Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1219: The holy war outside the prehistoric continent

Suddenly, there were so many Yudi and sages. Even fools would not believe it if they were simply here to play. There must be a big move to get them out of the base camp and come to Honghuang.

Originally there were four more Saints, the Anti-Invasion Alliance’s strength in the Primordial Realm can be said to be the strongest of the three parties. Now that it is done this way, it has become the lowest of the three parties. They were already quiet and nervous when they were still dancing. Watching the movements of the two worlds.

At this moment, the Emperor Yu and the wizards of the two worlds ignored the anti-invasion alliance, and even left the prehistoric continent, came into the chaos, and launched a war with disagreement.

The 18 saint-level battles, the movement is really too quiet, even if it is outside the prehistoric continent, it still makes the whole prehistoric creatures tremble. It feels like being in a bomb that may explode at any time. In general, I am afraid that I will be hit by accident.

The strength of the saint class is so powerful, two saints fighting may break the prehistoric, let alone the battle of the dozens of saints.

"They have to stop. If you continue like this, Honghuang is too dangerous."

The 10-member council, gathered together, except for Yi Shuihan, all looked extremely solemn.

The speaker is Di Jun. Because of his system, he has the greatest need for Honghuang. If Honghuang is affected, he is the first to suffer, and Laozi Yuanshi and the saints will certainly have a certain influence, but as long as Honghuang is the whole If the world is not destroyed, there is little danger.

"But their battlefield is too dangerous. Who are they going to let?"

"It's best to go by a saint. It is difficult for us to be close to the battlefield if we are a quasi saint."

Having said that, but everyone is focusing on Yi Shuihan. Obviously, they want to make the strongest Yi Shuihan come out. As for Yi Shuihan's own realm is not a quasi-sage, to paraphrase the wizard world, this year Just look at the combat power, if the realm is not enough, the combat power is enough.

"What are you looking at me doing? I am not a saint."

Yi Shuihan directly and innocently refuted such a sentence, which made Di Jun's expression a bit embarrassing for the saint to go.

"Tao Yi Daoist is too modest. Although you are not a saint, you have a stronger combat power than a saint, and you have always had face in the Three Realms. I think you will consider whether it is the Qianyuan Empire or the wizarding world. Your opinion, at least will not treat you as an enemy attack."

Di Jun said slowly, with a sincere expression on his face.

"For the sake of the prehistoric sentient beings, I would like to invite Taiyi Daoist friends to take it."

A look of compassion must be mentioned.

"We will also pay close attention to the situation and will take action if something goes wrong."

Yuan Shi also spoke.

It is estimated that only Houtu girl is unwilling to Yi Shuihan, and everyone else, including Zhen Yuanzi, wants Yi Shuihan to go.

Touching his chin, Yi Shuihan thought. In fact, there is nothing to let him go. Anyway, there is no danger. In Zhun mentioned the extremely dangerous battlefield, Yu Yi Shuihan is actually very low-level, he will go as a clone. , Even if it is besieged by all, it won't be killed in seconds.

The body is also in a rest period and can provide support at any time. If there is something wrong, Yi Shuihan can be crushed strongly. It is one thing to kill these people at that time, at least it can blackmail a contribution point severely. Judging from this life-threatening feud, it is reasonable to let them go bankrupt. It is impossible to say that they will receive millions or even tens of millions.

Thinking of that, Yi Shuihan's willingness to go is still relatively strong, but on the surface he puts on a rather embarrassing look.

"I think it is not good for us to interfere with others like this, and their fighting has nothing to do with our prehistoric, and I believe their character should not lead the war to the prehistoric."

Believe in their character? This can also be said! Zhunti and the others almost vomited, and Wei was really disgusted, but what Yi Shuihan said was not easy to refute, so I can't say that I don't believe them! In this way, how should you answer if you are said to be a villain.

"I can understand everyone's mood, but in fact, as long as we always pay attention to the battlefield and prepare to take action at any time, any accident that really happens can be completely remedied."

Yi Shuihan continued Amway, saying that it was reasonable and could not find any shortcomings.

As one of Yi Shuihan's wives, Hou Tu had a better understanding of Yi Shuihan than others. He saw what Yi Shuihan was thinking now, and at the same time he secretly smiled in his heart, began to cooperate.

"Yeah! Husband is right. We really don't have to think about things here. If they are really unruly to the predecessors, they will be over if they fight directly, and we can't resist them."

"Furthermore, let the husband go, if any misunderstanding arises, it will not end well."

After a few words, the effect was quite good, at least for a short time without opening up Yi Shuihan to go.

"It's almost there, let's see what our heavens think."

That’s right. From beginning to end, Yi Shuihan said so much to get benefits from Heaven, not these saints. What innate spirit treasure, even the best innate spirit treasure, Yi Shuihan doesn’t care, even Hongjun doesn’t need it. Pangu banners, Zhuxian's Four Swords, these innate treasures, let alone Yi Shuihan, who is already above Hongjun in strength.

The only thing that can fascinate Yi Shuihan is the high-level world origin that only Heaven can give now.

As the Heavenly Dao in charge of the prehistoric, Yi Shuihan has been paying attention. The clone may not be able to find the Heavenly Dao, but the main body can feel the huge special consciousness around the clone.

Suddenly, a slight smile appeared on Yi Shuihan’s face, and the others were also shocked, because the Heavenly Dao Meritorious List released a task to find out the cause of the current prehistoric foreign war. The time limit is one hour, and the reward for merit is about One-tenth of the senior world origin.

One-tenth is actually quite a lot, at least enough for Yi Shuihan to take action.

"Oh? Heaven has sent a mission, now anyone of you wants to go? If not, I can go there."

There was no response, none of the people present were fools. I faintly guessed that Yi Shuihan had calculated the Dao of Heaven, and this mission was also released for Yi Shuihan. Grab the task, let alone the danger of the task, but also consider the consequences of offending Yi Shuihan and Heaven. ,, ..

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