Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 168: Do you want to become my God Race Fighting Guardian?

This technique, at first glance, looks extremely simple...It feels like it can be started instantly with just one thought. But if you take a closer look, you can find that this exercise is actually ‘the great way to the simple’!

When really savoring this exercise, the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors felt the mystery of this exercise more and more.

And it discovered that this exercise and all the exercises in the Nine Realms are not in the same system! The master who created this exercise method was completely from a very high angle and developed such a new system of exercise methods for the lowest level people.

"Such a high realm angle can only be achieved by the existence of the ancestor level of the ancestor." Only the distorted brain powder of the envoy of the ancestor can make more things out of the brain.

So now, here comes the problem.

Should he practice this exercise?

The technique that Hades gave to the Skeleton Witch?

A normal ‘messenger’ will definitely choose not to practice, after all, this is a technique specially given to the container by the ancestors. However, the messenger is a distorted messenger, and among the messengers it is the **** of a scorpion.

"It must be practiced... This is a new technique created by the Ancestor Ming himself, how could I not practice. If I don't practice, doesn't it mean that I am in the underworld, and I am not the person who understands the Ancestor the most, and is not the closest person? Are you from the Ancestor Ming?” The Envoy of Ancestor Ming did not hesitate and made his own choice.

Even if this exercise is exclusively for women, he has to practice it!

So he let go of his mind and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cultivation of this exercise.

When he has a thought, he who has completely opened his mind, he has completed his cultivation.

Even in the process of practicing, he felt that this exercise was not made for the ‘skeleton witch’, but the ancestor Hades tailored it for him.

Otherwise, how could it fit so well in practice?

The more I think about it, the more I feel... pleased?

After a little practice, the realm of the "Great Summer System" of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors rose steadily, and soon reached the level of the fifth realm!

After reaching the 5th level, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods stopped and continued to improve.

Although the meaning is still not exhausted, but for the time being, he can no longer practice.

[Can not destroy the ancestor's reincarnation rhythm. He just wanted to occupy the body of the little skeleton before, and didn't want to destroy the reincarnation of the ancestor.

In order to avoid accidents, he cannot surpass this little skeleton in the practice of this exercise. In order to avoid accidents when the ancestor of the Ming is possessed.

Thinking of this, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods looked at the little skeleton who was meditating and practicing in the lava land.

Jealousy, envy, and many unspeakable emotions filled the heart of the envoy of the ancestor.

"Let's find some beautiful little skeleton babies." Finally, it turned to leave, and went to harm the other little skeletons.

Xu Qijing·Safety.



713 world, long time no rain and dew fell from the sky.

Xu Qijing was awakened again? Staring at the scene outside the transparent ceiling. The raindrops fell on the glass cover above the head, making a popping sound, but it was refreshing.

Sometimes Xu Qijing just stared at such a picture? You can watch it for a long time.

"Is there another ancestor-level ‘Friend Star’?" Xu Qiji rubbed his abdomen, which was painful more than ten times a day.

I originally thought that after I was promoted to the 5th level, my ability to withstand the "Astral" would be much stronger? I don't need to worry about being held up to pain every day.

As a result, his strength has improved, and the speed of astral growth is also rapidly increasing-the spreading ability that Mr. Mo added to his "Mr. Wuzhong" pupil technique becomes more terrifying in the later stages.

Xu Qijing sat up from the bed? Enter the state of introspection.

In his dantian star sea? His ‘core golden pill’ is still the center of the entire star sea.

And this time the added ancestor-level friendship star... turned out to be the envoy of the ancestor? !

When Xu Qijing saw this, he was stunned for a while.

How did the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor, who was plotting against his skull trumpet, suddenly become his friend?

This guy? What did you do to my skull trumpet?

But there is no feedback? Everything is normal on the skull trumpet...

"Could it be that during the previous ‘inheritance ceremony’? In the blessings of the skull trumpet? The envoy of the ancestor was also affected?" It seems that only this is possible.

Human Ancestor Messenger, Ooze Monster Messenger, and Hades Ancestor? Three particularly powerful friendship stars? With the stars of their own race, they are transported around Xu Qiji's core gold core.

