Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 116: Let go of boss Xu and let me come!

   Xu Qijing fumbled here for a long time, only to catch the signal from Heizhulin and re-enter the ‘Nine Ancestor Envoy Council Space’.

When    entered again, his figure still turned into a ‘big-eyed water drop’ eye ancestor envoy.

   It's just that he was a few steps late, and the human ancestor messenger was long gone.

   "Why did you leave again so soon? Since you are here, I won't stay for a while?" Xu Qijing's figure jumped in the parliament space, a little regretful.

   I thought I could get some information from the ‘Ancestor of Human Ancestor’... But the other party had a look at him and left again.

   It looks like everyone is busy.

   "Forget it, see if I have a chance to meet next time." Xu Qiji secretly said in his heart, and prepared to withdraw from this nine ancestor space again.

   Just as he was about to leave, he saw something pressed against the corner of the table out of the corner of his eye.

   Some kind of concealed illusion was used on this thing-Xu Qijing may have obtained the ‘artificial god’s eye’ and happened to see through the illusion.

   "What is it?" Xu Qiji curiously approached the illusion position.

   He can be sure that this thing did not exist before.

   In other words, is this an item left by the human ancestor?

   In this space of the Nine Ancestor Council, can you pass items across borders? The existence of creating this ‘Nine Patriarch’s Council Space’ is a bit powerful!

   Xu Qiji thought, came to the place where the illusion was concealed, and stretched out his hand to reach the object-from its water-drop-shaped body, it condensed the appearance of a hand, and leaned forward.

   The drop-shaped arm passed through the illusion smoothly and touched the object.

   In the next moment, his spirit was shocked, and then a tsunami-like mental impact pressed him, wave after wave, beating his spirit.

  -What the human ancestor envoy left behind is not a substantial item, but a spell of ‘spiritual shock’.

   is like a trap.

   Xu Qiji delivered it to the door by herself, hit the trap directly, and felt like a heavy blow.

   [Does the human ancestor messenger and the eye ancestor messenger complain? ] Specially leave such a trap to pit the ancestor envoy?

   After being swiped by this wave of ‘spiritual shock’, Xu Qijin’s consciousness could not be sustained and was forced to pop out of the ‘Nine Patriarch’s Envoy Space’.

   When his consciousness returned to Heizhulin, Xu Qijing still felt his skull swell.

   The black pillar forest at this time is in the largest black pillar.

  The black smoke jailers who didn't even know about it, brought the group of trialists who were holding the "trial of suffering" into a space at the bottom of the black pillar and imprisoned them in.

   If you follow the normal process... the next batch of trialers will endure pain that ordinary people can't bear until they are squeezed dry.

   But unfortunately, at this time Xu Qiji revealed her stuff.

After   's consciousness was subjected to the'mental shock', he had a splitting headache and reached out and patted his head vigorously. Then, the mask, which pretended not to be seen, was photographed a bit.

   Although he reacted immediately and quickly put on the mask again, his breath of being a ‘human’ had been caught by the black smoke jailer.

   A few black smoky jailers immediately turned their eyes to Xu Qiji, the scarlet eyes were as sharp as a knife, and they fell on Xu Qiji.

   "You are not Shouwang Ding, who are you!"

   "This is the human race, the creatures of this planet!"

   The black smoke jailer shouted at Xu Qijing, and at the same time he drew out his weapons to lock Xu Qijing on.

   "It's a's a pity, I didn't plan to do anything here, but I still want to make more use of this disguised identity." Xu Qijing rubbed his temples and stretched out his big sword.

   The dazzling golden light exploded from Xu Qiji's body. This was the brilliance of the fighting gold body.

   Several black smoke jailers opened their mouths, and bursts of black smoke came out of their mouths. The black smoke is a summoning basic space application technique.

   As a large amount of black smoke erupted, beasts croaked in the void. A huge hound beast emerged from the black smoke and pounced on Xu Qiji.

   "Kill him!" The black smoky jailer roared, and at the same time the various weapons developed for humans in his hands kept on fire-they did not worry that this weapon would hurt the hound beast, this kind of weapon was purely aimed at flesh and blood.

   "Huh?" Xu Qijing, holding a big sword, suddenly noticed something.

   He seems to understand what the black smoke jailer said?

   Is it the effect of ‘artificial eyes’? After all, that thing is the crystallization of the black smoke empire's national technology, manpower, and material resources. With it, it can translate the language of the black smoke tribe, and it seems to make sense.

   If I got this ‘artificial eye’ earlier, when I was learning a foreign language, it would not have been so hard to memorize vocabulary all night.

   Xu Qijing thought, but the big sword in his hand didn't stop, and he waved it lightly.

  The combat power of these hound beasts is basically around the second level, and some of them are at the level of the third level, but the hound beasts in the hands of the jailer are not high in combat power.

   After all, even the hound beast of the first realm has no solution for the human beings in the 713 world. The jailers also don't need the hound beast with such a high level, so it reduces consumption.

   With the big sword swinging, even if it is crushed by the realm, Xu Qiji can easily deal with this batch of hound beasts-and then can store them in delight.

   Xu Qijing has been greedy for their wings for a long time. I missed the grilled wings last time. This time I have to take the wings back for anything!

   Shu Shu Shu ~ Sword light flashed, Xu Qiji's figure and Hound Beast crossed by.

   There was no scream, only the sound of neat objects falling.

   The hound beast that pounced on Xu Qiji has been neatly chopped into slices, the flesh has been separated, and the wings have been individually cut to one side, and the condensed ‘energy stone’ ding ding dong dong.

   "Dinghai a sword." Xu Qiji collected his sword handsomely-without a scabbard, the sword could only be carried on his back.

His Dinghai sword originated from Dawei's "Dinghai Boxing Technique" + thrush's knife skill. It was originally understood from the kitchen knife technique. In the aspect of'separation of flesh and bones', it naturally has a sword effect. addition.

   Boom boom boom~ And at this moment, the attacks of those black smoke jailers also came at the same time.

   In Xu Qiji's eyes, the aurora of artificial gods' eyes circulates...

  These attacks are not ‘space distortion’ attacks, but attacks that can drain the body’s energy and heat and scorch the body.

   As long as it is not a ‘spatial distortion’ approach, Xu Qiji does not need to evade on a large scale.

   He raised his arm and wanted to test the strength of his ‘fighting golden body’, to see how the fighting gold body nowadays, how much damage can he withstand when faced with this level of attack?

   But when Xu Qiji stretched out his hand to block the attack, suddenly there were several figures, like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, jumping out in a graceful posture, blocking him.

   The attacks of the black smoke jailer all fell on these figures, and they were perfectly blocked.

   "Let go of Boss Xu, all attacks, come at us!" The figures made heroic voices.

   Xu Qiji: "???"

   are the testers who have been sent under the black pillar.

   The smoky jailer in the distance sounded an alarm while firing frantically at Xu Qijin.

   But no matter how they fired, or from which angle they attacked, there would always be a group of figures, with a graceful diving posture, blocking the attack, and Xu Qiji, who had no dead spots, protected him.

   After blocking the attack, the testers will scream contentedly, falling on the ground and rolling...

   You have a problem!


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