Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 174: I am a car, I am being automatically cleaned

If it was half a month ago, Xu Qiji would definitely reject the proposal of the giant messenger-after all, his beholder messenger is fake, and his subordinates do not have real beholders. It is impossible to tinker with the giants to create the'cyclops'. Things.

But now is different.

Now he already has a group of ‘beholder friends’, using the control effect of the pupil technique ‘friends from nothing’, he can make some of the beholder friends cooperate with him.

That is, the process will be more complicated, and control needs to be induced step by step, but the result will definitely not be a problem.

As a result, the eye ancestor envoy Xu Qijing transformed slightly shook his body.

Seeing that Xu Qiji agreed to the two parties' cooperation without hesitation, the giant messenger let out a hearty laugh.

This year's Eye Ancestor Envoy has really changed a lot.

"Then wait for the ancestor-eye messenger you and the mechanical messenger side to complete the meeting, contact me. Let's tinker with the'Cyclops' together to strengthen the combat power of our two clans." The giant messenger laughed.

Xu Qijing blinked her eyes as a reply. This time she didn't shake her body-after all, her body was shaken too much, and it would be a little tired. Moreover, the giant messenger is not a thrush, it is not worth his frequent body shaking.

"Then it is agreed, and the cooperation is happy." After that, the figure of the giant messenger gradually disappeared.

"Happy cooperation." Xu Qiji replied in his heart.

In this way, the mechanical life camp and the giant camp are both connected.

Only the scumbag meteorite camp and the sand elemental life camp are left... and I know how the messengers of these two camps can hook up?

If the Xinghai in the body had only the Human faction at the beginning, it would be fine, but now all four camps have been gathered, and there are still three major factions in candidate status...If you don't gather the nine camps, it always feels a little imperfect. Even people without obsessive-compulsive disorder will have the idea of ​​complementing it.

"Take one step and count as one step. Strive to come to the space of the Nine Ancestor Envoys when you have time, and strive to become a man who is always online. There will always be a chance to catch up with the remaining two envoys." After thinking about it, Xu Qijing's figure also changed. The nine ancestors disappeared in the world.

Not long after his figure disappeared, the projection of the messenger of the scumbag meteorite appeared in the messenger space.

Meteor life still revolves around some planets or stars-this is actually its cultivation plan. After turning a certain number of times and absorbing the energy of the star or planet, it will transfer the target.

After appearing in the space of the Envoy of the Nine Ancestors, the messenger of Meteor Star looked into the space in doubt, as if looking for something.

Just now, it clearly sensed that a certain messenger was talking about it, and it was kindly talking, so it took time out of its busy schedule to see what was going on.

As a result, when it was projected, the entire Nine Ancestor Envoy's space was empty and there was no one at all.

After the Meteor Messenger was puzzled for a while, he thought about using the'message' function here. After leaving a sentence, his figure began to disappear.

Message: I'm here, call me if something happens.



Protoss camp.

The first thing the ancestor envoy did after he returned was to transfer the money for the'redemption of the eye demon's emptiness' to the eye ancestor envoy, and the transaction was finalized as soon as possible.

Once finalized, there is no possibility of refunds.

The opposite Xu Qiji also received a sum of money. Since meeting the divine ancestor, he felt that money was really nothing, it came so quickly that the flowers could not be spent.

The old energy stone has not been spent yet, and the new energy stone has already been paid for... Recently, the energy stone snacks of Thrush have been released, and I want to eat as much as I want.

"It's a pity, the ancestor messenger cash machine will eventually meet again." Xu Qijing said with some regrets after receiving the payment.

After all, he and the ancestor messenger are two different camps, standing in opposite positions.

So before this cash machine has no goodbye, try to squeeze out as much money as possible from the other party.

After confirming that Xu Qiji had received the payment, the divine ancestor envoy was completely relieved--he was still a little worried that the other party would refuse to receive the payment and dragged on.

Now, he can prepare for the transformation ceremony for Xu Ba Ba with peace of mind, and let it become the God of Protoss.

"Are all the items needed for the ceremony ready?" The divine ancestor stood up and asked the void.

In the void, a captain's reply sounded from the sound transmission equipment: "Return to the ancestor, everything is ready, just wait for the ancestor to send you out to preside over the ceremony."

"Very well, I'll be there soon." The divine ancestor replied.

He got up and raised the scepter representing the power of the gods, stretched out his hand in the void, the fixed space coordinates were opened, and the ancestor envoy strode into it.

The next moment, he appeared directly next to Xu Qijing's beholder.

