Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1348: Chaos City Company Branch

Aside from mentioning Tai Yi who returned to the main **** space, Yi Shuihan, who had already returned to Ten Thousand Realms United College, was warmly welcomed.

The fact that Yi Shuihan and Huang Ama successfully broke through to the Emperor of Chaos had already been notified to the school, and when they hurried back, the school was already preparing for the celebration.

The purpose of Ten Thousand Realms United College is to cultivate the Chaos Emperor. However, the Chaos Emperor has not appeared for a long time recently. The two at once are naturally very worthy of celebration.

It is conceivable that when this news completely spreads to the heavens and the worlds, it will cause much turbulence. In the next period of time, the lives of signing up to join the Wanjie United College will definitely become more.

"I didn't expect you to become the Emperor of Chaos so soon, you are really young and promising!"

Director Tie, who had helped Yi Shuihan before, stood beside Yi Shuihan and said with emotion.

Director Tie is very optimistic about Yi Shuihan, and thinks Yi Shuihan will become the Emperor of Chaos sooner or later, but even he did not expect this time to be so fast. Originally in his mind, Yi Shuihan would have to wait at least one million. Only at the age of more than a year can you become the Chaos Emperor.

Becoming the Emperor of Chaos also means that Yi Shuihan has graduated from school, and now he is already a graduate, just a graduation ceremony.

After losing Yi Shuihan, the company would have to keep a low profile for a while at school. This made Director Tie a little annoyed, but he temporarily forgot about the benefits and troubles that Yi Shuihan would bring to the Emperor of Chaos.

"Director Tie is not old! He is young!"

Yi Shuihan said flatly, acting very low-key, making Director Tie very satisfied with his eyes.

As the known "big celebrity" who broke through to the Chaos Emperor the fastest, Yi Shuihan no longer knows how many times he has experienced the same emotion as Director Tie.

Switching to other chaos emperors, this time is definitely full of spirits and ambitions, but Yi Shuihan did not, because as early as the beginning, he had targeted at a higher level, the emperor of the Dao, and even only.

In addition to Director Tie, there is the True Eye Sovereign beside Yi Shuihan, and then a group of other Chaos Sovereigns who are rare to see. There are more than 20 Chaos Sovereigns, some of which are stationed by other big forces like Director Tie. The other part belongs to the school just like True Eye King.

While dealing with the Chaos Emperor, Yi Shuihan also sighed with emotion. It is really different in different realms. Before he became the Chaos Emperor, it was difficult to see the Chaos Emperor, even if he did. There are often so one or two, where is such a group of chaotic emperors like now.

You must know that Yi Shuihan is only one of the protagonists of this celebration. Huang Ama is also surrounded by the emperors. There are less than Yi Shuihan, but there are about ten, so that adds up to four. The emperor of Chaos in about ten is simply scary.

Obviously the forty Chaos Kings are not all about the school. Some of them are definitely not here. After all, not all Chaos Kings want to give the new Chaos Kings face, and most of them are now the first in the three realms of Chaos Kings. Realm, there are only three who are in the second realm as the True Eye Sovereign.

Will the school not have more second or even third levels? It must be impossible. It's just that Yi Shuihan and the others have not caught the eyes of those beings. Besides, they have their own affairs, and it is normal that they can't spare time to participate in this conference.

The celebration has been going on for a year, and the chaos emperor who has reappeared after so many years, the school can’t wait to celebrate for tens of thousands of years. One year has been quite short.

Of course, Yi Shuihan didn't socialize all year long. It was just that he socialized for the first month, but didn't show up much later. They were all celebrating this celebration.


"What shall we do next?"

The goal of coming to Ten Thousand Realms United College has been achieved, successfully becoming the Emperor of Chaos, and now it is time for Yi Shuihan to make a choice.

One is to continue to stay in school to hold a position similar to that of True Eye King, the second is to return to the company to become a senior executive, and the third is to go to Chaos City.

As far as Yi Shuihan himself is concerned, he is actually more inclined to the second and third choices. The first choice will not bring him much benefit to staying in school, because the school environment is actually more suitable for the chaos emperor. As for the level of Chaos Sovereign, it is not suitable. Even True Eye Sovereign doesn't really approve of Yi Shuihan staying.

Returning to the company, Yi Shuihan can use his talent and status to obtain more resource training. I believe that the company will be willing to cultivate Yi Shuihan, knowing the roots and knowing the bottom, the talent is still so good, you don't have to worry too much about betrayal.

The third is to go to Chaos City, which is also a better choice, because Chaos City is the true center of the heavens and the realm. Where can we communicate with more fellows and reach higher levels, the atmosphere is very conducive to the Chaos Emperor. The cultivation.

Even if he didn't know that Yi Shuihan had a master in Chaos City, True Eye Emperor recommended Chaos City, which shows the status of Chaos City in his heart.

From the expression of True Eye Sovereign, Yi Shuihan could see that True Eye Sovereign respected Chaos City very much. He also told Yi Shuihan that if something hadn't happened to him in Chaos City, he would still be in Chaos now. City instead of here.

The story, True Eye Emperor, did not elaborate, and Yi Shuihan did not ask. Since his current strength is not enough to intervene in True Eye Emperor's affairs, maybe he can ask about it when he becomes stronger in the future.

"Wait, since Chaos City is the center of the heavens and worlds, then the company will definitely have its own power there, maybe I can do this..."

Yi Shuihan's eyes gradually lit up when he thought of something.

Director Tie’s residence,

"Of course our company has a branch in Chaos City, so why can't we get involved in such an important place? What do you want to do when you ask?"

"I want to know if I can go to the branch over there."

"So you made this idea."

Director Tie looked in a daze.

"In the company, the positions over there are scarce. After all, everyone wants to go there, but it’s very difficult if you really want to go, otherwise I will go all by myself, but you have a chance. It depends on whether you can catch it, it's like this...",...

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