Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 109: My wish came true

, The research of "Artificial God Eye Techniques" allows him, the national treasure no.1 of the Smoky Clan, to take personal risks and come to various worlds to conduct first-line research, because this research result has transformation, Increase the potential of the entire empire's warrior life level.

The pair of ‘Eyes of No. 1 God’ in his hands was made by combining the financial and human resources of the entire Black Smoke Empire. It brings together the current pinnacle of the entire black smoke empire, and the future...

Its composition template and raw materials also incorporate the precious beholder ‘pupil film’.

That is the beholder of the Martial Saint realm, and it may be even stronger-the remains of the beholder that they dug up, even under the erosion of the long years, the main body remains intact, as if it still maintains the vitality of the life.

No. 1 God Eye, did not load many complicated abilities. Its core function is naturally the'space technology' that the smoky people are proud of-a series of simple space use methods such as twisting space, splitting space, and space storage, can be used by'artificial **** eyes'. .

And most importantly, God's Eye has a future. As long as it is cultivated and the formula of the **** eye technique is continuously optimized, the **** eye will be able to awaken a higher level of spatial ability in the future, and it is also possible to evolve to the limit of the rules of contact with space-this is to allow them to contact the Smoky Race to a deeper level of space Technology's key.

"The door of our race's evolution will be opened again today..." The black smoke researcher grabbed the shining text "No. 1 Artificial God Eye" with one hand, and roughly stuffed it into his eye socket.

It hasn't regenerated its eyes yet, but it's better. This allows it to adapt to the power of artificial divine eyes for the first time. When the eyes regenerate, they can directly merge with the artificial **** eyes and become one.


At this moment, the door to the new evolution of the Smoky Race is opened by it!

The black smoke national treasure researcher no.1 now feels that his brain is boiling, and with his mentality, he can't help being excited.

The moment to witness the miracle is at this moment.

But just at this moment... a strong and powerful arm, shining with golden light that stings the soul, held its arm. The golden light can be seen with the soul even without the naked eye, so dazzling.

The golden arm is so strong, and the brutal force on it is not something that a scientific researcher can resist.

Black Smoke National Treasure Researcher no.1: "???"

The excitement on its face instantly turned into shock.

How could it be possible that the carbon-based life of the human race could directly enter the boiling lava with the flesh? This is impossible!

Even the moment the human flesh body that has experienced the strengthening of cultivation enters the lava, it will turn into fly ash.

But why can this little golden man appear next to it? Could it be that this is a metal life human race?

Xu Qiji secretly said in the mind and body, he used mental power to firmly lock the opponent.

The reason why the clone can jump into the magma without hesitation and chase the black smoke researcher is not only the blessing of the "fighting golden body", but also the protection of the boutique rune on the big sword-that is the three-eyed dog giving away the head The star beasts, bursting blessing runes.

The blessing is called:

This is a rune that can protect Xu Qijing from damage in the fire and magma, but it has a time limit. With Xu Qijing's current state, the rune can only last for three minutes after activating the rune.

Thousands of different blessings actually cover almost every aspect of life, and can deal with almost all situations.

The Lord of Thousand Talisman is already so comprehensive. If you can tell Teacher Su to transform his great sword into a "ten thousand hole" and become the Lord of Ten Thousand Talisman, then Xu Qiji is equivalent to carrying 10,000 kinds of blessings with him, and standing there is a blessing. source!

"Then, although this thing doesn't know what it is...but it looks like a'rune'." Xu Qiji's golden hand violently snatched the'light ball' in the hands of the black smoker researcher. Text'.

The strength of the two parties is not of the same magnitude at all, and the other party has lost all sovereignty at the moment the arm is grasped.

Looking at the actions of the black smoker researcher, it should be trying to stuff the light ball text into its eyes.

But Xu Qijing here is a clone, and his identity will dissipate. He cannot guarantee whether the ability of the clone's eyes can be fed back to the body when the clone is dissipated.

So... let's do it!

Xu Qiji's clone grabbed this light group text and filled it on the big sword.

His great sword has a thousand and one holes, and now it is full of a thousand holes, and there is still one VIP spot left.

No matter what the origin of the rune of the light group, in any case, put it on your own big sword first-you can't let the other party put it in the eyes again, right?


no, do not want! This is the key to their race's evolution and the hope for the future.

They can't ruin their hope like this!

This is a blasphemy against science!

Desperate, it instantly lost its sanity, and weakly grasped Xu Qiji's pectoral muscles with its other hand.

After filling up the runes, Xu Qiji's clone faced the enemy's weak scratching, grabbed the giant sword without hesitation and drew it away-giving him an express ticket to heaven for free.

