Myriad Realms Gene

Chapter 54 Stealing Chrysanthemum

"Good kill!"

There was thunderous applause from outside.

"Really relieved!"

Seeing Jiang An kill the black dog cleanly, many students breathed a sigh of relief.

The anger just now was vented.

They were even happier than Jiang An.

Just now Guan Fei humiliated Jiang An by letting Jiang An fight his pet.


Jiang An perfectly counterattacked the opponent.

Kill the dog directly to warn the owner.

Is it simply too cool!

Jiang An sucked the black dog to death with Beiming magic.

The power of genes in the body has increased again.

He was thinking, does Guan Fei still have pet beasts?

He never refuses!


Huo Dongyang looked at the black dog's body and couldn't help swallowing.

Others see corpses, he sees flesh.

"We can have hot pot tonight!"

Qi Feng's eyes also glowed with golden light.

"Such a big dog is enough for everyone in our class to have a full meal. You can also call the head teacher and physical education teacher."


Two foodies!

Not even the dog.

"Little black."

Guan Fei's face changed.

A look of pain flashed in his eyes.

Black dogs are his pets.

There is a deep bond between a man and a dog.

He never imagined that Jiang An would be so bold.

Killed his pet in front of him.

"I hurt you!"

Guan Fei looked at the black dog's corpse, his face changed again.

If it wasn't for him to humiliate Jiang An, why would he do this?

"Xiao Hei, don't worry, I will make him pay the price."

Guan Fei looked at Jiang An with anger spreading in his eyes.

He held a sharp sword in his hand.

Approaching the river bank step by step.

"Bring out your weapon!"

Jiang An shrugged.

"Actually, I want to ask, do you still have pet beasts? I can also prove whether I have the qualifications to fight with you."

After Guan Fei heard this, his face twitched.

Are you addicted to killing?

"You are already qualified to fight with me."

Jiang An was a little disappointed.

Is there no pet animal?

at this time.

Huo Dongyang ran over with an alloy rod.

"Jiang An, the weapon you want."

Jiang An nodded and reached out to take the alloy rod.

Huo Dongyang looked at the black dog's body beside him.

"What, it's not a problem lying on the stage, it will affect your performance, I'll take it down first."

Guan Fei nodded slightly.

"Put it away, and I'll bury it afterward."

Huo Dongyang naturally agreed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely put it away."

He said so, but he didn't think so in his heart.

It is best to bury it in the womb.

After that, Huo Dongyang ran away with the black dog's body.

That speed is called a fast!

to the bottom.

Huo Dongyang found Qi Feng immediately.

"Go, go to the restaurant."

Qi Feng shouted to the students in Class 8, Year 3:

"Wait for hot pot together, we treat guests, you are welcome."

After that, Qi Feng and Huo Dongyang took the black dog's body and went to the school cafeteria together.

After the other students saw it, they sighed for a while.

"Two foodies! Even other people's pet beasts are not spared!"

"What's wrong with the foodie, has the foodie eaten your food? That's a second-level evolutionary beast, a big tonic."

"Yes, we will eat it later, or it will be wasted."

Luo Yu'er held her chest out, for fear that others would not know that she was the most developed one.

"Ziqi, let's go eat later."

Zhao Ziqi smiled.


Then, Luo Yu'er turned her gaze to Jiang An.

"Ziqi, do you think Jiang An will win?"

Zhao Ziqi's beautiful eyes narrowed.

He was also watching Jiang An.

"Since he dared to kill Guan Fei's pet beast, he should have great confidence."


Luo Yu'er looked at Zhao Ziqi's jade legs without hesitation.

"Ziqi, before they start, why don't you give Jiang An a little motivation."

Zhao Ziqi asked suspiciously, "What motivation?"

Luo Yu'er smiled tenderly: "You show your legs and let Jiang An have fun. You also know that he is a leg control, and it is not a day or two that he has coveted your jade legs."

Suddenly, Zhao Ziqi rolled her eyes.

"You big-breasted girl, what are you thinking about in your head!"


on the duel stage.

Guan Fei holds a long sword in his right hand.

Jiang An holds an alloy rod.

The two remained motionless, staring at each other for half a minute.

The momentum on the two of them became stronger and stronger.

Finally reached a peak!

If it doesn't move, it's amazing.

The two shot at the same time!

Guan Fei raised his sword and stabbed.

Jiang An is swinging the stick horizontally.


The swords and sticks intersected, causing bursts of sparks.

The two collided quickly, and the next moment quickly separated.

The swordsmanship practiced by Guan Fei is called Qiufeng Swordsmanship.

The sword is merciless, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, fierce and desperate.

Moreover, Guan Fei's cultivation talent is extremely high.

I have already realized that I have cultivated the Qiufeng swordsmanship to a very profound level.

At the same time, he also mastered a mysterious step, the autumn wind step.

The Qiufeng step is erratic and very flexible, which is matched with the Qiufeng swordsmanship.

When the two are used at the same time, not only the attack power is doubled, but it can often catch the opponent by surprise.

Jiang An naturally uses the dog-beating stick method.

There are eight tactics for hitting the dog stick, including tripping, splitting, entangling, poking, picking, leading, sealing, and turning.

Although the name is not good, it sounds a bit tacky.

But the moves are wonderful, and the changes are subtle.

Jiang An practiced Jiuyang Divine Art, and the power of genes in his body was originally higher than that of people of the same realm.

in the morning.

He also absorbed the genetic power of five evolutionary beasts.

Now the genetic power in his body has already reached an unprecedented height.

Far away from people of the same realm.

With the support of strong genetic power, using the dog-beating stick method will not only double the power, but also will not cause exhaustion.

Guan Fei rushed over with a destructive force, and pointed his sword directly at the vital part of Jiang'an.

Jiang An was not in a hurry, and he hit the dog with a stick and slashed it out.

The alloy rod slashed towards Guan Fei's head with a swift force.

Come first.

Guan Fei's expression changed.

If he didn't change his moves, he could stab Jiang An's chest smoothly.


He would also be hit in the head with an alloy rod.

Thoughts change rapidly.

He finally changed his move and blocked Jiang'an's alloy rod.


With a crisp sound, the two of them couldn't help but back away.

Seeing this scene, Jiang An's heart moved.

The opponent is still not cruel enough!

Jiang An is not afraid of getting hurt.

He has practiced the Great Shifting of the Universe, and he can completely shift the acupoints.

Reduces damage to vital parts.


He was more determined.

Jiang An bullied himself up.

With one move, he hit the two dogs and swept across Guan Fei's feet.

Guan Fei reacted quickly, and two dodges avoided Jiang An's fatal blow.

He turned around and faced Jiang An with a sword.


The sword has arrived.

Jiang An was gone.

Jiang An's Lingbo microstep had already flashed behind Guan Fei.

Back poking the dog's ass.

Jiang An poked out at Guan Fei's chrysanthemum.

Perfectly focus on the target!


Guan Fei's face instantly turned green.

The chrysanthemum was burning and painful.


When everyone in the audience saw this scene, they only felt a chill in the chrysanthemum.

Some even stretched out their hands involuntarily.

"Hahahaha, Jiang'an is too bad!"

"Damn it! I didn't expect Jiang An to be so good! He specializes in stealing chrysanthemums!"

"However, it looks so fun! Steal well!"

"Jiang'an, do it again!"

Luo Yu'er's eyes widened.

"Why didn't you find Jiang An so bad before?"

Zhao Ziqi's face was a little unnatural.

"You just found out."


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