Hearing what Charles said, the crew gathered around one after another. When they saw a line of text on the head of the match on the screen, they suddenly felt cold.

This means that there must be one person among so many people, and one person must stay here to die.

Charles looked around his crew and said nothing. He looked at the stickman in front of him and continued to ask: "Those things will be discussed later. Where are the key clues you told me before?"

Charles has not forgotten what Tuba said just now.

"You open the C drive, I'll open it for you, move faster, those things won't wait for you."

As soon as Touba's voice fell, there was a rushing sound of water behind him. Charles turned his head and saw that the cold water had flowed out from the crack in the door. Time was becoming more urgent and he had to be fast.

Charles didn't pause, and immediately opened the C drive, and Touba, who was staying in Charles's folder, immediately jumped over.

There was nothing empty in the C drive, but as Touba kept tapping on the white page, black DOS windows kept popping up, various commands flowed down like a waterfall, and piles of files appeared in front of Charles.

"Tuba, since you can predict the future, can't you tell me directly, where is the key clue?"

Touba, who kept jumping between the folders, replied: "I can predict where the clues of the key are, but I can't predict the location of the key. What is blocking it? Do you think I am a god? I am not almighty!"

Eventually Touba found one of the folders with top secret and a lock icon.

"That's it, the first one is, hurry up and see, after reading, hurry up." Touba said, tearing it with his hand, and the lock icon disappeared instantly.

With a trembling right hand, Charles pushed the mouse arrow to open.

"Huh." Then, a dozen video files appeared in front of Charles, the names of the files were very strange and very straightforward.

"Yuanhang Aircraft Carrier Survivor Statement", "Record of the First Dialogue with 006", "Spectral Analysis Report of Divine Blood", "List of GK Council Members", "K392 Experiment Record"...

Charles’s heart throbbed. These videos know their weight just by hearing their names. No wonder the Foundation hides these things so deeply. If they don’t know how to find them, others are afraid they won’t find this. local.

"The first one is a clue to the key." Charles opened the first video without hesitation.

Inside it seemed to be a surveillance video looking down. A man with his head hanging down on an iron chair was said something.

"I don't know who took the key, and I don't know who overturned the aircraft carrier."

The video screen switched again and gave the person a close-up. It was the middle-aged West. He looked very haggard with the bandages from the past.

"Nonsense! Then why did you survive the entire aircraft carrier! Also, what exactly is the tattoo on your stomach? What reason did you kill your companion before?" A severe reprimand came from outside the video. .

"He was going to kill me! I can't help!!" Middle-aged West roared with bloodshot eyes.

After roaring, his eyes quickly and dimly dropped his head.

"I don't know why. I have known Ada for many years. That day, he chatted with me as usual. I don't know why, so he drew his gun and pointed it at me."

"I was shot in the right shoulder. The long-term training made me subconsciously raise the gun and start to fight back. I thought it was something in the sea that turned into his appearance, but..." At this point, West's face was exposed. An expression of extreme pain.

"Our surveillance software shows that at the end of the key, it was brought to the Abyss and Trench by someone. Did you see what it was?"

At this moment, the screen of the video quickly switched to a huge chart, where the surrounding islands and a sponge were constantly shining.

Charles stood up excitedly, he immediately pressed pause, the video was still very long, but he was too lazy to see what was behind, he wanted to find something.

Just after he felt all over his body without finding any paper, Shining handed over Charles' diary. "Dad, are you looking for this?"

Charles excitedly kissed her on the cheek, then excitedly took the diary and took out the pen from the breast pocket of his coat.

He followed the latitude and longitude lines in the video and the specific location of the island to confirm the location of the so-called abyss trench.

As a qualified captain and a qualified painter, Charles draws pictures very quickly, in less than 30 seconds, and the simple chart has been drawn.

Although simple, the chart is more than enough to confirm the coordinates, especially when there are islands as reference objects.

At this time, the sea water had wiped his thighs, and the screams and exclamations outside were gone. This was not a good thing. Charles knew he should go.

"Quickly, quickly! Shut down and seal them inside, or wait for them to smell my breath, we really won't be able to leave."

Charles quickly framed all the crew and was about to drag them to the Narwhal.

But at this moment, Charles saw one of those videos, "K392 Experiment Record".

He seemed to have seen this number somewhere, and obviously he felt that the information contained in it was very important to him.

"Charles! What are you doing!! Hurry up!!" Touba shouted anxiously.

Just when Charles was a little hesitant, the loud sound of a horn came from outside the door.

"Team members! The time has come to carry out our mission!! Even if it is moths to the fire!! We are going to die at the forefront of our people!!! Go! Do everything possible to solve these invisible monsters with instruments! !"

Charles heard it. It was the voice of Task Force Commander Johnson. Then, he double-clicked the left mouse button to open the "K392 Experiment Record".

"No hurry, it seems that the people on the island are on the bar with the "blackboard eraser" and should be able to free up the sound of watching videos."

Just what the stickman Touba was about to say, a paragraph from the video came before him.

"I'm K9! The K392 experiment is about to start! I know this experiment is too anxious, but we don't have time!" In the video, a woman with a hook nose said excitedly to the camera.

She walked from the house to the sunny outside, and the video camera followed. From the shadow on the ground, it can be seen that the body of the camera seemed to be a drone-like machine.

The camera shifted from K9's face ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to a nearby arch covered with various metal brackets. The technologically-sounding arch is very large and looks like a magnificent mountain.

Some people in various uniforms next to each other are preparing for something. Everyone is holding various electronic devices in their hands to confirm something.

But Charles's attention was not on the arch, and the elevated angle of view allowed him to see the source of the sunlight.

It didn't come from the sun, but came from a dazzling halo emitting sunlight. In the center of the halo was suspended a triangle made up of various silver fragments.

I don't know which is Shuguang's artificial sun slowly falling to the center of the arch, continuing to emit light and heat.

At this moment, K9's voice came over like a narration. "This is our first attempt. If we succeed, then we will have our own gods and our future will be full of light."

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