Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1223: Total War

After the conspiracy was revealed by Yi Shuihan, all of them suffered serious injuries, and a Yudi was killed because of this. Under such circumstances, people from the two realms naturally did not dare to stay here and received Yi Shuihan’s After permission, they each returned to their base, walking in a hurry.

It stands to reason that this time is the best time for Honghuangtiandao to deal with them. You don't even need to dispatch Hongjun, and let Zhun mention them to take down a lot of Yudi and wizards, but until these Yudi and wizards return to their respective bases. , Tiandao did not move, making Yi Shuihan a little disappointed.

"The Way of Heaven is too scary."

In a low voice, Yi Shuihan originally thought that if Tiandao released the mission at this time, he went up and intervened, not to kill the people of the two worlds, but to be a peacemaker, so that the two worlds would once again lose money and eliminate disasters. It's a big deal to mention some things to them.

"Friend Too Yi, I don't know what happened just now?"

When Yi Shuihan came back, Zhun Ti couldn't wait to ask. They were so far away, but these saints could not hear the conversation between Yi Shuihan and Albert, only the general situation.

Not only Zhun mentioning, the other saints are also very curious about it, looking forward to Yi Shuihan one by one, as if a child wanted an adult to tell a story.

"It's not a big deal, in fact, this time they are playing on top of fake beats, in order to..."

Yi Shuihan briefly talked about the cause and effect, which caused a burst of exclamation.

"This is the case. They are really insidious if they want to calculate Master. Fortunately, they were blocked by Taoist Fellow Tai Yi, otherwise it would be unthinkable."

"It's not a good thing. I used to think that the wizards in the wizarding world are more reasonable. They are different from the warriors of the Qianyuan Empire. They are all raccoons."

"We have to get stronger as soon as possible. The next time something similar happens, we won't even have the power to intervene."

Under the strong pressure of foreign enemies, the members of the Anti-Invasion Alliance have united like never before. Even Di Jun, who was extremely jealous of Yi Shuihan, is not thinking that there is anything wrong with Yi Shuihan’s strength at this time, at least Yi Shui Han was on the side of the prehistoric, the stronger Yi Shuihan's strength, the safer the prehistoric.

After all, Honghuang is still the root of Emperor Jun and the others. At present, it is extremely important to them, that is, they would rather die than be occupied by other worlds. Everyone has a unified attitude.

"Oh! What a pity."

Yuan Shi suddenly shouted.

"what's happenin?"

Quasi asked.

"If we had known that they were hit so hard that they were not as strong as ours, we could actually fight an ambush, and only one Yudi would die. It would be too cheap for them."

"Is it too late to go now?"

"It shouldn't work. No one knows what's in their base. It's not a few hundred years ago. Hundreds of years have been enough for them to keep the base operating as impregnable."

Everyone except Yi Shuihan looked a pity.

"You are too easy to be a Taoist friend, you are too kind, and you let them go like this. They could kill you at that time."

Zhen Yuanzi said with emotion.

"No way, I am mainly afraid that if they kill them all, it will cause an all-out war. If they really die here, it is estimated that they will really join hands and destroy the predecessors first. Then the two worlds I do my best, I don’t know what kind of combat power I can burst. I’m not sure I can resist it. If I can’t beat me, I can run, but the Primordial Land cannot run! I can’t harm the Primordial Land."

Yi Shui Hanyi's righteous explanation made all the saints stand in awe, if there were no more words.

"Ten million worth of points is a lesson. I think they won't be so arrogant again next time."

"What is the value of ten million?"

"Uh, didn't I say? They promised to give me 10 million worth of resources, and I promised not to hold them back for their actions against me?"

"You didn't say it!"

"Oh, then I have said it now."

A moment ago, Yi Shuihan was still a hero, but now he has become a profiteer in the eyes of the sages, and even they suspect that all this is not Yi Shuihan's intention.

After a few days in this way, Yi Shuihan received compensation from the two worlds, and the resources of 10 million extreme points were quite a bit, which made Yi Shuihan's contribution point reached more than 22.6 million, which doubled faster.

The two worlds were able to send the resources to Yi Shuihan so quickly, and finally put forward a very attractive suggestion, to exchange 5 million worth of resources for Yi Shuihan not to help Honghuang, Yi Shuihan reluctantly refused At the same time, I regretted that I had promised too quickly. The economic strength of the two realms was obviously much higher than he expected. Ten million is far from the bottom line. Otherwise, how could he use another five million to lure. How about cold water?

After that, the two worlds remained silent for decades. The wild and wild developed wildly, and the quasi-sage powers spewed again. The real protagonist of the wild world, the human race, finally gave birth to the existence of the quasi-sage level, becoming the third after the Lich family. Big family.

The war broke out without warning, but this time the level of the war was very high. It was a collision between the heavens and the realms. On that day, the predecessors only felt the sky suddenly dark, and then the predecessors began to vibrate violently, and countless creatures felt it. Here comes the great terror rising from the depths of the soul.

The Heavenly Dao of the science and technology world and the Heavenly Dao of the Wizarding World attacked at the same time, completely restraining the prehistoric heaven. At this time, the suppression of the predecessor on outsiders was reduced to a minimum, and the mecha and wizards took advantage of this to launch a total.

Nearly one hundred thousand coalition forces composed of the Emperor Eternal and the Holy Spirit wizards, the world king-level mechas of the Daluo Jinxian level and the Yaori wizards are nearly a million, and they are cruel and without friends.

The quasi-sages here are more than one thousand, less than two thousand, they are not opponents at all, it can be said that they are collapsed at once.

The entire prehistoric sorrow was all over the world for a time, a scene of the end of the world, and every second, millions of creatures fell in this war.

"Oh my God! Why do I end up here?"

"Where is the saint? Save us, where is our saint?"

"Tao Ancestor, Dao Ancestor, let's do it! If you don't do it again, it will be ruined!",...

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