Myriad Realms Gene

Chapter 52: 7-game losing streak

Jiang An did not wait for the prey to appear.

It was his communicator that rang first.

From the other end came the eager voice of the head teacher, Bai Qingxue.

"Jiang An, where are you now, hurry back to school now."

Jiang An was a little stunned after hearing this.

One day off, and now only half a day has passed.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Jiang An was really puzzled.

Bai Qingxue did not explain too much.

"You go back to school first and I'll tell you more about it. Can you go back to school in twenty minutes?"

Jiang An shook his head subconsciously.

"At least forty minutes."

"Well, you have to go back to school in forty minutes."

Jiang An put away the communicator.

Although he was puzzled, he did not delay.

He left Longke Island at the fastest speed and rushed to Lincheng No.1 Middle School.

Ten minutes later.

The communicator rang again.

"Jiang An, where are you? Come back quickly."

On the other end, it was Huo Dongyang's voice.

Jiang An was puzzled.

"The head teacher also asked me to go back just now, what happened?"

Huo Dongyang explained: "The exchange group from the High School Affiliated to Linda University came to our school, and the representatives of our school were beaten badly. I couldn't bear to look directly. If you don't come back, our school will be wiped out."

Jiang An was obviously stunned after hearing this.

"Aren't they coming this weekend?"

Huo Dongyang replied: "It's ahead of schedule, I'll be here today."

Then, Qi Feng's voice came again.

"Jiang An, I'm counting on you, come back quickly."

Jiang An asked, "Have you fought with them?"

"No, Li Luoxi from Class 7 in the third year played against him. It's just that he lost."

Jiang An nodded slightly.

"Okay, got it, I still have half an hour to get to school."

There is competition among schools, and there is communication.

Last month, Lincheng No. 1 Middle School sent a group of students to other schools to exchange ideas, one of which was the High School Affiliated to Linda University.

And this month, the High School Affiliated to Lincheng University sent a group of students to Lincheng No.

It is a friendly exchange in name, but it is actually a competition between students.

See which school produces better students.

Schools also need fame.

The bigger the fame, the wider the source of students.

At the same time, more resources can be supported.

Lincheng No. 1 Middle School, dueling field.

Principal Xiao Yumin's face was a little solemn.

He glanced at Bai Qingxue.

"Mr. Bai, when will Jiang'an from your class arrive?"

Bai Qingxue replied, "I've already asked him to rush back to school as fast as possible, there's still half an hour left."

The exchange meeting was originally scheduled for the weekend.

The exchange group from the High School Affiliated to Linda University arrived ahead of schedule.

That's all.

Who would have thought that only one person from the other party would take action, but he completely abused everyone in Lincheng No. 1 Middle School.

The other four students who came with them were just foils.

Kang Changsheng, the third runner-up in the last training competition, took the stage.

After fighting thirty moves against the opponent, he regretted losing.

Then, Lu Mingyue, the runner-up in the last training competition, also shot.

However, he only insisted on twenty moves under the opponent's men, and he was defeated.

Lu Mingyue's fighting power is obviously stronger than Kang Changsheng.

But lost faster.

This looks incredible.

But that was intentional.

So far, the opponent has lost six students in Lincheng No. 1 Middle School in a row.

And there was no rest in the middle.

He is too strong.

It was a major blow to the students of Lincheng No. 1 Middle School.

Even many teachers were shocked.

Unexpectedly, such a monster would come to the High School Affiliated to Linda University.

He directly hit one of Lincheng No. 1 Middle School by surprise.

at last.

Lincheng No. 1 Middle School sent Yang Xiuwu to power.

Although Yang Xiuwu was defeated by Jiang An last time.

However, his fighting power is there.

And he recently broke through.

It has been promoted to two silver stars.

The person in the middle school attached to Linda only has one silver star.

The other party's tone is not small.

He looked at Yang Xiuwu, who had two silver stars.

Instead of being frightened, he said:

"I defeated you with ten moves."

Yang Xiuwu was relatively calm.

His heart is fine.

Not angry.

But fight seriously.

The final result made the teachers and students of Lincheng No. 1 Middle School unacceptable.

The opponent actually defeated Yang Xiuwu with only ten moves.

Thirty strokes to defeat Kang Changsheng.

Twenty moves to defeat Lu Mingyue.

Ten moves to defeat Yang Xiuwu.

No one expected such a feat.

There were bursts of sighs from the audience.

"God, where the hell is this monster coming out of? It's too scary."

"Even Yang Xiuwu, who has two silver stars, has been defeated. Who else can beat him?"

"That's right, it seems that this time our school will be embarrassed."

"Last time, Yang Xiuwu abused the students of the High School Affiliated to Linda University. It seems that they are here for revenge!"

"Just come and take revenge, they still succeeded!"

The students groaned.

Suddenly, someone said:

"Hey, don't forget, there is one person who didn't come on stage."


"Jiang An, the champion of the last training competition, he is also a group of dark horses."

"Yes, and Jiang'an."

When it comes to Jiang'an, everyone is happy.

However, someone shook his head and said:

"What if Jiang An is here? Even Yang Xiuwu, who has two silver stars, has only insisted on ten moves under the opponent's hands. Then Jiang An is only one silver star, so what kind of waves can he make?"

"makes sense."

Everyone shook their heads, and their hearts were naturally unwilling.

Although they were reluctant to accept such a result, they were helpless.

on the duel stage.

The man in the high school attached to Linda had a calm expression.

After losing so many people in a row, he actually had a stable breath and did not show exhaustion.

He looked at Yang Xiuwu and said, "Lincheng No. 1 Middle School, that's all."

After Yang Xiuwu heard it, he did not show any resentment or anger.

He glanced at the other party and said lightly: "You are indeed very strong. However, you are not invincible."

The other's eyes narrowed.

"Is there anyone better than you in your school?"

Yang Xiuwu nodded affirmatively.

"Of course there is."

Yang Xiuwu thought of Jiang An.

I thought to myself: Jiang An, you have to win glory for our school.


in the audience.

Principal Xiao Yumin's face became darker and darker.

The seven-game losing streak is really appalling.

He felt a little pain in his heart.

And next to him sat a teacher.

The other's face was in stark contrast to his.

Yuan Qing is the leading teacher of the exchange group of the High School Affiliated to Linda University.

Yuan Qing's face was filled with joy.

The undisguised kind.

Yuan Qing looked at Xiao Yumin.

"Principal Xiao, last month your delegation came to our school to discuss and communicate, and we couldn't lift our heads. Do you know? My face at that time was very similar to yours now."

After Xiao Yumin heard this, he quickly adjusted his expression.

"Mr. Yuan, is this student from your school?"

Yuan Qing was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Of course, he just transferred to our High School Attached to Linda University this month."

Xiao Yumin nodded slightly.

"So, you can't wait to come to our school for revenge."

Yuan Qing replied: "Vengeance is so ugly, this is called a friendly return visit. Do you still have students willing to come to the stage to discuss with him? We will not refuse anyone who comes."

"Of course there is."

Xiao Yumin answered affirmatively.

"It's just, Mr. Yuan, I think he's tired even fighting seven people, so let him get off the stage and take a rest. Otherwise, others will say that we won't be able to win."

Then, Xiao Yumin looked at Bai Qingxue.


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