Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 133: White beard please

"Master Yanlong, I have your letter."


After receiving the letter from the adjutant with doubts, Yi Shuihan opened it directly, while the adjutant exited the room very wisely.

Except for Yi Shuihan, the succubus is still listed in the room. The current succubus is almost a secretary-like role. Since that month, as long as Yi Shuihan tells her, she will do everything in earnest. , Makes Yi Shuihan a little reluctant.

Of course, don't look at the succubus's appearance as a qualified secretary. Yi Shui Hanque will not be confused by her. Isn't she a woman who can be underestimated?

With the strength that is so powerful that the generals can deal with it, it can't be underestimated.

That is to say, she was so docile in front of Yi Shuihan, and at other times, she was still one of the terrifying Five Demons.

"It's actually an invitation letter, and..." Yi Shuihan said quite unexpectedly, especially the signature in the last invitation column, which made him smile inexplicably.

Throwing the letter on the table aside, Yi Shuihan fell into deep thought.

The succubus looked at Yi Shuihan, but couldn't help being curious. He picked up the letter and read it. Then her mouth opened slightly, and the surprise in her eyes could not be concealed.

"Long heard, Admiral Yanlong of the Navy is famous, but unfortunately I can't see it. This time I sincerely invite you to..." The last inviting person signed the White Beard Pirates.

When White Beard wanted to see Yi Shuihan, the news immediately gave the succubus a little dizzy. One was one of the four emperors represented by the pirates, and the other was one of the three navy generals. The positions of the two were completely opposite. Yi Shuihan It's good not to deal with White Beard. White Beard actually wants to invite Yi Shuihan to meet, nothing is more absurd.

A conspiracy is definitely a conspiracy. Whitebeard may want to take this opportunity to get rid of Yi Shuihan. The first reaction in the succubus's head is this. As for the simple thing, he is just curious about Yi Shuihan and wants to meet this hero. , This reason has never appeared in the mind of the succubus at all.

Will he go? If you don’t go, you may be underestimated. If you go, if there is a conspiracy...

No, the succubus suddenly reacted. She ignored Yi Shuihan's strength. Even if the white beard had a conspiracy, it would be impossible to Yi Shuihan!

"Go, how is it possible not to go?" This decision was made after reading the letter. The reason why I was thinking is not whether I can go or not, but what will be sent after I go.

For White Beard, Yi Shuihan wanted to meet him a long time ago. This is a strong man comparable to Roger, regardless of his strength or character.

As for whether he would be gossiped about after he left, Yi Shuihan didn’t care at all. He believed that the Warring States would not treat him because of these things, and he was registered with Wu Lao Xing. What is the beard?

When I went to see Baibeard, Yi Shuihan didn't plan to take many people. He planned to bring only the succubus, and the others, just forget it.

After a few days steadily, Yi Shuihan set off with the succubus, riding in a small boat similar to the Meili.

Because of the space, you don’t have to worry about food, water, etc., and you walk very smartly.

As for the sailing of the ship, it was thrown directly to the succubus, anyway, there was a permanent pointer, it was not a difficult task.

The Moby Dick,

The main ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship around was a bit deserted at this time, with only Whitebeard on board and the captains of the Whitebeard squad.

White Beard Hengdao stood on the deck immediately. On the right hand side was the captain of the First Division, Marco, who had the title of Phoenix, whose strength reached the general level.

Beside Marko, a somewhat shabby uncle, it was Marshall D Titch, the later black beard, who lurked in the Whitebeard Pirates for many years, just for a devil fruit, can be described as a complete hero.

Speaking of Blackbeard, he succeeded in the end. When the Dark Fruit was reached, he did not hesitate to seize it, and then rebelled against the Whitebeard Pirates group and was still alive, taking Ace directly into prison.

Afterwards, he used means to capture the shocking fruits of White Beard, ascended to the throne of the Four Emperors, and even tended to become the One Piece King, which can be described as the winner of the later life.

Other people's squad captain Diamond Joz, Foil Vista and the like are also on the deck.

Obviously they are waiting for someone, and this person is Yi Shuihan. It can be seen that Baibeard still pays some attention to Yi Shuihan.

"Could it be that he is scared, I dare not come!" It was the buffalo Atmos with the head of the bull demon. He was a little impatient, but in his opinion, Yi Shuihan was not worth it at all. They waited so.

"Kula la la" Baibeard laughed loudly, "Mavericks, be patient, everyone else is a general."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter. The general was extremely terrifying in the eyes of other pirates, like a **** of death, but they were not afraid, and many of them even believed that they could fight against the general.

Even if they can't beat him, there is still the old white beard. They believe in the strength of the white beard, and even reach the point of blind faith, thinking that no one in the world can beat the white beard, at most it can compete with the white beard.

"Come!" Marco said suddenly, and everyone followed his gaze, and as expected, a small black spot could be seen.

"He really came." It was another captain, but there was some admiration in his words.

Indeed, those who dare to come to the white beard's base camp, even generals, need a lot of courage, because generals are at risk of falling here.

"Are you waiting for me? It's really an honor!"

Suddenly, the voice sounded from behind the white beard and the others, and everyone turned around and saw Yi Shuihan with a smile on his face.


"No feeling at all."

Most of the team captains were dumbfounded, and they didn't know how Yi Shuihan came. They only discovered his boat, and they were so far away, why people suddenly came behind them.

Baibeard's eyes were a little dignified. He saw a little bit. Yi Shuihan appeared on the sea from the ship, and then disappeared. He appeared again and was half the distance closer, and disappeared just behind them for the second time.

In addition to the white beard, Marco also noticed this, and of course our black beard also felt it.

"Kula la la, it turned out that the hero was born in a young age, and this way of playing is different."

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