After using the opponent, he did not hesitate to drop the opponent to the extreme.

He wants to become the existence of the big devil in the eyes of the invaders of the 713 world, the villain in the eyes of the villain.

After doing all this, Xu Qiji avatar carried the big sword, jumped up from the magma, jumped back to the shore, shook his body, not stained with magma.

This scene was directly transmitted to the Smoky Man’s Headquarters Council through the monitoring of the Ultimate Research Room.

The council members of the entire Smoky Headquarters Base are crazy.

National treasure no.1 is dead?

If so, this loss can no longer be measured with material.

This is the biggest loss and the most painful disaster in the history of the empire.

The leader of the base council used the highest authority to forcibly open the sound transmission device in the research room, and his angry voice sounded from the speaker-like device.

A string of angry and frightened, seemingly threatening, and seemingly faintly expectant complex voices, sounded in the room where Xu Qijing's clone was-the members of the Smoky Clan Council also carried the last trace of expectation , They hoped that Xu Qijin could perceive the great value of'National Treasure no.1', and instead of beheading it, they chose to capture each other alive.

After this angry and frightened voice finished calling, it seemed that there was a very soft language in the translator, so he called again.

"It's crooked and crooked." Xu Qiji's clone couldn't understand a word.

Can't understand, can't communicate.

Then this horn-like device is very annoying.

Xu Qijing's avatar was aimed at the noisy sound device.

Shoot it, Ruyi Sword!

Whoosh~ The great sword stretched out for a moment, and then retracted back almost at the same time.

Hey, all the audio devices exploded, and the monitoring devices were also destroyed.



The projected picture far away in the Congress Center of the base headquarters turned into a flowered screen.

The parliament leader who was still hammering the table and speaking threatening words to Xu Qijing fell backwards feebly and fell into his position, the whole figure looked like a discouraged ball.

It's over, it's over, everything is over.

The one of National Treasure No.1 is dead.

And...Is the guy who attacked the ultimate research room really illiterate?

As long as you can understand people after a year of reading, this is not the case.

Anyone who has read the book for two years can see the value of that national treasure researcher, knowing that the meaning of living is definitely much better than death.

It is even possible to use the life of this national treasure researcher to threaten them to sign a series of treaties, allowing them to temporarily withdraw from the planet.

As a result, the illiterate who had never read a book could not understand the threats and inducements he had just said.

These are not the so-called dead men?

"I knew that when we invaded this planet, we should have compulsory education, so that the creatures of this planet can understand our words." A member of the council suddenly said-a typical hindsight.

"It's too late to say anything now."

"What should I do? That one died, what should I do?"

"Retaliation, no matter what the cost, we must kill this guy... No, we must first capture him alive! We will use the cruelest way to torture him and his soul!"

"Don't panic, everyone first heard about me, maybe there is hope! Humans cannot survive long magma like us, they are carbon-based life... Send someone to the magma to take a look! Just now! Human race jumped into the magma, and quickly jumped out. Maybe it was the one who was hidden in the magma, and the human race could not find it." A member of the assembly seemed to have grasped the last straw of hope and calmly analyzed.

The parliament leader sat up from his seat and issued an order with crimson eyes: "Legendary order to transfer all the soldiers around the research room back. In addition to protecting the strength of the rest of the researchers in the experimental base, all the remaining forces are all advanced to the ultimate laboratory. "

"Be prepared to evacuate this planet... If that person really dies in the hands of the human race, then even if the energy of this planet is not drained, we must evacuate to the orbit of the planet. Then, destroy the planet's ecology. , Turn it into a death star completely."



A series of cold orders were continuously issued from the Black Smoke Clan's headquarters base.

But at this time, the Black Smoky Guard soldiers at the experimental sub-base are in misfortune at this time, even if they receive the order from the headquarters, they are unable to carry out it.

Because of the elite operation of the 200 islanders, Sao broke the guards' legs.

Defiant not afraid of death... To be precise, it is simply a guy who deliberately jumped in front of the death line.

The Smoky Guards who can be sent to guard this important experimental base are all selected elites. Under normal circumstances, they are also not afraid of death. Even if they sacrifice their lives, they will give priority to protecting the safety of scientific researchers, transferring scientific researchers and important research materials as soon as possible and escorting them out.

But they are not afraid of death, and sometimes they don't want to die in some strange ways.

For example, in the weapons research room of District 1, it was attacked by a three-person team.

This three-person team is well coordinated, has a sharp tactics, and is both offensive and defensive.

