Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 746 Entering Hogwarts

The Hog's Head was nothing like the Three Broomsticks Ryan had been to. It had only a small, dark, very dirty room that smelled strongly of sheep. The bay windows were so thick with grime that little light could penetrate, and candle stubs were burning on rough wooden tables.

At first Ryan thought the ground was mud, but after walking a few steps, he realized that it was centuries of dirt that had accumulated on what was originally paved with stone. Apparently Hermione figured this out too, so she just tiptoed like a ballerina when she walked in the door. Soon, everyone who was going to reinforce Hogwarts entered the bar. More than 20 people crowded the whole room to the brim, making the whole house look smaller and darker.

"Okay, the person standing at the end will help close the door, and then the rest will follow me." Aberforth turned his head and said to the people behind, and then led everyone around the counter and through a door, and finally up a rickety wooden staircase to the living room on the second floor.

The living room was much cleaner than the lobby on the first floor. The floor was covered with worn-out carpets and a small fireplace. Above the fireplace hung a large oil painting of a blond girl looking blankly and tenderly. inside the house.

"Mr. Dumbledore," Hermione asked softly after seeing the portrait, "is this your sister? Arianna?"

"Yes," Aberforth said stiffly, "I think you may have heard about our family from some people, but now is not the time to discuss this, you need to hurry." After finishing speaking, he cleared He cleared his throat and stood up, walked around the small table, and stood in front of Ariana's portrait. "You know what to do."

The girl smiled slightly, turned around and walked away. She didn't disappear beside the picture frame like the people in the usual portraits, but seemed to be walking along a long tunnel painted behind her. They watched her slender figure go further and further away, before being swallowed up by darkness.

"What an exquisite mechanism design," Ryan whispered in admiration, but in exchange for Aberforth's dissatisfied eyes. After casting a glance at Ryan, who knew he was rude and shut his mouth, the portrait on the wall opened like a small door, revealing the entrance of a real tunnel.

"Good luck." Aberforth nodded vigorously, and then moved out of the way in front of the fireplace to conjure up a stool for them to step on. Lane, the leader of the team, was the first to climb onto the mantelpiece on a stool and pass through the hole behind Ariana's portrait. After watching Ryan go in, other people also filed in, and finally only Aberforth stood quietly in the living room.

The situation in the tunnel was much better than expected. The entrance of the tunnel was paved with smooth stone steps, and the brass lamps hung on the walls cast warm yellow light around. After walking forward for a while, the stone slab disappeared and only dirt remained on the ground. But it is not the kind of potholes, rotten road mixed with stones and tree roots in other tunnels, but a very smooth and hard dirt road.

The slope of the tunnel is very steep, so everyone panted slightly after walking a certain distance. Although everyone's voice was not loud, the panting sounds of more than 20 people still rang out in the dim tunnel.

Finally, after turning a corner, we came to the end of the passage. Here, like the entrance, a short flight of stone steps leads to a door identical to the one behind Ariana's portrait.

After gently pushing open the door, what appeared in front of them was an empty room, which seemed only as big as a small classroom. There was nothing in the room except half a dozen torches on one wall, and a door on the opposite wall.

"Why have I never been here?" "What is this place?" "I don't remember that there is this room in Hogwarts." "Yeah, there is no way I haven't heard of such a unique room." After everyone came in, a few guerrillas muttered, after all, they all graduated from here before, so they were naturally curious to see a room that basically everyone had never seen before.

"This is the Room of Requirement, a secret room belonging to Hogwarts Castle.

"As Ryan, who has used the Room of Requirement many times, he quickly figured out where this is from the road just now and the magic reaction in the room." His door is on the eighth floor opposite the tapestry of Barnabas with the troll stick. , but is usually kept hidden. "

"So that's the case." Several guerrillas nodded, and then one of them walked to the door to open it. But suddenly a transparent wall of air appeared in front of him blocking his right hand reaching for the doorknob.

"Since someone tried to attack Horwarts through here at the end of last semester, I have set up traps around the entire Room of Requirement. You will activate all the traps when you go out like this." Ryan squeezed over and explained to the guerrilla, Then he drew his wand and knocked on the doorknob.

Everyone in the room instantly felt as if a strong static electricity swept over them, and the hairs on their bodies stood up. At the same time, they saw a pink light covering the entire room. A large number of complex or simple magic symbols first emerged from the wall after the light irradiated, and then dimmed.

"Now we can go out," said the door with a clang, after the last symbol faded and disappeared into the wall. So everyone saw that tapestry on the wall opposite the door where the troll batted silly Barnabas. After the door opened, Ryan turned around and said to everyone in the room. "Everyone better move quickly, because the traps will be reactivated after two minutes. Of course, if we all go out and close the gate, the traps will also be activated."

After listening to Ryan's words, everyone quickly lined up in two lines and filed out of the door, and the last person closed the door when he came out of the room. When the two doors were closed together, a large number of runes of various colors emerged from the door.

"Next we should inform the people in the castle—" Lupine stood beside Ryan and said, but before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of wooden sticks hitting the floor from the stairs.

"Armor protection." "Drowsy." A red light shot from the direction of the stairs, and was blocked by a barrier. After blocking a stun spell, Ryan shouted in the direction of the stairs: "We are reinforcements from Hogsmeade through the secret passage, not Death Eaters."

"Prove your identities." Moody's voice came from under the stairs. "Only one person can come to the stairs to communicate with me, otherwise I will attack directly."

"I'll go, you wait here." Ryan stretched out his wings after ordering, and then slowly floated up a foot. Then it flew all the way to the stairs. When he looked down, he saw Moody just below, under the cover of the railing, pointing his wand at him.

"It turned out to be you, Ryan." Moody put down his raised wand after seeing Ryan floating out. "Let those reinforcements come down, I believe no one can threaten you and let you bring people in."

After everyone came over, they followed Moody all the way down the stairs to meet the others. On the way, Ryan and Lupine began to ask about the current situation of Hogwarts.

"The situation at Hogwarts is not good now." Moody said seriously. "Voldemort and the Death Eaters are attacking the outer protective shield like crazy, even if we try our best to resist that protective shield, it can last at most ten minutes. That's why those magic sculptures of yours have been stabbing Death Eaters in the back to make them The reason why he can't attack with all his strength."

At this time, they just passed a corner of a staircase, and Ryan saw the statues and armor in the castle now standing in a neat line in the courtyard, and at the same time, there were some winds caused by spells whistling on the playground.

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