Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1211: Defeat the tens of billions army

Yi Shuihan has now stepped into the realm of the Dao Emperor, even if the Dao Emperor is not careful, it is difficult to detect his existence. At this time, the army of demons in front of him has not reached the Dao Emperor level demons, so he has not exposed. .

Soon, the countless army of evil spirits passed over his head again, and there was no intention to stop at all, and he did not find a big living person like Yi Shuihan at all.

"This is at least tens of billions!"

It took five minutes for Yi Shuihan to see the tail of the evil demon army, which was extremely large.

Among the tens of billions of demons, the weakest of them are all true saints, and there is no lack of chaotic emperors, and there are many that are comparable to creation. Such a force is possible to sweep across the world.

"Looking at their direction, shouldn't you really want to start a full-scale war?"

Although the heavens and all realms have been fighting with demons for a long time, there has not been a single time when demons have dispatched so many masters and have come to the hinterland of the heavens and realms. The large forces of demons have always been blocked, even if there are occasional demons. Only three or two cats appeared.

"Follow up and take a look and you will know everything."

Naturally, Yi Shuihan couldn't turn a blind eye to such a big matter, and immediately hid his figure and followed the big army.

After passing through the desolate chaos and void, the large army of demons finally came to a living world.


Seeing this evil spirit army stopped, Yi Shuihan had a bad premonition in his heart, and this premonition soon became a reality, and a part of the evil spirit army separated out a part of the evil spirits and marched towards the world.

Killing intent, crazy intent, and destruction intent were overwhelming, and the world was dyed black almost instantly.

"This is devouring the world, do you want to make a move? If you don't make another move, the world will be over."

Yi Shuihan made a decision after only thinking about it for a short while between shots or standing by.

How can one sit and watch demons harm all living things?

Although there are many tens of billions of demons, it takes a lot of effort even for Yi Shuihan to kill, but he can't kill him. The only thing I'm afraid of is to attract more powerful Dao Emperor level demons.

In order not to fight the grass and startle the snake, Yi Shuihan staged a shocking scene, using his supernatural powers to blind the perception of the demons army, causing the invaded world to slowly disappear. The true situation is naturally that the demons who invaded the world are all annihilated.

Naturally, a small world was not seen by the entire army of evil spirits. After sending some evil spirits, the evil spirit army set out again and continued to move forward. Therefore, Yi Shuihan's shots were temporarily not discovered.

Silently, Yi Shuihan saved another world. However, the creatures in this world didn't even know his appearance, and Yi Shuihan didn't intend to make a public announcement, and continued to follow the large forces.

At this point, Yi Shuihan naturally no longer just follow, telling Tai Yi what he has seen and heard, and then through Tai Yi tells the same door of the good world, hope that the heavens and all realms will be vigilant.

He quickly got a response from his colleagues, but the situation was worse than Yi Shuihan had understood.

"What I have here is only one of the demons. In addition, there is a three-way army of demons that has actually invaded. Hundreds of worlds have been slaughtered? All-out war has begun!"

What didn't say, as a member of the heavens and myriad realms, the only thing Yi Shuihan could do was to kill the demons he could kill.

This time he simply stopped hiding, and was exposed to the army of evil spirits in a fair manner.

"Human Creation Dao? Kill him for me."

As if stabbing a hornet's nest, the demons came towards Yi Shuihan to kill.

Yi Shuihan was expressionless, raised his right hand, the stars converged, and a silver dragon was condensed. With a fierce wave of his hand, the silver dragon, which was originally only a few meters in size, quickly grew in size. In the blink of an eye, it became tens of thousands of meters. Million feet.


Like the thunder of chaos, it rushed into the army of demons like a rotten thunder, and all demons that stood in front of them were wiped out, directly blasting out a path visible to the naked eye.

A single blow completely penetrated the entire evil demon army, causing thousands of deaths and injuries. Even the creation-level demon could not be spared as long as it stood in front of the silver dragon. It was extremely terrifying.

Quiet, extremely quiet, the evil demon army that had rushed towards Yi Shuihan stopped, and stared at Yi Shuihan blankly.

Yi Shuihan's figure is not great, but rather small. Any demon in the army of demons is much larger than Yi Shuihan, but at this moment, Yi Shuihan is actually that giant.

Evil demons are not fools, they also have IQ. Seeing Yi Shuihan so easily penetrate them, no one knows how powerful Yi Shuihan is.

"Kill me all. He is just a pioneer. The blow just now must have been a blow of his full strength. Now he is just a soft-footed shrimp."

An evil demon with a scorpion body worm head and a ferocious mouthpart exuding creation-level coercion screamed.

The calm was broken, and the evil demon army rushed towards Yi Shuihan again.

"It's cunning."

Yi Shuihan’s eyes are Wei Mi, and those demons with lower powers are slain towards Yi Shuihan, but the demons at the Chuangdao level did not advance, but quietly stepped back a bit, making it clear that they wanted to meet. Run away when the situation is bad.

If this is the case, then it will count.

In the second shot, Yi Shuihan's offensive was much weaker. Although he still killed a million demons, his breath began to fall, which confirmed what the demons said.

Seeing this, the demons who were planning to steal were immediately bold, and there was no longer any fear in their eyes when they looked at Yi Shuihan, but only anger and killing intent.

Several creative demons came to the war zone quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

"Die to me."

"It's you who died."

Yi Shuihan turned around and punched the Chuangdao-level demons into dregs, and instantly stunned the other Chuangdao demons who wanted to sneak attack.

The Chuangdao demons turned around and wanted to run. Of course, Yi Shuihan wouldn't give them a chance. As soon as they moved, they turned into a surviving avatar for several times and separated.

What I didn't say, under the Dao Emperor, there was no resistance at all, only death.

"Impossible, how could there be such a strong creative way?"

"So the demons are also afraid of it?"

This time Yi Shuihan no longer kept his hands, and tried his best to kill. The evil spirit army was defeated by him alone, and when the deaths and injuries exceeded 100 million, he began to flee.

"Leave me wherever you go!"


A prison the size of a light-year in diameter was instantly formed, trapping the army of evil spirits in it, and only letting Yi Shuihan kill them.

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