Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 68 The Real War Ending

Lane found that the advanced zombies in command were about the size of ordinary zombies, and sat in the seats on the backs of giant zombies that were a circle larger than normal giant zombies. Facing the status quo that human beings have rushed to the front, he frantically commanded zombies everywhere to come back.

It's a pity that the plants that can attack from afar have created an isolation zone with all their strength, so that the surrounding zombies can't support them for a while.

The giant robots commanded by Dave quickly fought with these zombies. The giant robots immobilized the giant zombies, and then the plants on their bodies frantically output.

Ryan was not idle at this time, and began to shoot the high-level zombies in command with magic bursts. But he found that those high-level zombies have magic resistance, and even the uncleanness of the ancient life magic can only make the opponent's movements stop a little.

So Ryan decided to cooperate with others to assist, and he saw a giant zombie being entangled by a giant robot, and the senior zombie sitting on it was about to escape. Lane released Unclean Silence at the zombie, just as it paused. Ryan's comrade-in-arms rushed up with the robot and used the dragon grass on the robot to completely incinerate the zombie.

Without waiting for the two to nod, Ryan hooked a robot with a hook and quickly swung to the other direction, threw an armor shield on a soldier who accidentally dropped the robot during the battle, and helped him block a zombie's attack. lap. On the battlefield, everyone is trying their best to cooperate with their comrades and try their best to destroy the enemy.

After less than ten minutes of fierce fighting, humans completely wiped out the advanced zombies as commanders in the zombie army. Ryan knew the war was won when the last high-ranking zombie was completely crushed by a giant robot.

Sure enough, after losing the command of the advanced zombies, the other zombies returned to their aimless wandering state. Although the life force of human beings can still attract them, there is no longer an attack that brings great pressure like the previous command.

Zombies without command are just a mob, and they are quickly wiped out by humans. By the time the sun was about to set, the war was over.

In the post-war statistics, more than 700 humans and more than 5,000 robots carried an army composed of a large number of magical plants, which completely wiped out more than 100,000 zombies on the Green Leaf Plains where Green Leaf City is located.

But the price paid is that, although no one will die, at least ten will be permanently disabled. Half of the robots were destroyed, especially only 1/10 of the giant robots survived.

The most important plants were lost in half, and some melee plants were lost almost entirely. In addition, the materials that have been hoarded for a long time have basically been used up, and humans have lost their offensive capabilities for at least half a year.

However, the harvest is also very large, after acquiring the green leaf city on the coast. The human side finally regained basic industrial capabilities (you must know that in order to make up these 5000 robots, the town had basically consumed all the steel that could be found, including several steel warehouses before the disaster and a train with multiple trains. Abandoned train station. Also thanks to a series of unscientific plants that don't need fuel to make steel. Otherwise, there might not be so many robots).

Now there is enough land to develop industry and grow plants. As long as you have the patience to develop for a while, human beings will inevitably become the rulers of this world again.

Because it was completely dark, they did not enter the city for safety reasons. According to the practice of ancient Viking wizards, Ryan directed the robot to build an altar on the battlefield, and used ancient rituals to resolve the grievances of the zombies who fell here. Liberate and purify the souls of the unfortunate who are trapped in decaying flesh.

As Ryan stood on the altar and waved his wand and chanted incantations in ancient Viking language, little silver lights emerged from the fallen zombies, forming blurry translucent souls in midair. In the chanting, the expressions of the ghosts slowly calmed down,

Finally, he bowed to Ryan on the altar and disappeared into smoke.

This purification ceremony lasted all night before it was over. Fortunately, these were just zombies, and their strength was reflected in the flesh. After destroying the body, the strength of the soul is even lower than that of ordinary people. In the case of resentful spirits, this ritual is not only troublesome but also dangerous.

Others also saw ghosts in the sky, and some even saw their relatives and friends, crying. The next morning Ryan found that everyone in the camp looked at him with a little more awe and gratitude. After cleaning up, everyone set off like Luye City, and only those who had fully recovered at noon went to Luye City.

After cleaning up the individual zombies left in Greenleaf City, Ryan and Dave said goodbye to Kenway on the dock, who was about to set off on a steam-powered sailboat. As part of a rebuilding plan, Kenway will travel to surrounding islands to search for survivors.

Watching the sail shadow fade away, Dave turned to Ryan and said, "Dave thinks his friend is going home soon."

"Yeah." Ryan said, "I have finished what I have to do this time, and it is time for me to go home. Next time I come, I will look for a potion, maybe it will make those disabled soldiers recover again. stand up."

"Thank you for your help this time. At least you used magic to kill a lot of tricky guys and save a lot of people. Now in this era, every one more person survives, there is more hope." Dave said He patted Ryan on the shoulder and motioned for Lan to follow him.

When he walked to the river, Ryan found that a steamboat was coming from upstream with a large number of parts.

"I will build a second energy tower in this city. After all, the original town is suitable for refuge, but if you want to develop, there is a serious shortage of space." Dave pointed to the steamboat and said to Ryan.

Then he pointed to a highland by the river, where a large number of robots were busy, as if they were building something.

"Because there are few people now, in order to prevent the counterattack of zombies, Dave decided to build a giant fortress that can hold everyone to ensure safety. This will be our base in the future, and the materials will be obtained from the city first."

When he came to the construction site, Ryan carefully observed the building materials and found that many of them were indeed dismantled directly from the buildings in the city. It seemed that for safety, the city needed to be sacrificed temporarily.

Dave walked into a small room that had just been covered and came out with a laptop, a portable hard drive and a bag of seeds.

"This is my gift to you, in addition to my life's experience and notes, there are some seeds. This is what you deserve. In addition to this, there is also a large farm for you. Thank you for us in this world. contribution." Dave said, holding Ryan's hand with a rare seriousness.

"Thank you, I also got a lot from you. I think the next time I come, I should be able to see a beautiful world." After finishing speaking, Ryan shook Dave's hand firmly, and then took a step back to open the door of time and space. Left this world after waving goodbye to Dave.

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