Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 187: The second palace master who was wounded by defense

Can't let me become bigger than the planet, and then move two planets to escape like a basketball?

And even if he can really become even bigger than the planet in the future, when he lifts the planet so easily, how many creatures will die on the planet?

One continent will die with one palm? How much evil does this have to do?

Thinking about it, it feels unreliable. It would be better to have a tall magical supernatural power. It would be better to teleport the entire planet in one breath...

"Senior Mask, Senior Circus, Senior Beast Tamer."

That night, when Xu Qijing was meditating, she kept talking about the masked senior, hoping that she could try her luck, and her consciousness would soar so that she could meet the other party and complete the rest of the transaction.

As a result, he fell asleep in meditation halfway through the chanting, and never met the senior in the end.

713 in the world.

Thrush alone controlled the two bodies, and quietly came to Xu Qijing's room-she felt that she had slept apart from Xu Qijing for many days, and Xu Qijing could almost be forgiven today. It's still appropriate to have a small fight between husband and wife. Just play around. If the noise goes on for a long time, the play will become real, and it will hurt the feelings between husband and wife.

When Thrush came to Xu Qijing's room quietly, trying to give him a surprise, he saw Xu Qijing in his sleep calling a name: "Mask senior, mask senior..."

Only after calling ‘Senior Mask’ more than ten times, ‘Thrush’ is called.


This man feels like he can throw it away.

So she sealed Xu Qiji's mouth with duct tape, and took Qi Yishan's body to hold the quilt, and ran all night.

next door.

Brother Miao used a small kettle to water the small aloe vera and showed a happy smile along the way.

How can you see my boss if you want to? Hey~

Okay, I lost my wife.


After being happy, Brother Miao took care of the aloe leaves again.

It always feels that it has a good relationship with this aloe vera, and every day when it is free, it wants to take care of it. Compared to Xu Qiji, who wants aloe as her daughter, she loves her more.



Falling into the sleepy Xu Qiji spiritual consciousness space.

The will of a beholder was resurrected tenaciously, floating in Xu Qijing's consciousness space dazedly.

Snap ~ "Calling the Roster" is familiar with the road, cross-boundary, and instantly smashed the beholder's will into an eye cake.

This kind of plot will repeat itself almost every other month, tirelessly.


Protoss camp.

The beholder trumpet woke up and wiped his saliva.

"I didn't even meet the masked senior in one night. It seems that I didn't find the right method." Xu Qijing was a little regretful.

At the same time, his divine consciousness swept across the stars in his body.

In the sea of ​​stars, all the starlights of the Lords of the Palace have all turned into a ‘golden core’ level.

The golden core of the ooze messenger is finally about to evolve into a ‘golden egg’.

On the contrary, the golden core of the ‘eye beast messenger’ gave Xu Qijing a surprise--the golden core of the beholder messenger had reached the critical point of evolution, and it was estimated that the transformation would be completed in about half a day.

"Could it be that the influence of the heart demon on the beholder family has increased again?" Xu Qiji guessed in her heart.

However, this is a good thing anyway.

"Calculated in this way, all the'messenger golden pills' today can be transformed into golden eggs, and golden pills will also be able to evolve and turn pills into eggs." Xu Qiji can't wait to see her golden eggs. The appearance of Danhua egg.

If there is nothing strange about the golden egg that was set out by the power of the entire Xinghai Sea, then Xu Qijing would pick it up!

He can't afford to lose that face! !

With such a huge special supply of the power of the stars, if the result is ordinary, it would be too wasteful. It is better to pick it up earlier and change to a potential Jindan core.

Upon Xu Qijing waking up, the Third Hall·Death Lord’s niece Nebula came up, holding a plate of clear springs, and wiping Xu Qijing in the form of a beholder.

"Lord Eighty Eight, do we still practice as usual today?" Xingyun asked aloud.

Xu Qijing looked at all the guardian fighters, and after more than a month of training in his star sea, these guardian fighters are in a state of full accumulation, and then they only need a little outside stimulation to be promoted. Realm, even the degree of crossing several small realms.

"Repair today. Everyone prepares the pill and other supplies for long-term battles and maintains their equipment. After the preparations are completed, they will ask me for reimbursement. In a few will be the day of trial." Xu Qiji exhorted.

The trial of Sarah Star agreed with the divine ancestor envoy is about to begin.

"Yes, the French king." The elite soldiers who had finished their brainwashing nodded together.

