Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 181: Valkyrie's Tail

With the improvement of Xu Qijie's realm, the expansion of Xinghai, and Mr. Mo's improvement of the pupil technique of ‘Friends in Nothing’, Xu Qiji became more and more comfortable with the operation of ‘Friends’, and various ‘guidance’ were readily available.

Some tiny guided operations don't require attention, only a single thought can achieve the effect.

[The first guide and brushing the favorability value have this effect. So as long as we come a few more times and let these protoss guardian warriors come to me to practice a few times, the goodwill between me and them will be solidified, right? ] Xu Qiji is very satisfied.

In the next few days, I will wrap these ten elite fighters in the sea of ​​stars, brainwash them every day, and try to wash them into their own fans, fanatics.


Just like what the "Blessing Nephew" revealed, in the next few days, several hall masters came in person.

The third hall lord, the lord of death, the fifth hall lord, the lord of crisis, the sixth hall lord, the lord of desire, and the tenth hall lord, the lord of courage.

Like the Lord of Calamity in the Eighth Hall, each of the Lords of the Hall brought ten elite fighters as they had agreed.

For the nine places set by the ancestor, each of the palace masters insisted that more individuals come in. The extra ones are naturally nephews, nieces, nephews and the like.

Xu Qijing never refuses to come, anyway, as long as you are willing, I will accept it.

As long as the elite warriors who are squeezed in are only in the fifth-level king-level state, they will be brainwashed and become my people soon after being under my star sea package.

Among the four hall masters, two of them, like the Lord of Disaster, secretly conducted some tests on Xu Qiji.

The other two came here purely to take a look at the new fighting magic king who is about to become the lord of the palace-anyway, they have already inserted personnel in, and the extra temptation is meaningless.

After the four hall masters visited, there were forty elite five-level fighters in the star sea behind Xu Qijing.

A total of 50 elite fighters practice in Xu Qiji's sea of ​​stars day and night.

After practicing this way for seven days...

The 50 elite fighters are inseparable from Xu Qiji's stars.

Staying in the sea of ​​stars to cultivate is too warm, and the speed of cultivation is several times faster.

The meditation practice that used to be boring has become more interesting now - the reason why I felt boring in the past is that after practicing over and over again, it is difficult to clearly feel how strong I am. But as long as they are in the stars, they can clearly feel that they are a little stronger every time they practice.

This can be the same as not being able to see the progress bar... When you can’t see the upgrade progress bar, you don’t know when you can enter the next level. After each practice, I feel empty and confused. Can't see the end.

But with the progress bar, I saw myself getting stronger a little bit, and I had a clear goal end point.

Each time they practice a little bit of strengthening, they continue to accumulate, making them feel like they can grow infinitely and naturally become more motivated.

And sitting in front of them, the generous background also penetrated into their hearts as they practiced again and again, and even faintly replaced the supreme position of the'Hall Master' and the'Protoss Messenger' in their hearts.

Among the fifty elite guardians of the palace, the "Blessing Nephew" is the most special. He lacked his father's love when he was young. Once he fell, his depressed feelings erupted like a volcano.

At this time, if Xu Qijing said to him: Be my son!

I wish my nephew must burst into tears and yell to Dad.

Anyway, he and his biological father couldn't get married. There was a deep contradiction between him and his son, and he almost turned into a kind of hatred.

Xu Qiji could feel that among the 50 guardians of the palace, blessing his nephew was the closest to him, and in terms of personal attributes, blessing his nephew was also the closest to Xu Qiji's Xinghai.

Therefore, under Xu Qiji's arrangement, every time he practiced, Blessed Nephew was ranked in the forefront position, faintly becoming the leader of the fifty palace guards.


"Lord Fa, ten days have passed... I have an agreement with my uncle, the lord of the disaster, should I implement this agreement now?" At the end of the day's practice today, the blessing nephew suddenly gave Xu Qijing a message. .

Had it not been for the Lord of Calamity to call him a remote call today, I wish my nephew would have almost forgotten the agreement between him and his uncle.

"What agreement?" Xu Qiji asked curiously.

"Well, when I came, my uncle reminded me that he asked me to report to him the progress of my cultivation these days after ten days of cultivation. This is a kind of supervision for me, and I don't want me to waste my cultivation. But I think...this It should be my uncle who used me to learn about your training and progress of the King." Blessing my nephew replied.