Among them, it was originally a solitary six small stars in the Underworld camp. Because of Xu Qiji’s “Dead Witch’s Blessing Ceremony,” the number of friends has skyrocketed? There is one more leader of the “Envoy” level? Go hand in hand with the Ooze Monster camp? If you continue to develop, I am afraid that there will be a stance that surpasses the Ooze Messenger camp.

"Among the four camps? At present, only the friendship of the envoy has not been collected, and I always feel a little regretful." Xu Qiji looked at the stars in his body, showing signs of onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What a pity? Although he had the most contact with the protoss messenger, the other party came from the air without giving him a chance to release friendship.

It is a long way to go to make the divine ancestor's messenger a ‘friend’.

"Being a person, don't dream, keep your feet on the ground, step by step. In the future, maybe I will have the opportunity to pinch his neck and force him to be my good friend?" Xu Qiji stretched out, and his eyes fell on the corner of his room. In front of the computer.

This computer is the one he moved from his own world, the one he painted.

Brought in together with painting equipment...

This time is too busy, he has forgotten that he is a cartoonist.

With his current 5 realm strength, mastering the details of his body is completely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Now I, as long as there are pictures in my mind, my hands can draw them perfectly!"

"Comic technology is no longer a constraint for me."

"Today, Xu Qiji will swear to become a first-rate cartoonist."

Xu Qiji was full of confidence. After gently covering the body of Thrush and Qi Yishan, he turned on the computer confidently, and turned on the drawing equipment very unskilled.

In his mind, pictures of comics appeared one after another, and his hand moved in the next moment.

As long as it is the picture in his mind, his hand is like a print, which can draw the picture perfectly.

Super sense!

Even things in memory can be printed out like photos. He can take a color picture in just a few minutes... If it is not for the buffer of the computer program and the pen to draw, the process can be speeded up.

"Although I have drawn the pattern in my mind, there is no plot. And how should the storyboard be divided? How should the grid be distributed? How should the screen change?" Xu Qijing found that he still thought things too simple.

Although he used to like to read could he pay attention to this aspect when he read it?

"Sure enough, draw something else to practice first? For example, to draw a coherent thing? Something I have personally experienced?" Xu Qiji began to recall in her mind.

What should I paint?

Just draw what happened recently?

Like what happened yesterday... what happened yesterday?

Last night, huh, slept together?

Xu Qijing was still thinking about yesterday's events, and his hands had already started to print automatically.

Nearly half an hour later, Thrush also woke up.

At a glance, she saw Xu Qiji, who paints and works hard.

Haven't you forgotten the job of a cartoonist at this time? She likes Ah Ji's serious character very much.

So she wrapped the sheets and came quietly behind Xu Qijing, preparing to give him a good morning kiss.

As a result, as soon as he got closer, even the thrush could not help but flush.

After that day, Xu Qiji stayed alone for half a month...


At this time, in the Protoss camp.

The divine ancestor received the report from his subordinates and nodded in satisfaction.

In the report, it was the detailed process of the ‘eye demon elite’ successfully returning to the fifth king state after taking the healing potion.

"After taking the medicine, it didn't take long for him to recover to the fifth stage... Obviously he was injured so badly, and even the foundation was affected, but now he can recover so quickly. Can he stand up after breaking it?" Tap the desktop.

He became more and more satisfied with that ‘eye demon elite’.

Normally, if you have suffered such a severe injury, your foundation has been damaged, and even if you recover to the 5th level, you will have a sense of weakness of'basic incompleteness'.

But from the current point of view, the beholder elite not only has no sense of weakness, but is full of energy, and his current state after recovery is a hundred times stronger than the ordinary 5th realm.

This is obviously "break and then stand", the future is unlimited!

"Very well, it's time to see him." The divine ancestor smiled.

With this smile, a Protoss girl who had been serving him blushed. Recently, the ancestor, who had been expressionless and unsmiling all the year round, has become much more friendly. Sometimes a handsome smile makes them and the maids uncontrollable.

After the protoss messenger put down the report, he directly used his will to descend on his supernatural powers, and randomly found a captain of the expeditionary army to descend on the opponent.

After the captain was possessed, he first issued instructions to stabilize the starship's operation, and then got up and went to the position of the beholder elite.

Xu Qijing's beholder trumpet, after being promoted to the main body, pretended that it had been restored to the 5th level.

