Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 151: Please start your speech

   Within days, two strong men smiled at the same time.

   ‘Fuhehehe~’ The Saint Yule smiled quietly.

   "Hahahaha~" The ancestor's messenger was laughing boldly, and his heartfelt laughter resounded through the entire main control ship. The rhythm of his laughter is a long laughter enough to make a little old man laugh to death.

   Although life will experience great ups and downs, as long as the ending is perfect, no matter how great the process is, it can be counted as a stimulus.

  ——The ancestor's envoy who was too excited, didn't feel the abnormality of his'emotion' at all at this time.

   "The decapitation plan is successful, this human man has solved...then this **** ‘defense’ has lost its core." After laughing, the ancestor envoy reached out and swiped on the live screen.

   The live broadcast screen switched to Tianwaitian's defense.

   "This **** defense is about to start to collapse, right?" The divine ancestor raised his mouth and whispered.

   Losing the core suppression, this defense will definitely not be able to long as a few days, as long as one or two months, the defense layer will be unable to operate normally and shut down because of the loss of the core.

   The divine ancestor envoy seemed to have seen this ‘defense’ closed, and his protoss swung his army straight into the picture of this human planet.

   When he swung his army straight into the day, the first thing to be solved was the race of the human man, and then its kingdom.

   Because of this guy, it has delayed them for almost two years. If this decapitation plan fails, then the remaining 81 layers of defense, it is estimated that it will take six to seven years to crack.

   Converted into the time it takes for this planet to rotate, on average, it takes about a month to break a layer of seal, and it's irritating to think about it.

   Fortunately, there are no more ifs!

everything is over!

   The smile on the face of the divine ancestor's messenger became more and more brilliant. He once again turned the screen to the live broadcast, looking at the beholder elite who desperately wounded the core human man, his eyes soft.

   This beholder elite is its greatest hero with the Protoss.

   It never treats such a man of merit.

   "Come to me, open the space transmission channel... Receive the gift box from my main body." The divine ancestor envoy issued the instruction.

   The precious 6th and 7th precious medicines in his collection, it is time to give it out.


   The whispering voice of the divine ancestor's messenger was just heard by another ‘Elite Beholder’ beside Saint Yule.

   This elite beholder is the incarnation projected by Brother Miao. Brother Miao is different from Saint Yule. He came to investigate the market on the spot, so he asked Xu Qijing for such a place.

   It can examine the development potential of Xiatianwaitian ‘Protoss’, the resources of the star beasts, and see if they can be sold at a good price.

   By the way, its projection incarnation is also responsible for ‘monitoring’, rebroadcasting all the images from the divine ancestor’s outer starship to Xu Qiji.

【what? Yes, the core of "Xu Qijing" is dead, so the defense layer must have something to say... it makes sense. ] Xu Qijing heard the divine ancestor's words and discovered the shortcomings in his plan in time.

He didn't think about doing something on the'defense layer' at first, because the defense layer is too important to tolerate the slightest sloppy. Xu Qiji didn't dare to let it appear any accident, and naturally would not think of moving on the defense layer. Hands and feet.

   But now, there is a very coincidental timing-outside the sky, after almost two months of tossing, the 81st layer of defense has finally reached its limit!

   is already close to collapse.

   The speed of demolishing the ‘defense layer’ by the Protoss is from slow to fast, and has gradually accelerated the pace of removing the defense layer.

   [This timing is too good to say. Xu Qiji thought about it in his heart. He could just use the opportunity of the 81st layer of defense to collapse to increase the Protoss’ trust in the "Evil Eye Clan".

   If you come, you can make the other party pay more boldly. After the payment is completed, the two parties will establish a stronger cooperative relationship, and there may be more cooperation possibilities in the future.

  Xu Qiji is also ambitious. For the big fat sheep of spiritual civilization, Xu Qiji doesn't want to just sip his wool once.

   After a thought, Xu Qijing began to cooperate with the performance.

   He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the "Rolling Roll", and the feeling of returning to heaven reappeared.

   After a few breaths, his consciousness emerged above the 81st layer of defense.

   After a month or so, the big face of this man once again appeared in front of all the warriors and star beasts of the Protoss.

   But this time, the human man's face is no longer the funny smile.

   At this time, the human man’s face is full of pain—even if the entire face is printed on the ball and becomes distorted, it can vividly show this kind of ‘pain’.

   "Ah~" The human man opened his mouth in pain. Although he didn't make any sound, everyone who saw this scene seemed to have a scream in his heart.

   The huge pain and deep despair were vividly interpreted by the man's face.

   Click~ Click~

   In the next moment, cracks appeared on the man's face.

   "The defensive layer is broken!" The star beasts and the pioneers of the Protoss made a huge cheer!

   This 81st layer of defense finally couldn't hold on, and it was about to break.

