Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 123: 1 black and then black before the head of council

   The blessing rune on the great sword is a special product condensed after the "Star Beast" was killed.

   But unlike the Black Smoky Empire creatures who invaded the 713 world, the energy stone that comes with the body is different...

   The blessing rune condensed after the star beast is killed is actually the ‘reward’ condensed after the transformation of the world’s ‘defense layer’.

   Before the transformation, the blessing rune may not be what it is now.

  If you directly kill the star beast in the outer sky, the universe and the starry sky...the one born will not be the ‘blessing rune’, but other unknown items.

   This is also the reason why the star beast came with malicious intent, but it will leave a "blessing" after being killed. The star beasts have no tendency to be abused. After being killed, they bless their enemies to kill.

   "The idea of ​​using a clone to replace the human race seems to be inaccessible." Xu Qijizhu held a big sword, thoughtful.

   The clone can replace humans and improve the progress of the progress bar, but compared with humans, the clone still lacks something... Maybe it is individual luck?

   "However, I should be able to get together and deal with it." Xu Qijing said, and then stretched out a hand of short hair.

   The progress bar in front of him has already risen to the point where it is almost full.

   The avatar he filled in was originally just to make up the last little progress, which is a trivial point for the entire progress bar. So, he can be full of progress.

   Originally, Xu Qijing was just trying to test whether the ‘Clone’ could fill the black pillar, just thinking of doing an experiment like a dragonfly.

   As a result, after offering a batch of avatars, he couldn't stop.

  ——He found that Hei Zhu and himself had obviously become intimate!

   After each avatar is transformed into a light spot and absorbed, it can enhance the relationship between Xu Qijing and Heizhu, and dye the black column with Xu Qiji's taste.

   If you eat too much garlic, you will have some garlic flavor in your mouth, not to mention the fusion of so many clones of Xu Qijing?


   "Anyway, I will use Myo's hair extension products... and the main body has contributed several hairs."

   "To do it, do it thoroughly?"

   Xu Qiji flicked his hand early, and another handful of hair was thrown out, turning into a avatar.

   The black energy stone stored in the big sword space is also consumed at a very fast rate...

   The progress bar of the black column rises at a slow but firm speed.

   "If you fill up the'Black Pillar' progress bar in advance, will it cause a change?"

   "But in this situation, the change of mind is what I need. The more unexpected the change, the more it will make the members of the Smoky Empire mess up and disrupt all calculations."

   When facing a dead game, why not start the game?

   What's more, he won't leave this black pillar to the Black Smoky Empire or the ‘Emissary of the Eye Race’.

   With the increasing intimacy between him and Hei Zhu, and with the assistance of the ‘artificial god’s eye’, he can completely take the Hei Zhu away.



   The Smoky Empire is in the highest council of the 713 world.

   In front of the Supreme Councillor was a plate of pills with white smoke. It stretched out his hand to catch the cold pills and swallowed them one by one.

   If it doesn't swallow some pills, it feels like it can't make it through, and it will die on the spot.

   For several days, bad news came.

   The first Smoky Empire soldier killed by a local creature... This is the beginning of the incident.

  Then it was the first scientific research center base to be destroyed, and it was also the most important scientific research base, and it became the national treasure No.1...

  Today, they received the first destroyed prison, and it was the most important of all prisons... Surrounding the Black Pillar Forest was the most important part of their conquest.

   The opponent’s attack is obviously targeted. If you don’t move, it’s a fatal blow. It hits three inches of them, the most important area, causing irreparable losses and disasters to them!

   The President of the Supreme Council can no longer see his future... If these two things are not handled properly, it has no future.

   Even if he can barely handle these two things properly, his future will not be so good.

   "Has the fleet passed? The legion stationed on the side of the "Empire Supreme Pillar", the most elite starship organization, have they arrived?" After the Supreme Council chief swallowed the pill, he took a deep breath and asked.

   That is their most advanced and powerful starship... Such a starship + frigate can sweep a planetary kingdom in a short time.

   This is also his hope.

   As long as the starship can arrive in time, the situation in the Black Pillar Forest can be stabilized and suppress those who resist.

   "The first time has passed. After the alarm sounded, the Three Thirds Fleet has set off. He is our most tax-intensive fleet, always on standby and never slacking off." A member of the Diet answered in the affirmative.

   Its sonorous reply gave the entire council members more comfort and confidence.

   However, just as it was finished, an urgent message was sent. Because it was urgent information, it was sent directly to all members of the council.

  【The Three-Three Fleet is annihilated. 】

   The frigates were all destroyed, and the three most advanced starships in the Empire were captured, and none of the elite crews survived.

   The enemy's attack method is unknown.

   When he saw this news, the chief councillor's black body suddenly burned with a white flame, and he turned the black smoke above his head into a pale color.

   This is a white head overnight.

  The head of the council fell back even more, without breathing for a breath.

   "President of Parliament, please help. At this time, we must not let the President of Parliament have an accident!" The deputy speaker and members of the council immediately exclaimed.

  The status of the councillor in the Black Smoky Empire is no lower than that of a national treasure researcher...that is to say, if the councillor dies during his'in office', he also needs to fast for memorial service.

  The time for their fasting and memorial service is scheduled to go to next year...Can't add it. If it goes on, even if it passes, the entire black smoker will be malnourished.

   The head of assembly was finally rescued—the medical staff beside him also resorted to all means and performed supernormally.

   Saving the Speaker is tantamount to saving themselves.

   The chief councillor with white cigarette butts finally woke up and looked at the urgent information in front of him.

"It's not a dream, it's true?" He almost died of dizziness again... He couldn't wait to squint and stop being rescued It's not that his mental capacity is fragile, but this matter is already related. To the survival of the entire Black Smoky Empire, he had made such a big omission in his hands, and he wished he could die.

   "Now, I just hope that the other party will not notice the "Empire Supreme Pillar"." The council leader struggled to get up and sat back to his position.

   The nearest ‘Three Three Fleet’ was annihilated. They want to continue to send troops to support, there will be a time gap.

   Now, I only hope that the goal of those who rebel is to take away the human race in the prison, and not to move their ‘imperial supreme pillar’.

   It's okay even if the ordinary black pillars on the side are destroyed. Don't make any accidents with the central one.

   The congressmen below have the same idea.

   However, just as the President of Parliament said this ‘hope’, the change happened again.

   The progress bar of the "Empire Supreme Pillar", completed!

   at least two days in advance, the progress bar is full.

   "How could this happen?" The council chief felt black again...

The progress bar of the    Supreme Pillar is completed ahead of schedule, which means that the "Planet Sacred Core" will be activated in advance.

   The problem is that the "swordsmith" they are waiting for has not arrived yet!


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