A huge player acts as a physical shield-this is real flesh, and the body is all flesh.

Under the cover of this giant team member, there is a member in the rear who possesses a certain kind of ‘binding’ magical power, which can quietly fix the enemy.

The last member wandered in the shadows, solving the bound enemies.

It was normal at the beginning, and the two sides played back and forth... the huge member also suffered some injuries.

There is still a bit of blood in the fight.

But when he was seriously injured and was about to fall down, the huge human suddenly reached out and grabbed a fixed black smoke guard.

Then, like inhaling or slurping a screw, he inhaled the aerosolized black smoke guard'smoke body' into his mouth.

His stomach swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The black smoke guards around were dumbfounded.

Then, the huge human raised his **** and released a wave of black farts.

It's cruel!

"Huh? It's really effective." The huge human uttered a simple and honest laugh. In the laughter, the originally injured parts of his body began to heal a little: "My practice seems to be effective for these guys."

His code name is "Blue Whale", his technique is good at defense, and he also has the ancillary magical power of "gluttony"-when he is injured in battle, he can quickly recover from the injury by eating a lot of food, high-energy body, and pure elemental energy. .

Just now, the blue whale looked at the body of the black smoke guard, and felt that these guys were somewhat similar to the'elemental energy', and they seemed to have high energy, so they tried to use the supernatural power of'gluttony'. Anyway, it is the clone, not the main body, and is not afraid of eating bad stomachs.

After some attempts, he found it was really effective.

After the black smoke guard was sipped into his abdomen to digest, the clone was actually supplemented with energy, and his injury recovered.

And the part of the black gas released by him as a fart is the part that cannot be digested.

Soon after being discharged from the body, this part will condense into the body of a smoky tribe... However, the soul is gone, and it is dead.

The Smoky Guard saw this scene, and his research mentality suddenly collapsed.

It's fine to be eaten, the big deal is when the opponent is a cruel guy, a beast that eats people.

But after being eaten, the body is still pulled out intact, which is a bit torturing the heart of intelligent life and challenging the psychological bottom line.

They are not afraid of death, but it is a bit uncomfortable to be eaten and pulled out. (╯﹏╰)

"Their weapons are pretty easy to use." The member lurking in the shadows held a long stick-like weapon in his hand, and moved it against the fixed guard.

Boom~ The body of the black smoke guard was twisted and exploded.

This long stick-shaped weapon is a weapon sample that is still being researched, and it has a huge damage... even the Smoky Race itself can cause fatal damage.

Weapons research experts are such an existence with a ‘self-destructive tendency’. They pursue destruction, pursue lethality.

In the past, all researches were aimed at human weapons, and these weapons would not harm the Smoky Clan’s own fighters. But here is the Weapons Research Office, which always researches some secret weapons that do not refer to production.

Like this stick-shaped thing...

"This thing is very good, take it back first, and see if the young island owner can bring them back. This is an ordinary weapon that can hurt the black smoke guy." The elite islander who controls the field calmly said.

Hearing the words, the blue whale smiled honestly: "Crow, you send this weapon back. I feel that my state is about to reach its limit... Next, I will experience a sense of life and death. You stay away from me. Remember Pick up the energy stone."

"Okay~" The two companions happily stepped back holding a few new weapons.

The guards just wanted to press on, they saw the big blue whale rushing towards them frantically: "Taste my last martial arts, the island owner personally passed the secret method "Tai Su Xuan Yin Sect · Ultimate Art · Destroying Storm"."

In an instant, the body of the blue whale became a whirlpool, frantically extracting all the free energy in the void and involved in the whirlpool.

In the horrified gaze of the guards, the huge body of the blue whale burst open and its lethality was extremely terrifying. Moreover, the bursting energy still carries the aura of profound yin...if it comes in contact with it, it will become cold toxin.

It is very correct that Taisu Xuanyin Sect is called a terrorist organization by Brother Miao.

After the loud explosion, the scene was in a mess.

The guards suffered heavy casualties... Many black spars were left behind, which were picked up by the two companions of the Blue Whale.

Similar things happened in various areas of the entire experimental base.

These 200 elite members of the island, not only have extraordinary methods, but each possesses unique skills...but before death, they will explode, using the greatest art of Taisu Profound Yin Sect to experience the moment of death.

The guards of the laboratory base only learned today that their Smoky Clan had so many strange ways to die.

Those who were killed by sword-qi attacks were considered dead simply-but more guards were killed by poison.

It may be because these 200 elites were originally natives of savage islands. They have a special liking for "poison" and particularly like various highly poisonous methods.

