Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1274: Full combat power

The fierce collision sounded, representing the top battle under the Chaos Emperor level.

Both Yi Shuihan and the unknown demon erupted with power that shocked all the quasi-emperors. If Yi Shuihan relied on treasures to let the quasi-emperors look at each other with admiration, now Yi Shuihan can rely on it. It is true strength.

"Why is it so strong? I obviously feel that his Lightning Way is only at the level of the 6th floor of the Tongtian Tower."

"What a strong body, even if the body of Chaos is fully condensed, it should not be so strong!"

"It's like he has infinite power of the world, it's incredible."

"I can't fully understand, but the stronger he is now, the better."

Perhaps it was because it took too much power to nurture the core of this chaos evil demon. The speed at which the core gathers energy has dropped to about 10% at the beginning, which is particularly sluggish. This makes the pressure on the quasi-emperors greatly reduced, but they For a short time, he still couldn't come to support Yi Shuihan.

The fighting method of this unknown demon is easy to understand. It is head-to-head, that is, relying on a strong body, and the resilience comparable to the Emperor of Chaos.

"Is it my illusion? I always feel that the power hitting him was weakened in an instant."

Relying on the blessing of the power of the portable world, Yi Shuihan confronted this incomplete chaotic evil spirit and did not fall into the wind. The surrounding void became extremely chaotic because of their battle, and the space collapsed.

In a battle of this intensity, skills have no effect, and only those who are truly strong can win.

"Your fist can't hurt the great me at all."

The evil demon provoked Yi Shuihan and completely gave up his defense.

Yi Shuihan's fist passed through the opponent's body, and when Yi Shuihan took out his fist, the evil demon's body had recovered as before. This recovery is completely as simple as breathing, and it is not a recovery after injury. The punch that penetrated the evil spirit did not harm the evil spirit at all.

After hitting Yi Shuihan, he noticed that the recovery speed of the evil demon is getting faster and faster, and the strength and speed are slowly increasing. At first, Yi Shuihan thought that the opponent is the essence of the chaos demon after all, perhaps in the battle. Some characteristics were restored, and Yi Shuihan finally discovered the truth.

"Sure enough, he absorbed part of my power and used it to strengthen himself. The power hitting him was not weakened, but absorbed."

This fact means that if Yi Shuihan can't solve the evil demon in a short time, the more the evil demon fights, the stronger it will be. Yi Shuihan will lose in the end.

"So, I have to show the strength to crush him absolutely."

Realizing this, Yi Shuihan no longer keeps it anymore, originally just borrowed 50% of the power of the portable world, and instantly jumped to 100%.

Fifty to one hundred percent is not just as simple as doubling. Yi Shuihan's level of strength suddenly surpassed a great realm, completely reaching the level of Chaos Emperor.


The power hitting the demon was not absorbed for the first time, because the effect of this power burst had already taken effect before he absorbed it.

The demon was blasted into the ground, his body was full of cracks, looking like a doll about to break.

According to the resilience of the evil spirits, this kind of damage should be able to recover quickly, but the fact is that the speed of repairing those cracks is very slow, more than a hundred times slower than before. According to the current speed, there is not much. I'm afraid it can't be repaired in minutes.

"This power? You can't have this power!"

The evil demon looked at Yi Shuihan in disbelief. As the original Chaos Demon, he could sense that Yi Shuihan's strike just now belonged to the power of the Chaos Emperor.

With the body of the true saint, he played the power of the Emperor of Chaos, even the demons couldn't believe it.

Yi Shuihan didn't mean to explain to the evil demon, nor would he wait for the evil demon to recover. Just as he had said before, his purpose was only to kill the opponent.

After a few more punches, the evil demon turned into flying ash, annihilated on the spot, dead clean, and ended his life in just a few minutes.

"Next, it's you."

Seeing that the core of about 3 layers before had been restored, Yi Shuihan launched an attack without hesitation.

With just one punch, the core stopped condensing energy. In the second punch, a crack appeared in the core, and in the third punch, the cracks filled the core.

The fourth punch, which should have been the last punch, was blocked.

Blocking Yi Shuihan's fist was a chaos demon, who was supposed to be besieging the army master.

It turned out that when the core was injured, this Chaos Demon gave up besieging the army master and turned to the core, just blocking Yi Shuihan's fourth punch and keeping the core.

"Little bug, you almost succeeded. If you can let me Tata take action, you will die well."

The Chaos Demon named Tata had a slightly stiff tone, and a tail longer than his body slapped the ground irregularly, and an object similar to magma appeared on the ground.

"You will be the first Chaos Emperor-level life I killed."

After a second of silence, Yi Shuihan said blankly, in addition to the power of the system, he has been fully fired, and at this moment he feels that he has never been stronger.

"A true saint, I will let you know what the true Emperor of Chaos is."

Before the words were over, the tail turned into a whip and struck, the target was Yi Shuihan's face.

Yi Shuihan raised his hand and accurately grasped the tail of the demon named Tata.

The hand was trying to squeeze the tail, but the tail began to glow red, and Yi Shuihan felt a burning sensation from his hand.


Smelling the smell of barbecue, even Yi Shuihan's Chaos Body seemed very fragile at this moment.

Even so Yi Shuihan still did not let go, but increased his strength.


After all, the tail was crushed, and the minced meat flew towards Yi Shuihan, who was evaded by Yi Shuihan.

The chaos demons are different in the end. The body will not disappear like ordinary demons, and the pieces of meat will not dissipate directly after landing.

Even if it is minced meat, it is still pulling after it hits the ground, and it seems that there is still life. If it is ignored, it may be tens of thousands of years later that the minced meat will give birth to consciousness and become a new individual life. ,, ..

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