Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 156: With my capital, we can properly shine the future!

   "Good, good, good!" The divine ancestor nodded with satisfaction.

   He likes the clear image of the hexagram, and the result is a simple and clear hexagram array-this is why he is willing to pay a high price to invite this hexagram array.

   The hexagram array in the clouds and mist is the most disgusting!

   After getting the affirmative answer, the big stone in the heart of the divine ancestor finally fell.

   The human man at the ‘defense core’ is truly dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection. In this way, no one can resist them anymore.

The defense below   , he is broken, no one wants to stop him!

"I don't know when the beholder elite at the 6th stage will wake up. Once it wakes up, I can give a speech to all the star beasts to mention the fighting spirit of the star beasts. At that time, morale The heaven and the earth are in my hand. The sword of humanity is just around the corner." The divine ancestor said, turning off the hexagrams like a formation, revealing aunt's smile.

Because he was in a good mood, he secretly increased the amount of speech he was prepared to give to the "eye demon elite". Some people like to spend money to express pleasure when they are in a good mood. The ancestors have such Hobby.

   Anyway, add money~



  713 world.

   Xu Qiji and Thrush Qiyishan, as well as No. 616 and No. 777, are conducting a series of seemingly tall experiments in the laboratory.

  Thrush, No. 616, No. 777 are responsible for conducting various experiments seriously.

   Xu Qiji is in charge of lying flat and being studied.

   Everyone is studying how to take off Xu Qiji's "battle armor".

   "This lower abdomen has a hidden button function, will it be here?" No.616 asked Xu Qiji in his abdomen.

   Xu Qijing looked up at the sky: "No, I have tried this function... it is for weight loss. It almost strangles me and can't breathe. Are girls so cruel to their waist?"

   When he secretly activated this function before, his waist slammed, almost squeezing out his intestines.

  His eldest man, who has a standard sturdy back and bears waist, was almost squeezed into a bee waist by Yi Le.

  Thinking about it now, I have a lingering fear.

   "Mr. Xu, I'm not happy when you say that." No. 616 said: "Obviously it is the aesthetics of your men. I feel that the waist of the water snake will be more beautiful, so women are trying their best to train their waists."

   "Bullshit!" Xu Qiji retorted: "The waist of the water snake is obviously more comfortable to use. What does it have to do with the look?"

   No. 616 was lost for a while, which involved the blind spot of her straight daughter of steel.

   "What about the hidden button function on the back? I have checked that this should be the switch that is most likely to take off the armor." As Qi Yishan's assistant, 777 seemed very reliable at this time.

   "I'll try." Xu Qijing pressed the 777 guide and wanted to turn on the hidden button over there.

   But he activated it for a long time without any response.

   "Is the key missing?" No. 616 asked.

   While speaking, she looked at Thrush Qi Yishan.

   If you talk about the key, it should be the original owner No. 713, right?

   "I will try." Shumei stretched out his hand and pressed it to Xu Qijing's back area.

   Pressing the palm of the hand, it was like fingerprint authentication, and the whole armor was illuminated.

   "I feel it, I feel it!" Xu Qiji's eyes lit up, and it felt like taking off the armor!

   The next moment, Xu Qijing felt her back numb.

   It seems that a drop of'blood' was collected, and at the same time, this drop of'blood' was transmitted by the spatial ability, and the transfer disappeared.

   Xu Qiji: "???"

   What is this function?

   Just as he was wondering, he felt that this drop of his own'blood' was transported across borders, and finally came to a certain'world'.

   The blood finally merged into a ‘body’ that was prepared long ago.

   After a while, that ‘body’ began to slowly wake up...

   "This isn't some kind of'resurrection' method, right?" Xu Qiji's heart moved.

   With this function on the back, wouldn’t the host collect blood for cross-border escape when facing death, and eventually the blood would be transported to the ‘body’s of the other nine realms that had been prepared long ago for rebirth?

   This method is definitely not Qi Yishan's method.

   That should be the secretly arranged by the original owner of the "War Armor"? Or it is the "life-saving means" shared by the Ancestors, which is a function of the armor of the Ancestors, which is now activated by him!

   After guessing the truth roughly, Xu Qijing closed his eyes and carefully sensed the feeling between the "cross-border blood" and the body.



   Nine Realms·Underworld.

   This is a world completely unsuitable for living creatures, it is a world of undead spirits.

  In the underworld, even the brilliance of the stars does not seem to have heat, red as blood, reflecting the earth.

   In the depths of the earth, in a space like a graveyard.

   A crystal-clear bone hand drilled out of the ground, slowly peeling away from the ground.