Their exercises, combined with some materials on the scene, can transform all kinds of poisons by mixing them.

Cold poison, fire poison, and colorful poison... Let the members of the Smoky Clan open their eyes.

In addition to poison, many of the elites on the island are good at assassination.

During the rapid march of a small group of smoky members, they were suddenly stabbed back by their companions...then their comrades were stabbed back, their bodies twisted and transformed into elite islanders.

This assassination made the guards start to guard against their companions.

The 200 elites just turned the entire experimental base upside down.

This is the price of information asymmetry.

The 200 elite have a general understanding of the Smoky Race, and know some of their attack methods and characteristics. But the Smoky Clan didn't know about these 200 elites, did not know their attack methods, did not know their cultivation system, and caught blind.

Under the premise that this kind of information is not equal, 200 Elite will learn all of them and give full play to it.

Of course, with the continuous reinforcement of enemy guards, the casualties of the 200 elites are also very large...the clones are dying faster and faster.

The damage from space-based weapons is invisible and unpredictable.

"Catch them alive, catch them alive." The Smoky Clan's guards received similar orders...but so far, they have not been able to successfully capture an intruded human.

I finally caught a human being, but the other party was deliberately arrested... After being arrested, when he was escorted to a place where the number of black mist guards was dense, the brilliance of Taisu Xuanyin Sect·Ultimate Art shined on the ground of World 713 .

The black smoke guard's mentality collapsed.

With a large number of casualties, the upper class of the Smoky Clan finally changed the order.

Until there is no way to effectively limit the opponent’s ‘self-destruction’, capturing the opponent alive becomes impossible.

These guys are definitely dead men!



the other side.

Xu Qiji's clone came out of the ultimate laboratory carrying a big sword.

With a ‘stabbing sword’ attack, the entrance door of the ultimate laboratory burst open again.

The black widows, brown bears, and Java tigers who originally stood in the doorway have already tasted the glorious return of the ‘Sense of Life and Death’.

When Xu Qijing appeared at the entrance of the laboratory, he saw a spot of black crystals and hundreds of weapons aimed at him.

"Kill him!" The black smoke guard on the opposite side roared.

—— Originally they wanted to catch Xu Qiji alive, but after knowing that the other party was a bald combination of illiterate + dead man + self-explosive art, they gave up the idea of ​​catching Xu Qiji alive.

Kill this guy on the spot, then go in as quickly as possible to see the life and death situation of the national treasure no.1.

"It looks like I can't run." Xu Qijing clone slowly said.

He can already'see' the distortion and division of the space around him. Under such a space attack, his clone is dead.

Before he died, he could do one last thing.

Not self-destruct... he doesn't have this function.

When Xu Qiji thought, all the black crystals on the ground were picked up by the force of thought and gathered together.

In the next moment, a brilliance flashed across the big sword, and all the black crystals disappeared.

Xu Qijing's wish a few days ago has been fulfilled today - there are now a pair of storage spaces in his big sword, corresponding to the left and right eyes.

It is the effect of that ‘artificial god’s eye’ operation rune.

His idea of ​​loading a large amount of **** or malicious objects in one of the spaces has already been realized.

After putting away the black spar, Xu Qijing's body was shattered.

This is death~

This kind of death feedback will be passed on to the body at that time, allowing the body to savor the pain of death.

The black smoke guards looked at Xu Qiji's place where he was shattered: "Is it dead?"

"What about that weapon?"

"It's also burst..."

"Return to the headquarters, the humans who invaded the final research room have been destroyed. No bones exist."

"No bones? It's a pity." A regretful voice came from the headquarters and an order was given to let them enter the final research room as quickly as possible to determine the life and death of National Treasure No.1.

A large number of guards began to act again.



At the same time, in the open place originally agreed.

A shrunken big sword quietly emerged.

The next moment, a long hidden Xu Qiji hair was turned out, and with the big sword, it turned into a brand new Xu Qiji again.

Do you think I am dead? But in the next second, I appeared alive I even have to dance in front of you~

The newborn Xu Qijing did not rush out to show her face.

He stretched out his hand and erected the big sword in front of him.

"Now, it's time to witness the miracle." He thought of such a line inexplicably—in fact, this is the line of National Treasure No.1 that has been forced to rush to the west.

Xu Qijing's eyes closed first, then opened.

Aurora color appeared in the black pupils. This aurora, wandering in circles around the pupil, is very beautiful.

It is the artificial **** eye created by the Smoky Empire with all human and financial resources! Eyes that can make a race evolve!



Two-in-one chapter~~ I’m looking for a monthly pass~

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