Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 194: The will of the ancestors descended briefly

"Don't be in a daze, Mr. Atans... we have to withdraw." Xu Qiji's voice rang in Atans' ears.

"What's going on with him?" Atans was still a little curious looking at the envoy of the ancestors in the distance.

After this guy appeared on the stage, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his shot was fierce. Every move is accompanied by the power of the rules of the entire world, in this world, he is almost invincible.

But what is going on with a fierce rush into the air? Bad eyesight?

Atans felt a sense of loss of being ignored.

"Next time I have a chance, I will explain to Mr. Atans." Xu Qijing had already opened the door of miracles, and she went back quietly.

In place, a fresh hair clone was left. This hair clone did not maintain the form of a hulk, but merged into the oasis fleeing crowd like an ordinary person.

[It seems to be Boss Xu's method? What a powerful method. 】Atans clung to the seven vampire witches in his arms, ready to retreat.

His retreat was not to dissipate actively, but to be prepared to be blown up-it was hard to come by, plus it was just a projection body anyway, even if it was blown out, it would only make his body a little bit painful at best. Lose some energy and mental power. This kind of loss can be made up after a sleep.

Therefore, he was going to hold seven vampire witches and disappear after being blown up.



"Don't you speak?" In the pit in the distance, the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors was still pinching the throats of the'hulk' and the'black muscle', and the force between his fingers became stronger and stronger, as if to pinch Break the throat bones of both.

In this state, the Hulk and the black muscles can only make painful whining sounds, and cannot answer questions at all. In fact, the Envoy of the Ancestor of the Hades did not intend to let the other party answer anything.

It just blasted these two guys.

Now it's just going through the program, afterwards, at most, it will be done with a notification from the giant messenger. Anyway, in this matter, it is the giants' reason.

Whatever the reason, it is not an excuse for the Hulk and his companions to hinder the casting of the'Sword of Humanity'.


In the end, in the sound of a watermelon bursting, the throats and heads of the "Hulk" and "Black Muscle" were all impacted by the power of the envoy of the ancestor, exploding, leaving only a skull.

This part of the skull was specially left by the envoy of the ancestor of the gods-he wanted to refine the two corpses into skeletons to strengthen his skeleton family.

After squeezing these two guys to death, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods snorted coldly: "Don't think why both cats and dogs can make trouble in the underworld... Damn it!"

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Where are the seven vampire witches?

Where are the seven vampire witches held tightly by those black muscles?

Originally, it wanted to take this opportunity to rescue the seven vampire witches... and then its eight arms could rescue them one by one.

"Is it a certain spell of the giants? Can it affect my state?" The flame in the eyes of the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor became gloomy.

Even the existence of the messenger level will be affected by the spell...the giant tribe, when did they develop such a spell?



Just at the moment when the envoy of the ancestor of the ancestors was shaking and felt something was wrong.

Far in the lava world of the underworld.

Xu Qijing's skull trumpet suddenly shook his whole body.

There is a huge will, which is ‘possessed’.

Xu Qiji, who owns the ‘Dead Witch’s Inheritance’, naturally knows what happened—this is the will of the ancestor Ming.

The coming of the will of the ancestor is not to roughly erase the will of the undead witch and then to possess, but a peculiar coexistence mode.

It is said to be possessed, but in fact it is more like a body.

During the possession of the ancestor, the undead witch can use the power and authority of the ancestor to perform activities.

But she is no longer a pure self.

During her possession, she was both an undead witch and an ancestor.

In the future, the will of the ancestor of the gods will still leave, and will not always occupy the body of the undead witch.

According to Xu Qiji's understanding, that is, the undead witch has become a light... Borrowing the power of the ancestor of the Ming, she can transform into the ancestor of the Ming.

Can it be called Aote Ming?

[However, why does the will of the ancestor of the dark come early? 】

It stands to reason that this skeleton trumpet is still in the 6th state, and the will of the ancestor will not come until the skeleton trumpet body becomes more mature.

Although there were some doubts in his heart, Xu Qiji's skeleton trumpet didn't think much, but began to cooperate with the will of Ming Ancestor.

While coordinating with the will of the ancestors of the Ming, she did not forget to enter the ‘on-hook training’ mode, letting the "Daxia System" run wildly in the skeleton trumpet.

