Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1238: Tower of Babel

It took more than a month from the company headquarters to Wanjie United University. From this point of view, we can know how far the distance between the two is.

In this month, students and candidates like Yi Shuihan lived on a magic weapon the size of a planet, and this magic weapon was also a means of transportation for them on the road.

For them whose strength is at least 1 golden star, a planet is actually very small, as small as less than a minute can make a circle, but this small is not suitable for them now, this magic weapon has a powerful In it, they can’t use too much power. Only Yi Shuihan’s cultivation level has reached the true sage and is a genius in the true sage.

Therefore, after releasing the Overlord’s soul pigeons, Yi Shuihan was harassed miserably during this period of more than a month. No matter how Yi Shuihan hides, this kid can always find Yi Shuihan and persuade him. Yi Shuihan joined his Overlord Gang, and also used the position of deputy leader to lure Yi Shuihan.

For Yi Shuihan, the so-called Hanging Bombing Heaven was completely unattractive to return to the Tyrant Gang, which had tens of thousands of people, so he refused the invitation time and time again.

The Tyrant Soul was also persevering, and seemed to have determined that Yi Shuihan was his deputy leader, and repeatedly disturbed Yi Shuihan, making Yi Shuihan a little annoying.

Sometimes Yi Shuihan couldn't bear it and wanted to teach Tyrant Soul once, and then he shot, but the result did not have the expected effect.

It should be said that although the Overlord Soul is a little bit weaker, his strength is really strong, and he can't be treated like Yi Shuihan on the premise of not exposing the body of Chaos and his portable world.

In order to fully expose his strength in such a small matter, Yi Shuihan didn't plan to do it, so he could only silently accept the daily invitation of the Tyrant Soul.

At this time, Yi Shuihan finally realized the intractability of a character as difficult as Luffy. The Tyrant Soul is really a tendon, completely ignoring Yi Shuihan’s strong desire to refuse, and even talk about it later. This is a hit. Destined or something.

What Yi Shuihan didn't know was that when the Tyrant Soul was entangled in him, the candidates around him looked at him with extremely enviable eyes. They looked up to the Tyrant Soul and hoped to be able to interact with him. To draw up the relationship, when the time comes, with the strength and background of the Overlord Soul, it will naturally rise to the top.

If it weren't for the news that Yi Shuihan was also one of the four exemptions, it is estimated that these guys would be more envious and jealous, maybe they would do some strange things.

"Is it finally here?"

When the notice of Wanjie United College was received, Yi Shuihan said this in a very liberating tone. This month was too long for him.

"When you officially enroll, you don't have to continue to listen to Tyrant Soul every day!"

Thinking of this, Yi Shuihan's face was gloomy for a month with a long-lost smile.

Yi Shuihan, who had already settled to pay attention to the scourge of the Principle Tyrant Soul, directly ignored the Tyrant Soul who was still next to him and continued to persuade him to carry out a "great cause" together.

After coming to Ten Thousand Realms United College, Yi Shuihan discovered that there are so many true sages. It took only a while. Yi Shuihan saw more than three-digit true sages, which greatly surprised him and made him even more so. Get excited.

There are so many true saints here, which also means that there are enough things to attract the true saints. For the true saints, what he desires most is to become the chaos emperor, that is to say, there are those who can make the true saints become the chaos emperor. Opportunity.

"In this case, there really is nothing wrong."

Once here, the people at the company headquarters are divided into two groups. One is to directly enroll in schools like Yi Shuihan, and the other is to take the entrance test. If they fail, they will not be repatriated, and there is still a chance to stay here. , Just can’t stay here as a student.


"Why are you here."

Looking at the Tyrant Soul in front of him blankly, Yi Shuihan's eyes were full of murderous aura. He thought he could get rid of the Tyrant Soul, but he didn't expect to be entangled again so quickly.

"Because we are roommates!"

The Tyrant Soul said of course.

When Yi Shuihan heard this, he really did not expect this to happen. In a place such as Wanjie United College, it actually implemented the dormitory mode where many people live together. Of course, this does not mean this. The same room, but a courtyard, the room is still separate.

"Originally, it's okay to live here directly on a planet! Why do we have to use such an ancient way to allocate residential areas, nothing more, go and see where you can retreat, as long as you don't come here, you won't see the bully soul."

So Yi Shuihan's rest plan broke down.

After visiting Wanjie United College for about a few days, Yi Shuihan had a preliminary understanding of the situation of Wanjie United College. He was surprised and somewhat taken for granted.

"Every once in a while, there will be a chaos emperor to give lectures, and the lectures need boundaries to listen."

"There will be regular expeditions to secret realms, half of the resources obtained go to the school, and the other half belong to me,"

"Three famous lists, personal strength list, team list, and sky-reaching list."

"Wu Dao Pavilion, which is of great help to the true sage's understanding of the Tao, can accelerate the Chaos Sky where the body of chaos condenses, and can simulate a virtual battlefield of various battles..."

The more he knows, the more Yi Shuihan admires the Ten Thousand Realms United College. It is indeed a college organized by so many forces from the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms. It has unfathomable strength and countless resources. Staying here, there are too many opportunities. , As long as you don’t die, it’s not difficult to achieve the pinnacle of True Sage.

"The most recent secret exploration will be one year from now, so let's go and see Wudao Pavilion first!"

After making a decision, Yi Shuihan went straight to the Wudao Pavilion.

In order to become the Emperor of Chaos, in addition to condensing the body of Chaos, there is another requirement that the understanding of Tao meets a certain standard.

In the heavens and all realms, the understanding of Tao is generally divided into 9 levels, and there is a special test method, that is, passing through the Tongtian Pagoda, and being able to pass through several levels is the level of comprehension.

Generally speaking, the standard to reach the true sage is to pass the three-story Tongtian Pagoda, and to become the chaos emperor, you need to pass the seventh floor. If you can pass all the nine floors, it means that there is a possibility of attacking the emperor of the road.

This Tongtian Pagoda is a very strange place. As long as you master a certain method, anyone can enter it, and it can enter anywhere, and it will only take a breath no matter when you enter it out. ,, ..

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