The beholder clone was still meditating and cultivating at this time, with the mask on top of his head and his big eyes closed tightly.

[Sure enough, it broke and stood up, the previous injury has completely disappeared... and the foundation has become more solid, although only restored to the 5th level, this strong body energy is definitely the top level. The ancestor envoy glanced at the demon clone and nodded approvingly, feeling that the ‘redemption money’ he paid was very worthwhile.

As if sensing the arrival of the divine ancestor's messenger, Xu Qiji's beholder avatar raised his head and looked at the other party.

What appeared in his eyes was a figure like a spirit body. The body is pure white, and the edges of the body are floating. The hair is also a flowing energy body like the body, which looks extremely elegant. From the outside, it is impossible to distinguish gender.

Individuals with pure energy bodies like Protoss do not need to distinguish between genders after they have evolved to a high level.

'real body? After seeing the appearance of the divine ancestor envoy, Xu Qiji was also a little surprised. The previous few times when the other party came, they were all ‘possessed and descended’, but this time they actually came here directly?

Xu Qijing had seen the real body of the ‘Ancestral Envoy.’ The Envoy of the Ancestor Hades gave him the shock of the skull trumpet at the time, which was comparable to the Envoy of the Ancestor in front of him.


If the real body comes, doesn't it mean that he has the opportunity?

After several lectures with members of the protoss and star beasts, he has already had a large number of "friends" in the protoss camp. The starlight of the protoss in his body is not much weaker than the ooze camp, but he lacks an ancestor The gold core of the level is pressing.

Today, maybe it is time to harvest the ‘friendship’ of the divine ancestor’s messenger?

Xu Qiji was heartbroken.

And the divine ancestors also saw the ‘surprise’ in the eyes of the beholder, and then the surprise turned into emotions such as ‘joy, touch’.

The ancestor's messenger was very satisfied—it was indeed the right choice for him to come.

When he appeared on the stage, he brushed a wave of imaginary goodwill values.

After the opponent transforms into a gods fighting law king, it can be used immediately for his gods.

"How are you preparing?" the divine ancestor envoy asked.

"We are already ready in the next, waiting for the ancestor's arrangement at any time." Xu Qiji naturally cooperated extremely well.

The divine ancestor nodded in satisfaction again. Since last time he quietly attached himself to the captain, after listening to Xu Ba Ba’s speech in the VIP room, his satisfaction with Xu Ba Ba increased day by day. Favorability is improving.

This kind of goodwill is not the kind of goodwill between men and women, but the real friendship.

"The encounter between you and me may be destined." The divine ancestor envoy suddenly felt.

Xu Qiji: "???"

He immediately thought of the underworld, the envoy of the ancestor who greeted him with a small skeleton body... wouldn't the ancestor here also have the same hobby, did he fall in love with his beholder trumpet?

Is my trumpet so attractive?

At that time, shall I resist?

"Come on, please come with me." Because of the ‘good feeling’ in his heart, the divine ancestor became closer to Xu Qiji’s beholder clone.

The speech is no longer like the tone of the superior and superior, but like the tone of the same level.

At this time, Xu Qijing could only bite the bullet to keep up with the other party.

It is different from the underworld... In the underworld, his skeleton trumpet may be selected as the reincarnation body by the ancestor, so even the envoy of the ancestor does not dare to do too much with its skeleton trumpet.

However, in the Protoss camp, it was obviously the divine ancestor's envoy who had the final say, and the divine ancestor did not have the message of possessing reincarnation. If the divine ancestor envoy really looks at the beholder trumpet, Xu Qijing does not know whether she should serve the tiger for the sake of the overall situation?



The divine ancestor envoy took the beholder trumpet and made a space jump-the place where the ceremony was held was not on those starships.

Originally, the gathering of several starships was able to barely carry out this'fighting ritual.' But as the ancestor envoy's favorability value for the beholder trumpet increased, he decided to give the other party the best foundation.

Therefore, in the star domain ruled by the Protoss, he chose an energetic planet, arranged the overall picture of the ceremony on it, and brought in the latest transformation device.

After the space jump, Xu Qijing and the divine ancestor envoy appeared in front of a crystal portal more than ten meters high.

On both sides of the purple crystal door are carved two stalwart figures.

This is the figure of the ‘God Ancestor’, and the left side represents the flesh of the God Ancestor... It is said that before the ancestor brought the whole clan on the path of the ‘Spirit Energy Body’, the shed flesh was sealed in the ‘First Gate of the Transformation Ceremony’.