He wanted to take the opportunity to test whether the Will of the Ancestor of the Ming Dynasty could become a sheep...become a good friend!

Although there must be a big gap between the two sides' current realm, it's okay to try it secretly.

Anyway, the skeleton trumpet has no flaws. From the beginning to the end, she is just running the exercises and cultivating automatically, and she has not taken the initiative to pit the will of the ancestors.

After cooperating well, Xu Qiji stopped thinking of the skull trumpet. During the coming of the will of the ancestor of the dynasty, the skeleton trumpet will not think about anything, and will not actively contact the ‘ontology’.

What she has to do is to play the role of a cute new skeleton, and don't let the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty be suspicious.

After doing all this, with her active cooperation, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty successfully possessed the body.

However, unlike the senses in the ‘Undead Witch’s Inheritance Memories’ that the ancestor completely descends, the skeleton trumpet Mingming sensed that the will of the ancestor might be temporary favor this time?

Pluto ancestor did not fully wake up, but a certain program set before going to bed was activated, so Pluto ancestor's will was briefly recovered, and the Possession descending operation was performed-when the ritual was held with the ancestor of Pluto, the will of the ancestor was briefly given In response, the blessing is an operation.

After the will of the ancestor of the ancestors came, he began to adapt to the skeleton trumpet for a short time.

The skeleton trumpet with the inheritance of the undead witch is like a terminal that has been programmed for a long time, connected to the server of the ancestor of the future.

Loading the permissions of the ancestor, loading the power of the ancestor, loading the battle data of the ancestor...

A series of things related to the ancestor of Hades, accompanied by possession, synchronized with the skeleton trumpet.

A silver-gray light gushes out of the skeleton trumpet.

In the brilliance, flesh and blood grew on the original skeleton body. Using the skeleton as a support, it turned into a beautiful and charming figure in a short time.

Short silver hair, silver eyes with no emotion, delicate features like a doll.

After the body of flesh and blood was condensed and formed, the ‘Witch’s Robe’ on the Skeleton Trumpet also began to extend, turning into a long dress of silver-gray energy fluid.

This silver-gray energy is all the manifestation of the power of Pluto.

The synchronization is complete and the transformation is over.

The skeleton trumpet transformed into the ‘Ancestor of Hades’, and with a light push, opened a door to space, which was an application of space.

A simple push, it contains the understanding and application of ‘space’ by the ancestor of Ming for countless years.

These experiences will remain after the will of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, and become the experience of the undead witch-and the experience of the skeleton trumpet will also be shared with the body and become Xu Qiji's experience package.

The door of space opened, directly connected to the battlefield at the oasis, and reached the position of the envoy of the ancestor of the gods.

The envoy of the ancestor of the gods had calmed down at this time, standing still without moving, but sensing the position of the seven vampire witches.

At this moment, the skull trumpet suddenly appeared behind it.

"Huh?" The envoy of Ancestor Ming moved in his heart and turned around...The next moment, he saw the figure deep in his heart.

This silver figure is the ancestor in the depths of its soul.

"Ancestor!" The Envoy of Ancestor Ming was a little shocked, why did Ancestor Ming appear at this time?

Had Hades awakened in advance?

But why, as a messenger, it did not receive the notification at all?

Could it be that it is no longer the closest undead of the Ancestor of Hades?

Just as the envoy of the ancestor of the meditation was full of thoughts, the skeleton trumpet stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the messenger of the ancestor of the meditation.

A domineering force poured out from her palms and poured into the ancestor's body, seeming to disperse something for it.

[Is this to dispel the illusion effect? The avatar of Xu Qijing, who was mixed in the escaped crowd, guessed the truth...So he cooperated to remove the interference effect of the ‘illusion technique’ on the envoy of the ancestor.

As soon as the power of the ancestor Ming entered the body, the ancestor felt his eyes light up. The next moment, he saw seven vampire witches a kilometer away, as well as the **** muscles who still held the vampire witch tightly and refused to let go.

The ancestor saw this scene and felt a toothache.

This guy didn't take the opportunity to escape, he still hugged seven vampire witches tightly, and would rather die than let go. He was simply a fighter in the LSP.

On the contrary, the Hulk disappeared, seems to have taken the opportunity to escape?

"Come on!" The ancestor gritted his teeth, and his figure flashed behind the black muscular head like an instant movement.

