Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 134: Lurking Sword Stealer

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These sudden stars made Xu Qijing a little surprised.

In the Great Summer World, it was clear that only Doctor Miehuang, who broke through from the first realm to the second realm of the "Great Summer System" cultivator, would be slashed by him.

For those who have already broken through to the second realm like Miefeng, they have to wait for them to advance to the third realm before making up their wool.

——Those who are just getting started do not have the value of being stalked.

But in this world of 713, even the little Meng New Wool, who is just getting started, have not escaped being slapped.

[Is it a different world rule? Or is it because this is another world, so it's even more rude to gather up the wool? ] Xu Qijing has no idea about this pattern.

[Or, is it based on my "wish" to change the entry level of the wool? Maybe I subconsciously had such a thought just now, which activated this new function? 】

"In general, it is a good thing for me... After all, it is not that easy to break through from the first level to the second. It may take several years before I can gather a few wools. But from the beginning If you start to stalk the wool, even if the quality is not enough, the win is the huge quantity."

One hundred can’t be compared, how about one thousand, ten thousand?

Firstly, the diluted "Holy Spring" first strengthens the spiritual power to make a bottom, then Qi Yishan's improved "Miracle" activates the ability, and then matches the "Great Summer System" exercise method... the awakened one It can be mass produced.

Today, there are not many human beings in the 713 world. Except for the old and the young, the rest of the human beings are all soldiers and can all be strengthened.

Today's 713 human races in the world, it is completely fine to gather millions of human survivors. And, as the black fog problem in the sky is lifted, many hidden survivors will gradually emerge.

When the world is rebuilt and the population is developed vigorously, rejuvenation will only take a few generations of effort.

"It seems that I am not far from the fourth realm." Xu Qiji touched her stomach.

His mental strength has already been raised to the limit by the "Holy Spring", and he is stuck on the edge of promotion. After that, he can enter the fourth realm and become a figure of the level of a grand master just waiting for the vortex in his body to be rounded.

Now, as the "Daxia System" exercises become popular in the 713 world, the starlight in his belly will sooner or later become a real star sea.

Under Xinghai's disc grinding, the iron pestle can be ground into needles, not to mention the mere whirlpool?

"I want to be promoted again?" Doctor Miehuang opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

While talking, Thrush yawned and hugged the sheet and came to Xu Qijing's side, and squeezed to him to lie down-the sofa was originally small, and most of her body was pressed against Xu Qijing.

"The spirit hasn't recovered?" Xu Qijing asked.

"Yeah." The thrush nodded, vomiting the ‘nutrient’ shell from his mouth, and fell asleep again, relying on Xu Qiji’s chest muscles.

Seeing this scene, Sisters Miehuang could only hug each other and hug each other to fight against the chill of the world.

Xu Qijing rubbed her daughter-in-law's body and gently patted her back to coax her to sleep.

Even the air seemed to become sweet and greasy.

After taking the shot for a while, the breathing of the thrush on the ear ring became steady, and he fell asleep quickly.

"Do you want us to avoid it?" Mie Huang held Mie Feng's neck, pinched her throat and picked up her sister.

"Evasion?" Xu Qiji was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not the type to be on the living room sofa...cough, stop."

He carefully placed the thrush and sat up: "Next, try to roll out the "Daxia System" as quickly as possible... Since it is confirmed that humans in the 713 world can also cultivate, then I will bring you some Come partner."

Originally, he was only going to let Sister Miefeng bring a group of 713 residents of the world to get started, and ended the teaching. But now, human beings in the 713 world can provide him with starlight. Then he will naturally spread the "Daxia System" as quickly as possible, and strive to let survivors learn and master this work. law.

"Didn't you say it, let us go back on vacation?" Mie Feng felt unable to breathe. First, her sister stood up holding her neck, her toes couldn't reach the ground. The second is that Xu Qiji turned back and refused to give them a holiday.

"The plan has changed." Xu Qijing took out the shiny black energy stone: "Overtime pay has doubled."

No matter how good it was, it was not as good as the actual overtime pay, Xu Qiji couldn't understand this more clearly. If you want the horse to run fast, how can you not get some night grass?


"Rest? Holidays? Dead people rest! We who are alive will not rest. We are the nails of the motherland, wherever we are needed, we will go."

The Phoenix Sisters quickly put away the black energy stone-this thing can be exchanged for good things from Boss Miao.

Even Boss Myo’s things are very expensive.

The value of black energy stone is the lower variety in energy stone.

The sisters have a lot of things that they want to change, such as Zhu Yan Dan, Body Sculpting Dan and so on... Currently saving money.

As long as the salary is in place, let alone working overtime, even if they are asked to fight the Star Beast BOSS now, they are willing to go.

"Then the next "Daxia System" popularization work, it will be hard for you." Xu Qiji said, his expression was joyful again.

From the "teaching area" next door, seven or eight small spots of light emerged, adding small stars to his star sea.

All the human beings who survived in the world of 713 are leftovers, their mental power and perseverance are far beyond ordinary people, and they can get started very quickly in the practice of "Daxia System".

In the next period of time, from time to time there will be twos and threes of starlight, born in Xu Qiji's sea of ​​stars.

This feeling is wonderful.

Xu Qijing closed her eyes comfortably...

That's it for a long time.

Suddenly, Xu Qijing's eyes opened suddenly and quickly entered the internal vision mode.

In the sea of ​​stars in his belly, a very large ‘starlight’ suddenly appeared.

This starlight is hundreds of times larger than Doctor Miehuang's!

It was even bigger than the starburst that Xu Qiji had transformed with the "Holy Core Pill".

"This is the newly born starlight?"

"Is it a special genius in the human race? No, no matter how special it is, the starlight that has just started to be born cannot be so strong."

"Someone secretly learns the "Daxia System"?"

Xu Qiji squinted slightly.

When Miehuang and Miefeng sisters were teaching, a powerful guy was secretly eavesdropping, and even mastered the "Daxia" and successfully started!

In Xu Qijing's squinted eyes, the aurora streamers.

The artificial divine eyes swept across the location of the teaching area like golden eyes.

This scan really made Xu Qijing see the strangeness.

In the underground location of the teaching area, there is a wave of life lurking.

In Xu Qijing's eyes, this living body wriggled underground like infrared imaging.

And its creeping position... is where Xu Qiji's clone is located.

Xu Qiji's clone is communicating with Teacher Su Xisha, and wants to add a few more sword holes to the big sword.

The lurker underground, the target was the ‘scabbard’ in the hands of Xu Qiji’s clone.

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