Of course, the statue in front of you is just a copy, and the body of the **** ancestor cannot be hidden here.

The statue on the right represents the pure energy individual that the ancestor shed his flesh and transformed.

Entering this gate means abandoning the physical body... When the technology was immature, the physical body needed to be preserved and sealed in a phylactery.

Later, when the technology is mature, as long as you enter the gate, the physical body will be completely transformed in the first time, nourishing the spiritual body.

At this time, thousands of members who presided over the ceremony were gathered around the gate and were undergoing final inspection.

Tens of thousands of members of the Protoss came to observe the ceremony below-mainly to see the divine ancestors.

The divine ancestor envoy took Xu Qiji's beholder clone and asked him to stand in front of the crystal door: "When I call you for a while, you strode into the door."

"Do I need to do anything? Should I take off the things on my body?" Xu Qijing asked. He didn't want to take off the mask, it would be exposed, so he had to ask in advance.

If he wants to take off his mask or something, he must be prepared to be exposed...

"You don't need to do anything, just keep the spiritual platform clear, relax yourself, and don't resist the energy's transformation of your body. As for items, except for the natal magic weapon, don't bring in the valuable items you think." Some details.

Xu Qijing understood that this is the same as an automatic car wash. As long as you enter the aisle, switch to neutral and stop the wiper, you can wash from start to finish and come out from the other side of the door cleanly.

After giving the details, the divine ancestor envoy turned and headed to the throne that the Protoss had prepared for him, and slowly sat on it.

He presses his hands on the throne armchair, where he can control the progress of the entire ritual, and adjust the strength and speed of the ritual to the best of the ‘Evil Eyes’.

Because of his inner ‘favorite degree’, the divine ancestors were very attentive and considerate to Xu Qijing.

Xu Qijing stood in front of the crystal gate.

[I really have a relationship with the door. ] He looked up at the door.

His start was the "Miracle Door" created by Qi Yishan, which opened a miracle for him.

Now even the transformation ceremony is in the shape of a door.

[Will the door become fine in my last life? So in this life is very close to the door? Just as he was thinking about it, the call of the divine ancestor's messenger sounded in the distance.

——Unlike the envoy of the ancestor of the gods, the envoy of the ancestors of the gods does not have a hobby of "speaking a few sentences", so they go straight.

Xu Qijing controlled the beholder to take a step forward, wearing a mask with a ‘sword sheath’ buried in his body, and entered the door.

As soon as he entered, he felt a soft force falling on him from all sides of the door.

As soon as the body touches this power, it melts instantly...

This is a very good plan for him. Once the clone is fatally beaten, it will disappear. Now this kind of plan that was melted at the beginning of the game did not require him to conceal the link.

After the clone was melted, only the mask and the scabbard shrunk to the limit, hidden in the mask were left.

The magic is that after the clone dissipated, Xu Qijing's will did not dissipate with it, but transformed into an ‘invisible body’ that still exists under the mask.

The divine ancestor envoy on the stage also looked at the mask with some curiosity: "Is this mask or a treasure? Or is it a magic weapon of Xu Ba Ba?"

At first, when Xu Qijing asked if he could bring something into this he did not object. Because in addition to the companion magic weapon, other things are generally melted inside the entrance.

Inside the door.

The area where Xu Qijing felt was started to be slowly pushed forward - really like a car washing, it would be slowly pushed forward and washed away.

It turns out I am a car...

The mask was also pushed forward with the invisible Xu Qijing.

When advancing to the next step, energy was poured in from all directions, letting his ‘will’ begin to energize. In this step, Xu Qijing can stretch her body at will, that is, she can keep her body in the form of ‘eye demon·xu baba’, or make some changes in the body.

In the meantime, the mask was not affected.

However, Xu Qijing's ‘sword sheath’ has changed. After receiving the ceremony, the scabbard evolved into the pure energy form of the Protoss. Moreover, the scabbard also got a chance to ‘shape’.

"Form? What am I missing?" Xu Qiji thought.

He has a weapon.

Battle armor? He may not lack the armor... because Qi Yishan seems determined to improve the ‘Ancestral Envoy’s armor’ and put it on him at that time. The armor is fully covered, even the helmet is included.

"Then, come a cloak?" Xu Qiji inexplicably thought of the cloak on Miao Brother, feels very handsome?

The best is the kind of cloak that can be fluttered with the wind, transformed into a multitude, and can be soft and rigid.

When you need to be handsome, you can stretch out and turn into wings to enhance your flying ability.

When you need defense, you just get up and turn into layers of shields.

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