Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 723: understanding

   Chapter 792 Understanding

  Looking at the woman in front of him who was covered in black bandages, Charles's heart was full of vigilance.

  Although she seemed to be able to communicate, and did not show any hostility.

  He doesn't trust 005. He has had a lot of dealings with the gods. The blessings of the gods are not so easy to take. Every time, he has to pay an extremely painful price.

"Nothing, I just think humans are very interesting. You can lie, be brave, love, move and jump. This is interesting. I like humans. Sometimes I think, if you were created by me, it would be great. "

  005's words made Charles' brows tightened, "Like a pet?"

   "No, to be more precise, grandma's liking for her grandson. Do you want these two wishes?"

  The time quieted down instantly, and only the sound of the waves hitting the island's rock wall next to him was left. The pause was a long time.

  Finally, 005's body gradually faded in front of Charles, "It seems that you haven't figured it out yet, it doesn't matter, I will come to you when you think it over."

  At the moment 005 disappeared, Shining immediately grabbed Charles and teleported directly back to Hope Island.

  As soon as he returned to Hope Island, before Charles could see the surroundings clearly, tearful Anna rushed over and held him tightly in his arms.

  The other crew members around saw this scene, and surrounded them with excitement, cheering loudly, and their captain returned.

  Charles looked at everything around him blankly, watching their mouths close together, but he heard nothing, his mind was still digesting what 005 said.


The   Foundation has died, and the mountain suspended above the Earth-sea humans has completely disappeared, and the good days of the Earth-sea humans have finally come.

  But the hot scene outside seems to have nothing to do with Charles. He sits in the training basement of Hope Island and looks straight at the ground, as if he wants to see the other side through the ground, which belongs to him.

  The basement door was silently pushed open, and Lily, who was specially dyed with a layer of black hair, flew in from outside. She looked at the curved back, her hairy face hesitated.

   "Mr. Charles?" she asked hesitantly.

  Lilly smiled happily when she saw the scar-covered right hand stretched over to her, she rushed up and rolled on Charles's calloused hand.

  Charles retracted his hands, and gently stroked Lily's soft hair in his arms.

   After arching his small head on Charles’ chest, Lily raised her head and asked curiously: “Mr. Charles? Why do you always look at the ground? Didn’t you like to look at it before?”

   "Do I have one?"

  Lily’s furry ears moved up and down along with her vigorous nodding.

   "Yes, yes, you used to like to look at the top, especially like lying in the sun, quietly looking at the rock formation above."

   Charles stretched out his hand and continued to stroke the hair on her back, and said in a vague voice: "Really?"

It seems that Charles’s mood seems a little uncomfortable. Lily spreads two small paws on his chest, trying to give him a big hug, but because she looks more like a branch hanging on Charles’s chest. The limbs of the rat are dry.

  At this moment, a tentacle with black scales stretched out from the side, rolled up Lily and threw it out the door, and quickly closed the door.

   "What are you thinking about now?"

  Hearing the sound of footsteps in high heels coming from behind, Charles slowly said: "I found that I suddenly figured out a lot of things, and I understand them to do those things."

  "What's the matter? Foundation's matter?" Anna stood behind Charles with her arms folded, and looked condescendingly at the back of Charles sitting on the ground.

"Understand why the Foundation intends to clean up the Earth-sea humans with rapid technological development. They are not trying to kill the Earth-sea humans to make room for the pure-blood humans. They are afraid that with the advancement of the Earth-sea humans’ technology, they will eventually find the real The surface threatens the real humans living on the surface."

  "Understand why the Foundation is so good to incorporate vampire genes into the Earth Sea humans, so that they die as soon as the sun shines, and understand why so many languages ​​are not used, but they have to create an Earth Sea language."

   "These guys don't want anything in the Earth Sea to go up, and they are fully prepared, including the humans in the Earth Sea, including themselves."

   "So? You took over the mission of saving all mankind and became the third generation foundation?" Hearing his wife's slightly mocking words, the words of the Central Computer rang in his ears again. "You will, it's not a deal, it's a fact."

   "No, I won't, I'm not the foundation." Charles firmly refused to the voice in his mind.

  The sound of high-heeled shoes came from behind Charles to his front. Charles's gaze gradually moved upward along the slender white legs in front of him, and finally stopped on the expressionless delicate face of Anna.

  "Don't work in the foundation? What do you want to do? Or want to go back to the surface through 005? Abandon me and Yan Xing here?"

  Hearing what she said, the homesickness that Charles had abandoned for a long time came to my heart again, my family, my classmates. I once had that extremely simple and plain life.

  There seems to be a voice pouring from his heart, he wants to go back and return to the original world, he has stayed in this ghost place enough!

However, when he was ecstatic to look at his messy and broken body and the lover in front of him, Charles's expression suddenly, his body, his own will, and everything about himself had been This dark and strange sea was completely assimilated, and he was completely unable to go back.

  Charles stretched out a hand to Anna, trying to get her to lift up her injured self, but Anna didn't mean to help.

  Charles sighed helplessly, leaned forward and stood up with difficulty. Reaching out and putting his hand on Anna's thin shoulders, he said with a trace of fatigue in his voice: "Forget it, I'm tired, I don't want to toss anymore, and I still don't trust that 005, she must have another purpose."

  The smile on Anna's face flashed, and she stretched out her hand and patted Charles' wound. "No, this is an opportunity. Maybe we can get more strength from 005."

   "Forget it, it's better to deal less with the gods. By the way, what are you coming to see me for?"

  Anna pointed her finger at the black gauze skirt that stretched out her hand, “Touba’s funeral is about to be held, and your lunatic crew can be used a lot before. Wouldn’t you go to this occasion?”

   "What are you waiting for, let's go!" With Anna's help, Charles limped towards the basement room.

  (End of this chapter)

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