opponent's opponent!

This time, Wang Yanan also saw Huo Dongyang.

It's just that the other party seemed to be in a hurry and didn't bother to look for Huo Dongyang.

At this moment, Qi Feng said, "Jiang'an, your favorite is here, please open your eyes."

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