  After a few breaths, a cute-looking skeleton got out of the ground, shaking off the mud.

  【There is something wrong with this ‘backhand’. Couldn’t it be too long for the flesh and blood on the ‘backhand’ to rot, leaving only bones? ] Xu Qijing's consciousness descended on this body like playing a game.

   Is there such a poor follower of the human ancestor?

   After patted the mud on his body, Xu Qijing controlled the body of the skeleton and began to wander around.

  ——It's pretty sensational just like playing a holographic game.

   When strolling around, he found that he was probably in a huge valley, surrounded by poisonous fog.

   Moreover, the valley is full of skeletons.

   Xu Qijing controlled the skeleton body and slowly climbed up.

   It didn't take long to climb, there were strange sounds from the top of his head, and Xu Qijing subconsciously raised his head and looked up-the skeleton has no eyes, but can ‘see’ everything through a kind of ‘sense’ ability.

   He saw a lot of corpses and was fallen down from the valley.

   there are human races, there are weird races, there are human life, and there are beasts.

   This valley is like a huge corpse disposal field, filled with corpses from all over the world.

   Xu Qijing filtered the image of the'Nine Ancestor Envoy' in his mind.

   Soon, he locked on the skinny skeleton messenger - here, should it be the ‘world’ represented by the skeleton messenger?

   Not long after, Xu Qijing completely climbed from the bottom of the valley.

   As soon as he crawled out, he saw that there were many small skeletons similar to him in front of him, shaking their jaws, trembling but voluntarily lined up, slowly walking forward.

   These little skeletons, like him are all ‘newborn’ skeletons?

   In order to get more information, Xu Qijing also followed these little skeletons and mixed into the long line.

   The queue time is very long, Xu Qijing is a little bored, so he makes some small attempts.

   For example, summon ‘Great Sword’.


   Following his thoughts, the ‘big sword’ shrunk to the size of a small fingernail, and fell on his skull cover through the Gate of Strange Silence.

   If the big sword can be used, then many Sao operations can be carried out.

   In Xu Qiji's skull's eye socket, the light that was originally like a flame suddenly turned into a beautiful aurora, spinning in circles in the eye socket.

   Artificial **** eyes can also be released.

   is so wonderful.

  Since the divine eyes can be used, Xu Qiji couldn't help reaching out and patted the skeletons in line in front of him.

   The skeleton in front of him was slapped by Xu Qiji, and his jaws were opened and his head rotated 180 degrees.

   [Make a friend ~ Green Sword~] The aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes flickered, and the pupil technique "Friends in Nothing" was released.

   The flame in the eyes of the skeleton in front of him flashed.

   After a while, the flame in the skull's eye sockets changed into Xu Qijing's form, and it began to spin-but it may be because the skeleton's aptitude was not high. After the "Daxia System" was practised, it did not get started immediately.

   I guess it will take some time to get a general idea.

   [This is also an insufficiency of ‘Friends without a Middle School”. If the opponent’s strength is too low and the aptitude is too weak, the Friends without Middle School can’t take effect on the spot, they have to be improved! ] Xu Qijing noted all these shortcomings.

   He is rich now, and these shortcomings can be corrected by a master.

   Although the ‘Friends in Nothing’ did not take effect on the spot, the skeleton that had been hit by the pupil technique obviously had a ‘friendly’ mood towards Xu Qijing, and he got closer to Xu Qijing, a little intimate.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   He didn't think too much about it when he was "friends from nothing" before, so he did what he wanted. Now, he regrets a bit.

   A gloomy skeleton approaching you very affectionately, and wanting to rub with you, it’s a horror movie.

   Coupled with this gloomy world, there is poisonous gas everywhere, and the sun in the sky is blood red.

   If there is some bad music, then this game will be unplayable.

   Xu Qijing sighed, pushed away the skeleton who wanted to get close to him in disgust, and looked towards the end of the team.

   It's so long and so long...It feels like a high-speed traffic jam during holidays.

   I think it will take a few hours to line up.

   ‘Hang up in line’ Xu Qijing tried to give a simple command to his skeleton body.

   He just tried it to see if he could succeed.

   After the order was given, the skeleton body really started to execute the order, slowly moving forward. It's almost like a holographic game.

   Upon seeing this, Xu Qijing's consciousness quit the game and returned.

   He is so proficient in this life. After all, he is a man who has played so many clones. He is familiar with this procedure.



   When consciousness returned, Xu Qijing found that the "battle armor" on her body had been separated by the thrushes.

   And he was lying on a big bed at this time, and there seemed to be an iron block on his back, at least the one weighing a ton.