"Blessings, Nebula, you two come with me and accompany me to the Fourth Hall of the Lord of Despair." Xu Qijing thought for a while, letting Nebula and Blessing Nephew follow.

——He was led by the Lord of Despair last time, and he hasn't remembered the route of the teleportation array to the Temple of Despair.

"I'm here to lead the way for the King." Nebula looked excited, she hugged her bewildered body in her arms and hung her big tail on her shoulders.

Bless my little nephew with a simple smile and lead the way.



Protoss camp, the fourth hall·the hall of despair.

When Xu Qijing saw the Lord of Despair again, she found that the other party was unexpectedly haggard. This kind of haggard is from the inside out, just like a man who is broken in love.

"Why are you here?" The Lord of Despair glanced at Xu Qiji, and then his gaze fell on Xu Qiji's shoulder, looking at the big soft tail.

A touch of inevitable tenderness emerged from his eyes.

Xu Qiji: "..."

From his perspective, what I saw was the Lord of Despair looking at him tenderly. This terrifying picture made him shrink into Nebula's arms.

"Sure enough, you and she are both the reason for fighting the King of the Law, so she chose you. After all, she and I are two different species. Even if she is transformed into an energy body." The Lord of Despair took back his own. He looked, speaking in a tone of suffering.

In his voice, there was a sour taste and the fragrance of green grass.

"I'm naturally here to fulfill the agreement." Xu Qiji forcibly endured the body's discomfort with the voice of the desperate master: "We have an appointment. After I get promoted, I will give you the star core that I shed."

"I've seen the scene of your promotion, but I didn't consider it thoughtfully." The Lord of Despair waved his hand: "You are returning to the 6th level, not the normal promotion to the 6th level. It is normal for you not to drop the core. This is not your responsibility. I didn’t think of it at first. Besides, you don’t have to return the tail. She chose you, and her tail belongs to you. I can’t bring her tail into my coffin. have to treat her tail well."

This guy has so many inner dramas!

If it weren't for Xu Qiji's sub-holy strength and the noble status of the Lord, he turned his head and left!

"In fact, I shed a core." Xu Qiji smiled slightly and took out a small box, revealing the core of the golden core that had been prepared.

The core of this golden core is full of Xu Qiji's breath.

In itself, it was tuned out from Xu Qiji's sea of ​​stars, this breath cannot be faked.

After two surgical experiments yesterday, Xu Qijing was able to confirm that even if the'Golden Pill' in the Star Sea was loaned out and transplanted into someone else's body to become the core, the'master control' was still in his hands-Jin Pill went out. However, the'position' of the golden core is still in the stars, and there will be a cloud of shadow instead of the golden core to continue to operate.

As long as he has a thought to cast the "Miracle Gate", he can directly recover the gold core that he has transferred out.

In the meantime, the loaned golden core can also be strengthened with the help of the host's resources.

It's like a pregnancy service.

"This, but yesterday..." The Lord of Despair is not desperate at this moment, and his waist is not sour anymore. He took the box that Xu Qijing handed him, and carefully looked at the core in it.

Can't be wrong!

This is indeed the core of the smashing of the Fighting Law King, with huge potential, Yasheng...even the potential of the Holy Grade!

"This golden pill came down after I completely restored the 6th level of the emperor." Xu Qiji was held in her arms by Nebula and looked at the Lord of Despair with her sincere eyes.

"Really, it was too unexpected. But to me, it was a surprise." The Lord of Despair gently grasped the box, which almost pulled him out of the abyss of despair.

"Do you need me to introduce a researcher for nuclear replacement surgery for the lord? I saw him perform two nuclear replacement and life extension surgeries yesterday, and they all succeeded. Among them, he replaced his own nuclear for one of the operations. "Xu Qiji recommended Mr. Horn to the desperate lord.

——The reason why I strongly recommend Mr. Horn is to make the whole operation proceed smoothly, so as not to be noticed by this core abnormality during the operation.

just in case.

"Change the core for yourself?" When the desperate master heard this, he secretly uttered his tongue.

Two hours later...

Under Xu Qiji's lead, the Lord of Despair and Mr. Horn meet.

However, the main method of despair is not simple ‘nucleus replacement surgery’, but ‘dual-nucleus surgery’.

He is a sub-sage of the seven realms. If he directly transplants the'core' sent by Xu Qiji directly, the realm will directly fall to the fifth realm...

