Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1356: War of the Guardians

At Yi Shuihan's sign, the lobby manager stepped aside, and everyone in the lobby focused on him, wanting to see what Yi Shuihan would do next.

"Let's talk! Who made you come?"

"Who asked me to come? Do you think that I was deliberately making trouble."

As if he had been wronged by the sky, the old man Zhushan's face was flushed, and his eyes were glaring.

Old man Zhushan’s comments are indeed good. At this moment, most of the audience are on his side, feeling that Yi Shuihan is a little overbearing.

"How do you want to solve this?"

Yi Shuihan asked faintly, he wanted to see what the opponent had.

"Pay me for a new system, and issue a statement apologizing."

As soon as he said this, the whole lobby became quite quiet. The audience looked at the old man Zhushan dumbfounded, and couldn't believe how bold he could be.

The old man Zhushan is a chaos emperor, he is facing a company! The Emperor of Chaos is simply an ant in front of the behemoth of the company, and he can kill it easily. He actually wants the company to issue an apology.

If he just wants to compensate for a system, everyone can accept it and feel that it is in line with common sense, but issued a statement apologizing? Everyone is not a fool, so naturally you can see that things are not easy.

If the company really issued a statement and apologized as the old man Zhushan said, it would really be a big loss of face, and it would not be much worse to become the laughing stock of the heavens and the worlds. The top forces of the heavens and the worlds would face a chaos emperor. Bow? What will other forces at the same level think?

"It's impossible."

Yi Shuihan decisively rejected the conditions of Old Man Zhushan.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn't expect that Tangtang Company would not even have the courage to admit that it made a mistake. I have seen it today. I really don't deserve to be a big power at the same level as my arena. I am disappointed and disappointed!"

A strange sound of yin and yang sounded, and everyone followed the reputation, but they saw a gorgeously dressed young man with a fan.

"It's Verus, why is he here?"

"Velus came here as the guardian of the Arena of Ten Thousand Worlds, and the visitors are not good!"

"There is a good show, I don't know how the guardian of the company will respond, maybe we can see a wonderful battle?"

The crowds onlookers were excited, and the confrontation between the two top guards was rare.


When Yi Shuihan saw this Verus, he understood everything instantly. This old man of Zhushan was just an introduction, in order to create an excuse for Verus to make a fair move. If Verus could defeat Yi Shuihan, to When this matter goes out again, the reputation of the arena will definitely overwhelm the company.

Somewhere in the branch, the lunatic horse was confronting an old man.

"The army is not three, you are too subordinate! If you want to fight, you just fight, why do you want to do this."

"Crazy horse, I don't understand what you are saying. This is obviously because we can't see your company's actions and injustice, so why don't you tell me something."

"Injustice? If you have an injustice, you are not afraid of being beaten back."

That being said, Crazy Horse didn’t have that much confidence in Yi Shuihan. After all, Verus came prepared, and his strength has been proven. The Chaos King who lost to him during the recent period is not there. few.

"How about making a bet? To bet on their victory or defeat, if Verus wins, I don't want you to spend money, just 10,000 custom systems."

The customized system mentioned here is naturally the highest-level system that the company can manufacture, which can help break through to the true saints. With 10,000 sets of such systems, it is easy to cultivate thousands of true saints if you are lucky, and it is already a great wealth. Such is the wealth of an ordinary Chaos Emperor.

"What if Verus loses? So what?"

"Arena will not trouble your company again."

"It's as if we are afraid of you. If Verus loses, I want a golden badge."

Jun Busan pondered for a moment, and finally said


The golden badge that the lunatic horse wants is a unique product of the Ten Thousand Realms Arena. In the Ten Thousand Realms Arena, badges will be awarded to a certain degree of winning streak in battle. The badges represent honor and benefit.

For example, if you get the lowest-level black iron badge, you will get a 10% discount on special items in the arena, and you will be protected by the Ten Thousand Realms Arena.

There is a black iron badge, even a creature without a cultivation base can ignore the general true sage. The true sage does not dare to provoke the black iron badge holder. Of course, this premise is that the true sage is not equal to the Arena of Ten Thousand Worlds. The forces are backing.

There are bronze badges, silver badges, and gold badges on top of the black iron badges, and platinum badges and supreme badges on top of the gold badges.

The golden badge has a certain weight even in the eyes of chaotic emperors like the horse lunatic.

Each big power has its own unique resources, and most of these resources are exchanged internally. The badges launched by the Ten Thousand Realms Arena are equivalent to the voucher for purchase.

In the lobby of the branch at the same time that the lunatic horse and the army had negotiated.

"If you win against me, I can make compensation for the system. As for the statement, I can't control it."

Yi Shuihan could feel that Verus was a strong enemy, but he was not afraid. He was not an ordinary Chaos Emperor either!

"Okay, happy, then I will win you first and then continue to seek justice for the old man Zhushan."

Verus felt that things went smoothly unexpectedly, and he didn't think much about it, and directly challenged.

The battle between the guards will naturally no longer be in the lobby. Every major force has a dedicated battlefield for the battles between the guards, where special formations are blessed to minimize the aftermath of the battle.

Of course, even if there is no formation method, the battle between the chaotic emperors can not treat the chaotic city like the chaotic city. As the center of the heavens and the world, the chaotic city is known to be able to resist the attacks of the emperor of the road.

The news that Yi Shuihan and Verus were about to fight was passed on in an instant, and a large crowd of onlookers gathered in a few moments. Roughly speaking, it was no less than 100,000. Among them, there were nearly a hundred masters of the Chaos Emperor.

"Let this battle start my name in Chaos City and announce my arrival. Master may take the initiative to come to me if he knows my news!", ...

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