From afar, he felt the arrival of powerful members of the Protoss.

As a result, Xu Qiji's ontological consciousness instantly shifted, striving to play her own role as the beholder elite, not to reveal any flaws.

"Very well, it seems that you are recovering well." From a distance, the voice of the divine ancestor rang.

Although the possessed captain changed again, with this tone and momentum, Xu Qijing suddenly guessed that this was the arrival of the ancestor's envoy again.

"Thanks to the ancestor's precious medicine, if there is no ancestor's precious medicine, I don't think it will be so easy to recover." Xu Qiji said this sincerely.

He was able to successfully break through to the fifth stage without too much preparation this time, and the precious medicine given by the divine ancestor envoy was indispensable.

"Don't thank me, that's what you deserve." The divine ancestor didn't look high, but kindly came to Xu Qiji's beholder trumpet and sat down.

After sitting down, he began to pave the way: "I remember the information given to me by the ancestor of the eye shows that you are called ‘Xu Ba Ba’, right?"

"Yes, the eighty-eighth is my code name. Then I am the beholder of the virtual character group." Xu Qiji's big eyes showed a ‘moving’ color: "I didn’t expect the ancestor to remember my name."

"Xu Baba, I like you very much. I believe you can feel this when you spend time with our Protoss." The divine ancestor looked at Xu Qiji with a sincere look.

Xu Qijing nodded his body: "Yes, thanks to the love of the ancestor."

"Compared to me, the first ancestor of the beholder has abandoned you...this, I believe you can feel it in the recent period of time?" The ancestor envoy smiled slightly.

On the opposite side, Xu Qijing's beholder didn't answer, but just bowed his head in loss-this acting is three points!

"You are only restored to the 5th realm king level now. Even if you return to the beholder clan, you will not be important in this state. Especially when your life is about to expire." The divine ancestor continued: "Wait. After you return to the Beholder Clan, if a mission that requires'sacrifice' occurs again, the Eye Ancestor Envoy will probably send you out as soon as possible. You should know this by yourself."

The beholder Xu Qijing played was even more lost.

"So, do you want to join my clan?" After laying the groundwork for a long time, the divine ancestor envoy finally entered the topic.

Hearing this, the beholder Xu Qijing played was stunned: "Join the Protoss? But I am a beholder."

"You don't have to worry about this. In fact, the earliest state of our Protoss is not what this kind of spiritual body looks like... We have also sublimated step by step from ordinary civilization. In the end, it became the spiritual energy body of today. Therefore, We still retain the ritual of transforming ordinary races into our race. That is, the'fighting and fighting law' ceremony of our protoss."

"Fighting to protect the law?" Xu Qijing felt bald, but he did not immediately agree-if he agreed immediately, his current personal settings would be destroyed.

Moreover, he is just an ordinary ‘hair clone’ at the moment. If he participates in the ceremony, he is likely to show flaws. He needs a solution that can just delay a little bit.

"Can I think about it? Ancestor." The beholder trumpet asked after a long thought.

"Of course, I know that with your personality, I won't agree to it all at once. I can give you a few days to think about it... Don't worry. If you become the guardian of my clan fighting, I will explain it for you from the Eye Ancestor. In fact, as long as I give enough money, UU reading will have no problem with the ancestor envoy of the eye." The envoy of the ancestor is very angry.

In his opinion, the beholder elite did not directly reject him, but that was actually a promise.

Just give the opponent a few days, and the opponent will definitely plunge into the arms of his protoss, become the protector of the clan, and become a divine sword of his protoss, invincible and invincible!

After chatting with Xu Qijing for a while, and secretly splashing some black water on the ‘Ancestor Eye Envoy’, the Envoy of the God Ancestor left with satisfaction.

After his figure disappeared, Xu Qijing fell into thought.

Becoming the fighting guardian of the Protoss is undoubtedly a good opportunity to'break into the enemy's interior'. Just like the skull trumpet became a witch in the underworld, it was a avenue that mixed into the enemy's high level.

But the problem is that his body will definitely not come to accept this ‘fighting and defending the law’ ceremony, and his body has to maintain the human appearance.

So, what to do?

There is only one skeleton clone, and it is impossible to get another incarnation similar to the skeleton clone in a short time.

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