Without saying a word, he had already stabbed the Lord of Calamity again.

And when the blessing nephew had just finished speaking, there were four more elite fighters behind him, quietly transmitting to Xu Qiji.

These four are the same as the blessing nephew, they are the eyeliners and back door relatives inserted by the hall masters.

The Third Hall, the niece of the Lord of Death, code-named Nebula, is one of only two women among the 50 elite fighters.

The Fifth Hall, the grandnephew of the Lord of Crisis, whose code name is Storm. Xu Qiji admires his hairstyle very much. He is bald.

The sixth hall, the far house of the Lord of Desire, is as far away as the fifth and sixth generations anyway, his code name is Burning...The method of cultivation is to burn the desires in people's hearts, and has been practicing with the Lord of desires.

The tenth hall, the 109th child of the love life of the Lord of Courage, is codenamed the giant dragon...has a seven-meter-high man that is rare in the Protoss.

The eyeliners arranged by the four exhibitors to come in, all transmitted to Xu Qiji, relayed similar things, and sold their own palace owners.

Xu Qijing smiled slightly after receiving these transmissions.

Obviously, after 7-10 days of joint cultivation, his status in the hearts of these children has surpassed that of the Lords.

"It doesn't matter, you can talk to the hall masters and report the results of your practice these days. By the way, you can also tell them in detail the "Friendship Formula" you have learned from me." Xu Qijing smiled slightly.

The name "Friendship Jue" was given by the messenger of the ooze monster. He adopted this name and used it for publicity.

Even if the name of "Friendship Jue" is too dirty, Xu Qiji encourages everyone to create their own names. The important thing is not the name of the exercise, but the body of the exercise.

After obtaining Xu Qiji's consent, the relatives of the five hall masters who had inserted the eyeliner through the back door began to initiate reporting calls to the hall masters.

During the call, Blessing my nephew and the others described in detail the diligence and hard work they and others had cultivated over the past few days, and the daily cultivation and night cultivation had almost never stopped.

After talking about cultivation, I also briefly talked about the important auxiliary role of Xu Qiji's "Xinghai Realm" in cultivation.

Finally, they also talked to the hall masters about their new cultivation method—the name of the cultivation method. Five people reported different names of their own. Obviously, the relatives of the five hall masters all have their own aesthetics. With Xu Qiji's consent, they couldn't wait to change "Friendship Jue" to their favorite exaggerated name.

The next plot was as expected by Xu Qijing.

The five hall masters all had a keen interest in this practice passed by Xu Qiji.

In line with the interest of the hall masters, the five relatives of the eyeliner explained this exercise in detail without hesitation.

After the hall masters got this exercise, they didn't start practicing immediately, but began to analyze this exercise in detail.

The "Daxia System" exercises taught by Xu Qijing is the most basic abridged version. In addition to the core ‘friend’ function, there is only a blank template + automatic hang-up meditation support function.

Because it is very basic, it is like a piece of white paper. One thousand people can practice this exercise, and one thousand different evolutionary versions can be cultivated.

The five practice versions submitted back by the five relatives' eyeliners are also the versions after their cultivation and comprehension.

After the five palace masters took these five versions of the exercises together and studied them, their faces showed surprise.

"The new Lord of Fighting and Fighting is a bit interesting. According to the different qualifications of each person, he also tailored a set of different exercises for them?" The Eighth Hall of Disaster Lord pinched his chin.

"Although these five sets of exercises are different, they should have the same basic core." The Lord of the Fifth Hall of Crisis carefully analyzed and felt that an original version could be separated from the five sets of exercises.

"It's normal. Although there are five different sets of exercises, the core must be deduced based on the King of Fighting's own views or his own techniques. From this we may be able to know the techniques of the King of Fighting. Source." The Lord of Courage in the Tenth Hall laughed.

With the strength of the five hall masters now in the 7th realm of the sub-saints, through retrograde, the most basic "Daxia System" was quickly analyzed.

A very common or even simple exercise method appeared before their eyes.

But it's such a simple exercise technique, the more you look at it, the more shocking they are-the idea of ​​this exercise technique is so high, it feels that it was created by at least 100 level masters, and even has been modified by several masters.

It seems simple, but it is back to the basics, it is worthy of their study.

