Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 23: Burst tester

"Impossible, the tester must be broken, yes, it must be so, how could that kind of soft attack score such a score." Small can't believe it, because if this is true, he and Yi Shuihan The gap is too big.

Indeed, Yi Shuihan's performance was a bit exaggerated this time, even the examiner was deceived, and he has not yet announced the validity of Yi Shuihan's results.

Apart from Yi Shuihan herself, Zefatina believes that he has this strength.

"Broken?" Yi Shuihan didn't say a word, but he sneered in his heart. Don't look at his easy actions before, but it contained mystery.

On the surface, it is just a random finger, but it uses an iron block and a finger gun. The six-style two styles seem to be breakthroughs. The reason is that the power control has reached its peak. It is not limited to the surface.

Of course, it is a bit high to hit 6400 power with the iron and finger gun, but Yi Shuihan's finger gun is not an ordinary finger gun, but is shot on the basis of instant flash. This is only recently studied by him. The application skills of, plus the iron block, abruptly improved the power of the entry-level finger gun to completion.

As for using iron blocks, you cannot use other skills. This is not in line with common sense. So for Yi Shuihan, isn't it normal to break common sense?

Yi Shuihan didn't speak, because he didn't even bother to explain, because he knew that Zefa could see the truth.

Smaller misunderstood him, thinking that Yi Shuihan had a guilty conscience, "I have nothing to say? It seems that you also know that the machine is broken, so I said how can I achieve such high results."

"It turns out that the machine is broken! It really scared me just now."

"Yes! 6400 powers, many lieutenants don't have this power, right?"

"In other words, he is also a major general. Although strong, he is not as strong as that."

The voice of the discussion sounded, and the look at Yi Shuihan was a little strange.

"Tina is very angry. Ming Ming's grades are right, so the machine is not broken? Brother Han, please test it again and let them know how good you are." Tina frowned, but she became more cute.

Yi Shuihan glanced at Zefa, who had not come out to clarify for him, and cursed the old fox in his heart.

Since you want to see it so, I will let you see it well enough.

Before the truth tester, Yi Shuihan did not use a finger gun this time, but turned his finger into a fist and blasted out with one punch.

"3000 powers"

"That's right, I just said that the machine was broken just now. This is his true level." The new results made Smogg regain his confidence, but he was 3,200.

"Boom" Smogg was obviously happy too early. Yi Shuihan didn't stop the test, but continued to swing his fists. This time it was obviously stronger than the last time.

"3230 Dao Power"

"Uh" Smogg has nothing to say, but this is not a stop

Successive roars continued to appear, Yi Shuihan hit 5 punches in a row, getting higher and higher scores, 3603, 4234, 4690, 5200, 6000.

Although it was a little lower than the original 6400, no one said anything else this time. From the momentum of Yi Shuihan's fist, it was obvious that he used more power than Smogg.

"Is it enough? If it's not enough." Yi Shuihan's voice sounded, and under everyone's shocked eyes, he slammed the last punch again.

"Boom!" Yi Shuihan used all his strength this time, flashing and violent.

The tester was directly bombarded into slag, and a huge crack of hundreds of meters could be seen spreading behind it.

The terrifying punch can be felt by the entire navy headquarters with a lot of movement.

"That's... the direction of the training ground, what happened?"

"Is it Zefa? Or, no, I have to go and see!"

Karp, Warring States, Huang Yuan and other strong men in the headquarters began to rush to the training ground.

And at the scene,

This time Smogg couldn't speak anymore. He looked at Yi Shuihan blankly. If he looked closely, he could find that his eyes had no focus, and he was shocked.

Of course, the others are not much better, even Tina, who has always known that Yi Shuihan is strong, is stunned.

"Is this kid taking revenge? But this strength." Zefa was also bitterly smiled by Yi Shuihan's sudden eruption. He was not angry at the destruction caused by Yi Shuihan, but was more joyful for the navy. Strong people like Shui Han feel happy.

"Teacher Zefa, what's going on?" Huang Yuan was the first to feel, and he was no one in the navy in terms of speed.

Teacher Zefa's eyes turned towards Yi Shuihan, and Huang Yuan second understood, and he was also shocked when he understood.

Huang Yuan's strength has reached the general level. It is natural to see that an attack that can cause such destructive power is definitely a general level.

Is Yi Shuihan a general strength? Even though there were speculations in Rogge Town, after all, they didn't really see it. Now that it has been confirmed, Huang Yuan couldn't believe it for a while.

That is the general, the highest combat power of the navy!

He knew the true age of Yi Shuihan. Compared with Yi Shuihan, Huang Yuan felt that he had cultivated to dogs for so many years.

After the Warring States period, they also rushed to the scene, knowing the cause and effect, they all looked shocked, and didn't mind the damage caused by Yi Shuihan.

"Good boy, old man, I'm taking it! You are already qualified to challenge my donut record." Karp said offline.

"Okay, okay, okay! You really didn't disappoint me." The Warring States said three good times, which shows his satisfaction with Yi Shuihan. At this time, he felt that he had done the best in his life by recruiting Yi Shuihan to the navy. One thing right.

"Do you want to continue the assessment?" Yi Shuihan asked.

Others were speechless after hearing Yi Shuihan's words. With such a strong ability, are you totally bullying the children by participating in this assessment? I haven't seen those students who have been slowed down even now.

"That's good, you don't participate, let them continue." Zefa thought for a while.

"The reward for the first place?" Yi Shuihan's meaning was obvious.