   And it's different from the scene where the defense layer was broken in the past-the defense layer was broken in the past, but there is no painful face of this human man!

   The messenger of the ancestors naturally saw this scene through monitoring.

   "The change of defense layer is faster than I expected." It showed satisfaction.

   There is no doubt that this man's painful face on the defensive layer was naturally because the ‘human man’ as the core was killed, and the defensive layer lost the core, so the expression of this man before his death was projected.

   Seeing this face, the ancestor's messenger read the despair-human language can deceive people, but this face can go straight to the heart.

   And as soon as this man died, there was an accident on the previously hard defense layer. It shows that their decapitation plan is effective and the direction of action is correct.

  Hum~ The defensive layer vibrated, and finally the human man's face disappeared.

   At the same time, the defense of the 81st floor has reached its limit.

   "Offensive, intensify!" The Protoss vanguard forces drove the star beasts and violently bombarded this layer of defense, striving to strike the iron while it was hot, and smash this layer of defense during the rotation time of the two planets!

  As the Protoss increased their attacks, cracks on the 81st layer of defense became more and more, and it was crumbling...

   After seeing this scene, Xu Qijing, who was in Daxia, nodded with satisfaction.

   Actually, the cracks on the defensive layer are just some ‘decorations’, and the defense strength of the 81st layer itself will not be reduced due to the cracks. Can still hold on to the defensive layer for two or three days, and still hold on to that point.

   is at most only improving the ‘psychological satisfaction’ of the Star Beasts and Protoss pioneers.

   is the same as the previous downloading progress bar data. There is a detailed percentage data, which will let the downloader know the number and receive feedback, so that you will not be confused about how much progress you have downloaded and when will it be finished.



   The divine ancestor's messenger stretched out his hand, and the live broadcast screen moved to the side.

   Then it stood up: "Let's go, let me meet our greatest hero in this beheading operation."

   Today it is very emotional. Actually, I would think of personally welcoming the hero of the 6-level beholder - you know, thanks to the long time, with their old-fashioned mentality, they must be sitting and waiting for the beholder to be sent to you.

   But today, it feels like it has returned to its youth, full of emotions.

   At this time, the seriously injured ‘eye demon elite’ has been backed into the shadow world with the support of its ‘clan people’ and returned to the outer space of the starship transmission space.

Beside the Emissary Ancestor, the incarnation of the eye demon projected by Brother Miao had already prepared a set of equipment with a very'smoky clan' treatment style, and pushed it out... Xu Qijing's injuries are all fake, so naturally they can't Give Xu Qijing to the Protoss for treatment.

   So of course the treatment equipment must be prepared in advance.

  Moreover, this treatment device has to have functions such as blocking ‘sense scanning’.

The ancestor envoy glanced at this treatment device and didn’t doubt anything. After all, before executing the decapitation plan, it had told the ancestor eye that once the powerful individual at the pinnacle of the sixth stage forcibly entered the human world, he would be suppressed. , The body and realm will be irreversibly damaged.

   With its advance reminder, it is normal for the beholders to prepare medical equipment in advance.

  The incarnation of the Saintess of Yule, the incarnation of Brother Miao, and a few ‘doctor’-like beholders quickly followed the divine ancestor’s envoy and headed to the teleport ship space.

   The reverse teleportation is over, and the seriously injured "Sixth Realm Beholder" appears weakly.

   When the divine ancestor envoy saw it, his heart was suddenly touched: "The fourth stage, is so weak that it is so weak? Is it the price of the last blow?"

   It can clearly sense that when the original 6-level beholder returns, its strength has faded to the 4th level, and its body is as weak as it was hollowed out, giving it a feeling of rootless grass that will soar at any time.

   When he saw this scene, the divine ancestor envoy thought for a while, and immediately added two more treasures specializing in the gods to the "gift box" he was going to give.

   Protoss has racial talent in ‘cohesive core’, and they are particularly good at this. Moreover, there are many treasures in their races, all of which are related to the cohesive core.

   Seeing this beholder's strength faded to 4th level, he added two more treasures. This can enable this beholder elite to recover from the 4th to the 5th level as soon as possible, and then from the 5th to the 6th level.

   In this way, the ultimate treasure he sent, the most treasured from the sixth to the seventh can come in handy.

"Thank you, warrior of the Eye Demon Race. Your will and your ability to execute are all satisfactory to me. I will relay this to the Eye Ancestor Envoy... I will ask it to take action and adjust the injury for you." The divine ancestor promised aloud.

   After that, he stretched out his hand.

   The gift box transmitted across the space from the main body appeared in his hand.

  The God Ancestor Envoy stepped forward and stuffed the gift box into the arms of the ‘Evil Demon Elite’: “This is an extra gift I gave you. It belongs to you alone. It does not count towards my transaction with the Eye Ancestor Envoy.”