   "Don't press, don't press, it's too heavy." Xu Qijing opened his eyes and said.

"Heavy?" On his back, the dissatisfied voice of No. 616 sounded: "Mr. Xu, you are too rude, how can you say that a lady is too heavy? People converted to your unit of weight, but only one ton and five. The weight of a little girl."

   "Sorry, I don't have a 1.5-ton girl over there." Xu Qiji turned her head and looked at her and knelt on his back, as if giving him some kind of "first aid" number 616.

   To be honest, he is a little curious about what material the 616 is made of, so it is so heavy?

   "Mr. Xu, you suddenly fell asleep before, and we are all a little worried." No.777 replied from the side: "We tried many ways to wake you up, but none of them worked."

   "Worry you guys, I'm just idle and bored, playing a virtual game." Xu Qiji comforted the two little artificial girls: "Right, where's the thrush?"

   "Ms. Thrush is going to cook, she said you might be hungry, and you will wake up just to eat." No.616 jumped vigorously on Xu Qiji's back, and then climbed down.

   "My eyebrows understand me." Xu Qiji sat up, then stretched out her hand to flirt with her ear-but she didn't pick up anything, only the newly grown stubble.

   I almost forgot that I sacrificed too much hair before, and new hair was still growing.

   No, wait... What am I doing with my hair?

   Xu Qijing's hand on her ear froze slightly.

   He never grows long hair, so it is impossible to have the habit of ‘pull up his hair’.

   Something is wrong.

   Xu Qijing feels something is wrong.

   After thinking, he looked at a dressing table beside the bed-this is Qi Yishan's dressing table.

  Only a few very common cosmetics are placed on it.

   The new world is waiting to be thriving, and these cosmetics of Qi Yishan are cross-border from Xu Qiji's world.

   But these cosmetics Qi Yishan hardly used.

   When Xu Qijing looked at these cosmetics, she suddenly had the urge to try it.

   "Where is that armor?" Xu Qiji immediately restrained his urges, and asked curiously.

   "It has been taken off and placed in the laboratory of No. 713." No. 616 replied, "Is there anything uncomfortable with Mr. Xu?"

   "I may have been affected by that armor." Xu Qijing could only think of this possibility.

   After putting on that armor, it may stimulate his body muscles, and then leave some ‘muscle memories’ of the original owner to share with him.

   That ‘battle armor’, he would not dare to wear it easily in the future.

   Isn't it right, I still want to wear this armor?

   My dignified lords Xu Qiji, how could I wear this armor again? nonexistent!




   This is Xu Qijing's first true overnight stay in the 713 world.

   Thrush lay beside him, the ceiling of the room between them opened, revealing the transparent roof, and watched the night sky.

   And this roof also has the function of a ‘telescope’. If you want to see a star up close, you can reach out and compare and zoom in on the position of that star...

   "A Ji, let's transform our roof into this style when we go back." Thrush suggested.

   Even if she is a domineering female president, she also likes a romantic atmosphere.

   "No problem, that's what I meant." Xu Qijing nodded in response.

   The night is still very long.

   Xu Qijing really wants to do something.

   As a result, when Thrush was chatting with him, he suddenly fell asleep. He slept very deeply and couldn't wake up even when he called.

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   Is 713 consciousness going back?

   Xu Qijing waited expectantly for more than an hour.

   Not only did Thrush not wake up, but 713 did not even come back.

  Waiting and waiting, Xu Qiji didn't know when she fell asleep.

   In the dream, Xu Qiji's consciousness split into two.

  Half in the Protoss camp, resting in the ‘treatment cabin’, sleeping in a regenerating energy.

   The other half started to continue the ‘virtual game’ downloaded this morning and logged into the Little Skull account.

   When Xu Qijing logged in to the Little Skull account, the long line was about to finish.

   At the end of the line, there are two elegant vampire-like creatures sitting.

   They are doing some reviews for these ‘skeletons’.

   After passing their test, the small skull points were divided into several columns and sent to different places.

  Some small skeletons wear simple armor and weapons.

  Some are equipped with farming tools and tools to serve as labor-things like skeletons are indeed the cheapest labor.

   is only a small part, which will become a shining skeleton, and then be covered with a thin layer of skin.

   Obviously these flashing skeletons are the ones who have a real bright future and are destined to become the pinnacle of skeletons.

   Xu Qiji looked at himself.

   With my aptitude and the identity of this body's ‘Ancestral Envoy’, it must be a flashing skull, right?

   After a while...

   The skeleton he landed on was put on a cute little skirt and sent to a rarer future channel.

   Xu Qiji: "???"


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