The eight arms shot out with a hateful blow.

——This guy actually made him lose face in front of Ancestor Ming, which is even more uncomfortable than killing the Ancestor!

When Atans saw the movement of the envoy of the ancestor of the dark, he knew that his projection was about to leave the scene.

At the last juncture, he greedily hugged seven vampire witches tightly, two strong and powerful hands stroking each vampire witch, rain and dew were covered, never let off any vampire.

After finishing the vampire, he took the initiative to give up the resistance, letting the eight arms of the envoy of the ancestor of the dark bang on him.

Resistance is death, and non-resistance is death.

Anyway, the task has been completed, and it is boring to resist-at most, it is to let myself be beaten longer.

If he held up the defense with all his strength, even if it was just a projection, he would be able to withstand at least a dozen moves and then die in pain. This is obviously not worth it to him.

He wasn't a masochist. The reason why he carried the attack of the vampire witch was because he knew that an attack of that level would not hurt him.

Boom~ Under the eight arms of the envoy of Hades, the violent power directly smashed Atans into dregs!

With this hateful blow, the envoy of the ancestor of the gods could not wait to smash the opponent's atoms.

After Atans was destroyed, seven vampire witches were rescued.

They almost shed blood and tears-this was the first time they encountered this perversion in their long vampire career.

It's the first time anyone who has heard of playing cats and dogs who likes playing vampires.

Even in the meantime, they were very suspicious that the **** man really likes vampires instead of just being silly?

After being rescued, they could not wait to plunge into the arms of the ancestor, seeking comfort.

But... the Ancestor Pluto descends, in front of Ancestor Pluto, LSP Ancestor will also restrain his desire. Instead of embracing the vampire witch in its arms, it comforted them, but gently supported them and moved them behind him with gentle strength.

"Welcome Mingzu." The seven vampire witches saluted the skeleton trumpet.

Below, some broken ghosts of the underworld also fell face down on the ground.

The skeleton trumpet emerged in the air, nodded slightly, without any extra movements-at this time, the ancestor of the dark was still in a state of not fully awakening, and his reaction was relatively cold.

After responding to the undead witches, Skeleton Trumpet stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void.


In the void, there were waves of violent rules colliding.

Her power seemed to have broken through the underworld directly, tracking a certain mark, and going to the source-what she was tracking was the mark of Atans!

Xu Qijing's'Didi Fighting' summoning thugs function, the summoned thugs are projected from the'outside the nine realms'.

Obviously, the reason that stimulated the will of the ancestors of the Ming and made her temporarily awakened from sleep. This is the reason for temporary possession at any cost!

She sensed the presence of an aura that did not belong to the ‘Nine Realms’ in the underworld, so she came instinctively.

With the operation of her authority, the entire underworld seemed to agitate, and the ground of the underworld was shaking.

After a while...

Skeleton's hand withdrew.

Ming Zu did not get any useful information.

"Ancestor Ming, has the influence of the'End Tribulation" already begun? Did the black muscle monster come from that place?" The Ancestor seemed to have thought of something, and asked.

What it says is to find ‘that place’ is the shadow of the world, a place connected to the underworld.

In addition to being the ancestor container, the undead witches have been fighting with powerful monsters, and those monsters are all related to the land of shadows of the world.

Ming Zu did not reply, but fell into contemplation.

After a while, she suddenly turned around and patted a certain position with a palm.


There was another explosion.

This time The power of the ancestor of Hades seems to have collided with an object evenly matched with her. Two forces of the same level oscillated in the void.

The power of the same level as the ancestor of the Ming, is this also the power of an ‘ancestor’?

That power competed with the ancestor of the ancestor for a moment, and quickly weakened, and was at a disadvantage in the struggle-this is the underworld, even if it is the same as the level of the ancestor, on the territory of the ancestor of the ancestor, the existence of other ancestors, also It will definitely be suppressed.

"Long time no see, Master Mingzu." At this time, a serious voice sounded in the void.

The next moment, a huge figure stepped out.

It is the figure of a giant.

Green skin, old appearance... is a giant messenger.

The envoy of the ancestor of the ancestor coldly looked at the big brother of the envoy of the nine ancestors, why did this guy appear in the underworld?

Sure enough, the Hulk who crossed the underworld before was also related to this guy?

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