Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 125: Extreme ideas, extreme practices

  Although Xu Qijing has that ‘Swordsmith’’s teleportation rune...but that rune will definitely not be used here.

   When he turned around, he specially went to create a closed space, then left the coordinate runes, and directly sent the ‘Swordsmith’ permanent imprisonment package.

   In this way, the swordsmith becomes a SpongeBob SquarePants, let it be rubbed, flattened if you want it, rounded if you want it to be round.

   The technology and sword-making skills in the opponent's mind will not be released.

   Therefore, Xu Qiji decisively contacted Su Xisha through the "Rolling List".

   "Ms. Su, are you awake?"

   "After sleeping, I suddenly lost interest in sleeping these days. I am reflecting on it." Su Xisha's voice came.

   Once she had been trying hard to not let herself go to sleep, she was very eager for sleep, wishing she could sleep more than half of the time a day.

   After sleeping too much this time, even if she forced herself to close her eyes and lie down, she didn't feel sleepy at all, she could only turn over and over again.

   Within a short time, she lost the pleasure of sleeping.

   "Ms. Su, what did you reflect on?" Xu Qiji asked.

   "No matter what is good, you can't enjoy too much at one go, lest you have no chance to enjoy it in the future." Su Xisha sighed, and asked, "I have something to do with me? Want to add another hole to the sword?"

   "No, this time I may have encountered good materials for sword casting. Would you like to take a look? For example, if you project it like Brother Miao, I can leave a blank clone for you." Xu Qijing said quickly.

   He has seen that something seems to be slowly emerging from the depths of the earth...He has no time to waste.

   "What is the good material you said? Let me take a look first." Su Xisha was also aroused by curiosity.

   Xu Qiji stopped talking nonsense and opened the "Miracle Door" directly to share the picture.

   "Star Core? How did you get this stuff out?" The next moment, Su Xisha's voice became excited.

   Xu Qiji: "Not good?"

   "It's not a question of whether it is good or not, this thing is very dangerous... If you are not careful, it is possible to show you a giant firework that collapses on the planet's surface." Su Xisha was excited.

   Xu Qiji: "Teacher Su, can you take it?"

   "If my ontology passes, there is still a way to mobilize its power to forge the supreme soldier... But if it's just a projection, it won't work."

After the projection of   , her strength will naturally be limited by Xu Qiji's ‘blank clone’, and it is impossible for her to display the level of her body.

   "No show?" Xu Qiji sighed, "What should I do?"

   "Stuck it back?" Su Xisha suggested.

   Xu Qijing looked up at the sky: "If I knew how to put it back, I would have done it a long time ago."

   "Boss Xu, Young Island Master, it's not good, something has changed outside." At the same time, several voices sounded from outside the black pillar space.

   The outside world, I don't know when the ‘gray mist’ started, and those tiny black crystal particles fell down, and the group of testers who stayed behind were corroded and burned when they came into contact with the black mist.

   "Retreat all to the starship, no longer need to guard me." Xu Qiji decisively ordered.

At the same time, Su Xisha also gave a new reply: "Haha, don't panic... In fact, the star core is very dangerous. But if you don't molested it, it will automatically return after it comes out. And I just watched carefully. After that, the star core under your feet has a trajectory... It seems that it is not the first time it has come out to slip. If you don't know how to put it back, then don't stimulate it, let it slip out quietly Click, it will fall back along the trajectory by itself. Don't worry."

   "Just don't stimulate it, I understand." Xu Qijing breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Su Xisha's suggestion.

   As he spoke, there was a gentle force on the trajectory from underground to the ground.

   The crimson light spot slowly rises...holding up a certain energy body.

   On the way these red light spots floated up, the black mist that was originally falling was washed away, and it was thrust into the void and out of the sky. The sky shrouded in black mist was washed out of a huge hole.

  The long-lost star's brilliance, through the void, falls on this land and turns into a beam of light.

   Heaven and earth are connected together at this moment.

   The underground'star core' appeared in front of Xu Qijing.

   It is something that looks like a ‘melting pot’, with the aspirations of sentient beings attached to it, and it seems to be able to fulfill the wishes of the souls, with infinite power.

  【Stove-shaped star core? There is even such a star core, I want it! ] Teacher Su issued a bold statement.

   "But I dare not move." Xu Qiji counseled.

   He doesn't want the stars under his feet to explode into fireworks... at least until he has the ability to transfer the original inhabitants of this planet.

   [Then record its coordinates, in the future, one day in the future...We will go over and dig out this star core! ] Su Xisha didn't want to give up.

   "I don't want a big firework on the surface of this planet." Xu Qijing remained motionless.

   However, the more people don’t want to move, the more they want to move people around.

   Even the ground underneath is carrying human beings on the move.

   There is nothing absolutely static in the vast universe.

  The melting pot-like star core slowly floated in front of Xu Qijing and stopped.

  At such a short distance, the red light spot became hot from the original warmth.

   In the core of the melting furnace, there is flames gushing.

   The flame slowly turned into a human form in Xu Qijing's eyes.

   "Junior sister, are you here to stop me?" The humanoid flame looked at Xu Qijing and said slowly.

   Xu Qiji: "???"


   He subconsciously wants to reach out and learn the dance style of a certain dance king, to see if he has lost any organ?

   The human-shaped flame became more and more solid, and finally, it condensed into Xu Qiji's familiar figure.

   A man with long flowing hair wearing the ‘Ancestral Envoy’ standard armor—it’s the one who kept making clones before, and wanted to replace the human tribe with the clones.

   Only now his white hair was replaced by flames.

   He resides in the star core, his body is completely fused with the star core.

   "My remnant will appear here, does it mean that the end of the epoch has come again? And humans, have they been sacrificed again? It's really ironic, the word sacrificed." The red-haired man looked up at the sky.

   Xu Qijing did not make a sound. The other party seemed to have mistaken him for someone-Junior Sister, the human ancestor who finally appeared in the ‘Nine Ancestor’s Envoy Space’?

   Xu Qiji can be sure that he is not the messenger of the ancestor.

   Gender is the biggest difference.

   So... Maybe in the end, in the trap left by the human ancestor, that residual breath of mental shock caused the other party to misidentify himself?

   "If you can't save, then destroy it-how about the tragedy of being sacrificed, how about a complete end from this generation?" The fiery red man suddenly clenched his fist.

   "How to end it completely?"

   "From the root cause, erase us. As long as there are no humans, as long as no humans can be sacrificed, there will be no sacrifices again. Right?" The red-haired man slowly said.

   Brother, what's your thinking?

   In order to prevent others from killing me, I killed myself first...


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