"Here you! Isn't it just a devil fruit!" Zefa was very angry, this time the reward is not a natural type, the ordinary devil fruit navy is still taken out.

With the Devil Fruit in hand, Yi Shuihan had nothing to say, anyway, his goal was the Devil Fruit.

A good assessment became a bit dull because of Yi Shuihan. After all, the gap was too big. It was as if everyone had come to Xiaoshengchu and you, a postdoctoral fellow, would also come to take the exam together.

When Yi Shuihan got the devil fruit that belonged to him, his fame spread in the home, and a major general with the strength of a general would make people not pay attention.

"I hope you'd better not use this devil fruit. It's not that it's bad. It's just that there are many opportunities for you to choose in the future, and you may encounter something more suitable for you."

"I understand, I will consider it carefully."

Recalling Zefa's explanation to him, Yi Shuihan felt a little warmer. The devil fruit he got was just an ordinary animal fruit, and even that animal was an ordinary species unique to this world.

Although there is no worst fruit, the strongest free fruit user, but the starting point is different, the final achievement is naturally different.

If you are the same person, using ordinary animal devil fruit and natural type, although the former may not be able to reach the peak, if you choose the latter, the road will be much flatter, and even become a peak power several times the former. , The former is only possible, the latter is very possible.

Of course, for Yi Shuihan, it didn't matter. He didn't plan to use Devil Fruit, unless it was a Devil Fruit that had no side effects, otherwise the Devil Fruit would bring him a loss.

After absorbing this devil fruit, the energy for the system upgrade increased by 10% again, reaching 20%, and it was still eight stars short of the upgrade.

Like last time, this time the system also gave him some benefits, it is 10 points of integration.

"It's not a practice point, but it's not bad. Speaking of this fusion point, only got 20 points in total until now?" Yi Shuihan thought this way, and suddenly had the urge to use the fusion point.

"So, how do you use it? 20 points can only merge the two black iron level skills, and I still don't know whether the skills will increase or decrease after the fusion."

Speaking of the use of fusion points, it is different from practice points. It is divided according to the level of fusion skills. A fusion point is 10 points for black iron, 100 points for bronze, 1,000 points for silver, and 10,000 points for gold.

For example, two black irons are 10+10=20 points, three are 10*3=30 points, one black iron and one bronze are 10+100=100 points, two bronzes and three silvers are 100* 2+3*1000=3200 points, and so on.

Opening the skill fusion panel, Yi Shuihan began to raise money, not knowing which two skills should be merged.

"Eh? This is..." Yi Shuihan suddenly discovered the difference. Originally, he only had 20 points, and he could only choose the black iron skill, and after choosing two, he couldn't choose the others. In the case of the six style, there are six black irons. Skills, he had always wanted to wait for 60 fusion points to be merged, because they belonged to the same vein, they would definitely increase their power after fusion.

Now there are only 20 o'clock, so I didn't think about it. It's just that after I accidentally chose 2 styles of six styles, I found that other six styles can still be selected, but the others that don't belong.

"Speaking secretly?" There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and Yi Shuihan's eyes widened, and then he chose the third six styles, still can choose, fourth, continue, fifth, okay, sixth.

Looking at the reminder whether he was sure to proceed with the fusion, Yi Shuihan's excitement could not be told at all, and his body trembled.

"Confirm Fusion"

The picture in front of him began to change, and there was a kind of name representing the six types and six skills began to rush towards the center, and finally turned into nothingness.

Suddenly a brilliant light appeared, and then slowly emerged a new cyan term representing bronze skills.


Forcing himself to calm down, Yi Shuihan began to check the newly-appearing skill information.

"Skill Name: True Six Types (Xiaocheng)

Class: Bronze second class

Description: It is made from the fusion of the original finger guns, feet, shaved, paper-painted, moon steps, and iron blocks. According to the degree of mastery, you can match any of the skills as you like. Currently, any three of them can be used simultaneously.

Extremely powerful. Although he was prepared, Yi Shuihan was still shocked by the fusion of skills. Since the establishment of the Six Forms, he can only use it at a certain moment, and at most it can switch faster. .

As for using two or more types of six types at the same time, it was completely impossible before. Even Yi Shuihan used an iron block to match the gun, but it was actually due to the flash of another skill of his. It is not copyable.

And now 3 of any of the six formulas can be used at the same time. It’s simply against the sky. You can imagine that when you use an iron block, others think you will not attack, you suddenly come to a slap, and when you are walking, you suddenly add a shave. It completely violated the law, how daunting the enemy will be, the picture is really beautiful.

This increase in strength is far more than just one plus one. Even when the 6 types are produced at the same time, that kind of power is completely unimaginable, and even Yi Shuihan feels that it has the potential to impact the silver class.

If the effect of the previous Six Forms on Yi Shuihan is a little more fighting style, a little increase in basic strength and speed attributes, etc., then the value of the combined True Six Forms is completely comparable to that of Violence, even if it is. Just consider it, Yi Shuihan can also fight against the general.

This is still a small achievement. If you are a great achievement, you can directly make a big step among the generals. If you are successful, it is normal to exceed the general level.

Forcibly suppressing the urge to turn it to completion, Yi Shuihan was completely relaxed this time.

With such a trump card, even if the navy can turn around immediately, he still has the confidence to escape, and maybe even counter-kill.

He was so happy that Yi Shuihan didn't even notice that the mastery of the skills after the fusion was based on the highest fusion skills, which made him miss an opportunity to find a big bug. When he discovered this a long time later When, how painful he was.

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