"Unexpectedly, it's just a whim. You can get something like this by inserting someone in to monitor the fighting mage." Several hall masters each held the basic practice method, looked at each other, and then looked back and studied it carefully.

They didn't practice immediately, after all, they didn't know if there were any taboos in this exercise. The five hall masters turned their heads and found a few fighters in their halls, including elites, ordinary, and even miscellaneous members, and asked them to practice this exercise in batches and conduct experiments.

If the results of the experiment are okay, after some time, the five hall masters will adapt this basic exercise method according to their own characteristics, change it into a exercise method that suits them, and then start practicing.

That night.

In Xu Qiji's sea of ​​stars, more than 100 high-quality stars of very high quality, 5 or even 6 levels were added in one breath.

I believe that in a short time, 5 sub-saintly starlights will be added to the Protoss camp, which will become the strongest among the Xinghai camps.



It was the second day after the five hall masters got the basic exercises of the "Daxia System".

Bless my little nephew, the ‘Lord of Despair’, finally showed up...The 4th Hall Master·Lord of Despair.

As the name suggests, this desperate lord himself is stuck in deep despair at this time, unable to extricate himself.

His realm of strength is stronger than the previous five hall masters, at the limit of the 7th sub-sage, as if he can be promoted to the holy realm with a bit of advancement.

But he has no chance. The decadent life prevents his strength from advancing and retreating. It is estimated that in a short while, his realm will begin to fall.

The Lord of Despair brought only 9 elite fighters over, and did not put his own eyeliner.

During the visit to Xu Qijing, his eyes looked a little greedily at Xu Qijing's ‘below trumpet’.

Xu Qiji was staring at her and her heart grew hairy...

"It's nice to be young." The Lord of Despair finally sighed with emotion.

The beholder trumpet exudes a strong vitality at this time, and this vitality also has the vitality of "dead wood in spring", which makes people believe that the beholder trumpet is a setting of "break and then stand, glowing with new vitality".

It is a pity that the miracle of "break and stand" cannot be replicated, and the desperate master dare not try such a thing lightly.

After looking deeply at Xu Qijing, the Desperate Lord showed a very formal expression on his face and said, "I believe that with the strength of the Fighting Magic King, I can see that I have died soon, and my life will be exhausted. "

Xu Qiji: "..."

What is this for? I can't continue your life.

"I want to make a deal with you, the Lord of Fighting. I promise that this deal will not make you lose. I wonder if we can talk alone?" The Desperate Lord said seriously.

[Talk alone? Are you afraid that you want to kill me alone? After thinking for a moment, Xu Qiji nodded.

Just talk about it. In the past ten days, he has cultivated the "Splitting Divine Ability" taught by Mr. Mo to a good level, and this beholder trumpet is not so easy to be killed. Moreover, he has life-saving escape skills, but he is confident that he can escape across the boundary instantly.

Seeing Xu Qiji's consent, the Lord of Despair smiled. He stretched out his hand and patted A small starship stopped outside Xu Qiji's cultivation garden.

"Please come with me. Before, I was afraid of fighting against the French. It is great that we can talk so quickly." The Lord of Despair asked Xu Qiji to board the ship.

Xu Qijing didn't bring the 59 subordinates, but let them practice hard under the leadership of Blessed Nephew.

The starship is fast, passing through several space jump nodes on the way.

In the end, it fell in front of an ancient temple.

"This is my temple, the temple of despair. Please come in, and the things I want to trade with the fighting magic king are in it..." The Lord of Despair took Xu Qijin into his temple.

These twelve halls were built by the ancestors. In this hall, even the divine ancestor's messenger could not sense the situation inside. Unless it is the palace owner who takes the initiative to open the restriction.

"Fighting King, don't you worry about me coveting your core along the way?" the desperate lord asked as he walked.

"Don't worry, because you are greedy for my core." Xu Qiji said calmly.

"Hahaha~ yes, that's right." The Lord of Despair generously admitted the fact that he was greedy for the other's core. However, he didn't mean to grab it.

"Please look." After taking Xu Qijing into the depths of the hall, the Lord of Despair opened a warehouse with layers of insurance and opened a safe.

In the box, there is a soft energy tail, which looks like a foxtail. It is huge and can be used as a scarf around the neck.

"What is this?" Xu Qijing asked.

"The tail of the Valkyrie... the relic of the previous ‘Fighting King’." At this time, the Lord of Despair revealed a girl's love expression.

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