Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 118: It seems that we can only use abnormal means

   Since having this pair of ‘artificial **** eyes’, Xu Qijing can not only go up to the eighth floor in one breath, but also understand most of the smoky language—he can even speak a few simple sentences at critical times.

   When the ‘seat space’ in the black pillar space merged to a size large enough for adults to shrink into it, Xu Qijing stopped giving instructions.

   At a critical juncture, it is good to have a space that can shrink and save your life. You can never ask for VIP treatment. At this time, if any guy asks for big space treatment, Xu Qiji will definitely put him into the foundation of the **** pillar...

"Sure, it can do it. Move all the humans in the prison and transport them here. The speed must be fast, and it will definitely not give the black smokers more reaction time." Xu Qijing said to the person who hopes to string the trial. .

   "Okay, Boss Xu~ I'm going to pass on the task to my companions. By the way, Boss Xu, you can call me Xuan 72." I hope that the testee will show a bright smile at Xu Qiji.

   "Is it a code name?" Xu Qiji asked-or like Qi Yishan?

"Well, this is the code name of our Xuannv sect disciple before leaving the teacher. After leaving the teacher, our teacher will give the official name. I am the number seventy-two of the Xuanzi generation." Xuan Qiqi nodded and said. , His figure flew up and fell into the distance, bringing Xu Qiji's new mission to his companions.

  The name of the sect of Xuan Nv Sect, how does it sound similar to the "Tai Su Xuan Yin Sect" of Saint Yule... Wouldn't it be a terrorist organization again?

   But at this time, Xu Qijing didn't have time to ask or think. He jumped up and quickly touched every black pillar in the black pillar forest, transforming them.

   Before the members of the ‘Black Smoky Empire’ didn’t react, they settled the matter. Otherwise, as soon as the opponent's army arrives, his two thousand-odd people will probably not be enough for the opponent's teeth.

  -The Smoky Clan has only been used to invincible in the 713 world in recent years, and has some negligence in defense, reinforcement, and combat.

   But once the alarm goes off and they really feel the crisis, it will definitely be the heavily armed Smoky Armed Forces who will arrive at that time.

   The other party is a civilization that has entered the interstellar age, and the technology tree will definitely not be low. It is impossible to lack strategic weapons at the level of scrubbing. We must know that the humans in the 713 world were completely crushed in a short time.

   The last'experimental base' riot was relatively small. In addition, the experimental base is extremely important to the black smokers, and it is impossible to directly bombard them with large-scale ground scrubbing weapons.

   This time the Black Pillar Forest Operation, the riot specifications are much larger... and, once the urgency is urgent, the opponent's covering blow will definitely fall.

  The action efficiency of the islanders and the testers of the Holy Woman of Joy was very high. It didn't take long for the first humans in the 713 world to be rescued from the prison.

   Although the language is different, communication is not smooth. But at the juncture of life and death, the humans in the 713 world chose to believe in the tester. They followed the tester and quickly came out of the prison and rushed towards Xu Qiji's black pillar forest.

   "Come here~ Boss Xu." Xuan Seventy-two waved his hand from a distance.

   "Let them go into the black pillar, and shrink in...then, how far we can escape." Xu Qijing currently does not know where to send these rescued humans.

   He is not so familiar with the 713 world.

   So when the time comes, I can only act on my instinct and find a location to launch the black pillar. Or communicate with Qi Yishan to see if she can provide a safe location coordinate?

"Little island owner, we are going faster...something went wrong in the prison. Some powerful things were triggered and killed many of our companions." A small island elite gestured to Xu Qijin. .

   "How strong is it?" Xu Qiji held the big sword.

   "I don't know how strong it is. Anyway, we were easily killed in batches." Kojima Elite showed white teeth and gave a thumbs up: "We are using our lives to resist each other."

   "Let me take a look, you will arrange the people in the prison to the black pillar..." Xu Qijing jumped off the black pillar and hurried to the prison position.

Behind them, although the people who escaped from the prison were instinctively resistant to the black pillars, they could also understand their meanings in the gestures of the testers. With their coordinated actions, they plunged into the black pillars and shrank into a ball. .

   Uncomfortable is a little uncomfortable, but survival is more important than anything else.

   Xu Qiji rushed towards the prison position while trying to contact Qi Yishan remotely through the "Rolling Roll" function: "Are you awake, Yishan?"

   "I am cleaning my body, do you want to open the door of miracles?" Qi Yishan's voice sounded.

Xu Qijing said with some regrets: "Next time, it's not that I don't want to, but that I am really inconvenient now. I am in a black column forest space and rescued many humans in your world... But I don't know where your world is. Relatively safe. I need a coordinate to launch the rescued person over."

   "What did you do this time? I will send you the map and coordinates immediately... I will enter the ‘Strange Silent Group Space’ and look at the map." Qi Yishan got up and quickly searched for the ‘safe coordinates’.

"Okay~" Xu Qijing replied: "As for what I am doing, I can't explain it temporarily. Anyway, I'm doing something in your world. I guess the invaders in your world, the Smoky Clan, hate me at this time. First, see you in the group room."

   Xu Qiji returned, making a vertical leap and landing lightly.

   In front of him, more than a hundred trialists and Xiaodao elite have already rushed to the street and fell to the ground. This is a severely injured state. It is estimated that it will not take long before this avatar will be relieved...

   Before the incarnation is lifted, the pain they endure will be fed back to the body as it is.

   Not far away, is a huge black smoke tribe sweeping across the army.

   is more than seven meters high, holding a long-handled weapon in his hand, and there are many small hands growing all over his body. Each small hand carries a weapon full of science fiction, and he keeps shooting.

   The entire body is an armed fortress.

   On its body, from time to time there will be a face of a member of the ‘Black Smoke Clan’ floating up and down, making a grin.

   It seemed that it was a combination of hundreds or more Smoky Warriors-this combination was not a man's dream, and it was quite disgusting.

  Sure A man's dream also depends on his appearance.

  Mecha fits, arms fits and transforms, that is the royal way of blood. But how to combine into a hideous monster, that is a horror studio, and the blood will not rise.

   "Lord of the little island, be careful~" A tester learned from the island's elite calls, and leaped forward in front of Xu Qijing in a diving position to block the attack of long-range weapons for him.

   Under the cover of this diving ‘meat shield’, Xu Qiji aimed his big sword at the small black smoker’s small BOSS.

   "Put through it, Ruyi sword!"

  嗖~ The big sword instantly crossed a distance of more than fifty meters, and the sword pierced towards the small fit BOSS.

   This move, before slaying the members of the Smoky Clan and the Hound Beast, was all harmless.

   The speed of the big sword retractable is too fast, almost impossible to guard against.

   But this time, the invincible Ruyi Sword was blocked.

   The long-handled weapon in the hand of the small fit BOSS accurately blocked the big sword. On its body, there are several faces of members of the Smoky Clan, facing Xu Qiji.

   There were several pairs of eyes, staring at him from all angles.

   In the face of such a seemingly strong opponent, Xu Qiji estimated in his heart...I am afraid that her normal methods will not have much effect.

   That can only use abnormal means!


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