Therefore, he needs some buffer time to first transplant the ‘core’ that Xu Qijing sent him into his body, to the side of his old core.

After a while, his old core will move...just like spreading the practice, moving everything from the old home to the new home.

With this dual-core method, he can maintain his ‘Sub Sage’ strength at the price of one or two small realms.

This operation is more complicated than ordinary nuclear replacement.

Mr. Horn was also assisted by the assistant arranged by the Lord of Despair, and it took all afternoon to complete the operation.

After the operation, the Lord of Despair looked as if he was ten years younger, and his body seemed to be rejuvenated.

What made it even more surprising was that the ‘core’ that King Xu Ba Ba Dharma gave him was too good to fit him, and there was no rejection at all after transplantation.

It was as if the core he loaded was the king-level core that he condensed when he was young!

If it weren’t for the Xubaba Dharma King who was born as a beholder and was a transformed ‘Dharma King’, the Lord of Despair would have doubted whether the Xubala Dharma King was the offspring of his young affair and left behind.

"A drink? Eighty-eight Dharma King." After successfully transplanting the core, the Lord of Despair became the Lord of Hope-if nothing else, with this new core, he could live at least a hundred years.

One hundred years is not long for the pure energy protoss, or even a little short... but his life is extended and it is not calculated according to the normal lifespan.

If he is lucky enough to use this new core to break into the Holy Realm, he will be truly reborn and reborn.

Full of hope, he really wants to have a drink with someone.

"Then have a drink." Xu Qijing did not refuse.

The Lord of Despair made all the warriors of the temple retreat, leaving only him and Xu Qiji. Then he took out the immortal wine made of high-purity energy that he was reluctant to drink in his daily life, and poured it on himself and Xu Qiji. Have a cup.

In the depths of the Temple of Despair, at this time only Xu Qijing and him.

Xu Qijing grabbed the cup with his mind, and gently clinked the cup with the Lord of Despair. The two drank the wine...


Xu Qijing tapped the cup lightly with her hair, making a crisp sound.

The next moment, the eyes of the Lord of Despair suddenly lost their focus and became apathetic.

He sat blankly for a while, then turned to look at Xu Qijing.

As if the planets were attracted by the stars, the Lord of Despair stood up and respectfully poured Xu Qijing a new cup.

After pouring the wine, he sat back into his position blankly.

Xu Qiji's beholder trumpet shook his hair gently, as if he had lifted some order.

In the eyes of the desperate lord, his mind was restored.

"What's wrong with you? The Lord of Despair?" Xu Qijing's voice sounded.

"Huh? Sorry, I was suddenly distracted." The Lord of Despair apologized to the Xu Ba Ba Dharma: "This should be a sequelae of the two cores operating at the same time, but the Lord does not have to worry. I feel that the new core matches me very well. I will soon be able to complete the core focus shift. When the old core is taken out, there will be no such situation."

"That's good." Xu Qiji took a sip of wine gently.

Well, the effect is much stronger than he thought...

After replacing the new core, the Lord of Despair almost became a puppet in Xu Qiji's hands. It is to forcefully control Ashen, which consumes a lot of energy.

After all, Xu Qiji himself is still in a state of being promoted to the sixth level, and there are two major levels between them.

But if you encounter a critical time, it is enough.

Moreover, Xu Qijing himself does not stand still, he is constantly getting stronger. The stronger he is, the stronger his control over the Lord of Despair.

It's a pity that the other hall masters are still young ~ ~ there is no crisis of lifespan consumption, and there is no need to change cores.

[Is there a way to let these palace masters be affected by some external forces and make them'have to change nuclear'? ] Xu Qiji thought.

"It's a pity, you have only one Karmapa. There is only one core you shed." At this time, it may be that after receiving the radio wave from Xu Qiji, the Lord of Despair sighed inexplicably.

Then he began to talk about the deeds of another hall master: "Otherwise, the lazy hall master of the second hall might be able to rescue it."

"Hall Master Sloth? Did something happen to him?" Xu Qiji asked curiously.

"This matter has to start with the defensive layer of the human planet." The Lord of Despair recalled: "At first, we ran into the defensive layer of the human world, but we didn't put it in our eyes at the beginning. The second hall is lazy The hall master is responsible for the first attack, facing the weird defense. Then..."

"Hall of Laziness will be injured as soon as you face to face. The stronger the attack, the greater the injury... The Lord of Laziness was accidentally injured to the core. It is said that her injuries are difficult to recover."

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