It is actually speaking to the "beholders" around it. It wants to tell everyone that this gift box is given by it personally-as long as you work beautifully, I, the divine ancestor, don't need money or treat you badly. !

   The ‘Evil Elite’ held this gift box and showed a relieved look, and then it passed in a coma ‘in time’, as if it had already had its wish.

   Then its body, together with the small gift box, was put into the treatment device.

  The indicator light and screen of the equipment are constantly on, and a powerful life energy is poured into the treatment chamber from the equipment.

   After seeing this scene, the divine ancestor envoy slightly nodded-such a powerful life can be maintained, this 6-level beholder elite will definitely be fine in a short time.

   "I look forward to the day when you become the 7th realm. With your will, one day you will have the chance to become holy." The divine ancestor gave a beautiful blessing.

After that, he turned and looked at the remaining two hundred beholder reinforcements: "The decapitation plan is successful, and I will ask you to help us with the next step. Test the defense layer and try to break the lost core defense as soon as possible. Floor."

   Originally... This second step plan was actually intended to be implemented after the'beheading plan failed'.

   But now that everyone is here, let's move forward with the second step plan.

   Even if the core is lost, such a rigorous defense will not collapse for a while. It happens to use the hands of the beholder to accelerate the collapse of the defense.

   "Everything follows the instructions of the divine ancestor's messenger." The beholders had already learned the lines by heart, and responded.

   The divine ancestor nodded in satisfaction.

   The next moment, its consciousness left this body.

After   , the ancestor himself will not need it to direct the actions.

   Now, what it has to do is to find the Eye Ancestor Envoy and pay the remaining remuneration-it is also regarded as an advance payment. After all, the second step plan has not been officially launched, and the more than 200 eye magic reinforcements have not come in handy.

   But it is rich and happy!

   So, pay in advance!

   In the consciousness space of the Nine Ancestor Envoy.

   The ancestor's messenger landed, with a spring breeze on his face.

   When it landed in space, it discovered that there was an emissary in the space. It is a mechanical life messenger. It is sitting at the conference table, seeming to be in a daze.

   "Huh? God ancestor messenger, why are you here? Looking at your expression, the plan is going well?" Mechanic messenger asked with a smile.

   "The plan is progressing very smoothly, so I will summon the Eye Ancestor Envoy and hand over the remaining remuneration to him." The Protoss Envoy smiled back.

   "In this era, I didn't expect the Eye Ancestor Envoy to become so reliable." The Mechanical Envoy nodded.

   After a while, following the call of the divine ancestor, Xu·Eyes ancestor·Qi Ji appeared on the stage-after waiting for a long time, it is finally equal to today.

  It's time to pay the salary~

   Xu Qijing's eye ancestor envoy softly pops up.

   As soon as it appeared, the Ooze Monster messenger seemed to have a sense-maybe a function such as ‘Online Follow' was set up. Anyway, as soon as Xu Qijing appeared, the Ooze Monster messenger also landed.

   And once the number of people in the Nine Ancestor Envoy space reaches 3 or more, the Giant Envoy, the leader of the conference, will feel inwardly and appear.

"Eye Ancestor, this is the remaining reward... Our side is ready. You find an empty venue, arrange this rune, and I can start to transmit across the space at any time." The'Cross-border Transmission Rune' was given to Xu Qiji.

   This rune represents a large number of energy stones, a large number of holy springs, and a large number of holy core pills. In addition, there are many treasures that are not used by the Protoss and are indispensable for the cultivation of other races-this is the war dead pension, and the ancestors’ envoys have caused the '6 Eye Demon due to intelligence errors 'Partial compensation for serious injury outside the guest.

   After delivering the cross-boundary rune, the divine ancestor envoy thought for a while, and said: "Eye ancestor messenger, I am very satisfied with the 6th-level eye demon warrior you sent this time."

   Xu Qiji: "???"

   "Wait for him to recover a bit, I want him to give us several speeches, do you agree with the ancestor of the eye?" said the ancestor of the gods.

  ——He wants that 6-level beholder to give a speech in the Protoss, of course, not to the Protoss warrior.

  The main goal of the speech is the star beast.

  Through the speech, he can use the mysterious technique to infect the star beast with the powerful execution power and will of the 6-level beholder. As a result, the star beasts, which have been weaker in fighting recently, have been strengthened from their spiritual level-they are a spiritually civilized race and are very good at doing such things.

   Of course, when he proposed to the Eye Ancestor, he would definitely not say that the subject of the speech was a ‘Star Beast’.

   Even in order to conceal his true thoughts, he will send a few ordinary protoss members to pretend to be an audience and listen to the speech.

   "Speech?" Xu Qijing's heart moved when she heard this.

   speech, is it an opportunity for him?

   Can he add the "Daxia System" exercises to the speech?


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