Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 1016: Husband is the savior

He must protect this organization and he must protect himself.

He was kidnapped that year, and although he did a lot of things that cannot be known, he finally survived.

There is hope when you live.

Only when you are alive can you see the people you like again and see them happy. If the Yin and Yang are separated, there will be nothing.

He remained silent, and the person who abused him next to him didn't show much interest.

They can't really kill people, so they can't use some of their methods.

In the end they poured a bucket of chili water on Sandy's body, and Sandy felt so painful that it was not his own. Once his eyes were closed, he couldn't hold him from fainting.

"Damn, he finally fainted. This is the hardest person I have ever dealt with. It's so small and tolerable. What kind of devilish organization is S·B?"

The man threw the bucket in his hand and kicked Sandy again, who had fainted. He was very happy with the blood on his kick.

"So bleeding won't lose too much blood, he has to wrap him X's."

The lone wolf said: "Send me the video, you wrap the person up, don't let him die, I will go to negotiate, and strive to go out of H country tonight."

In a country with a military celestial eye, I feel insecure no matter what I think, as if someone is staring at it all the time.

Lone Wolf dislikes Country H very much. He likes the big desert like Country Z, the kind of big Gobi, and the signal can't pass, relying on the primitive power of man.

Ye Luo looked anxiously at the old-fashioned pendulum clock on the wall, almost two hours had passed, but the lone wolf hadn't moved.

Is her judgment correct?

What if the lone wolf is determined to avenge his son and wish you to die?

Yan Yu walked in from outside, "Luoluo, how is it?"

Ye Luo saw him as if he had encountered a savior and rushed towards him: "My husband... The lone wolf hasn't called yet, will I make a mistake in my judgment? If my judgment instead makes Lulu and Sendi lose the only one If it is possible to be rescued..."

Yan Yu hugged her and touched her head: "Don't be afraid, the lone wolf is not that stupid. If he is really so embarrassed, he will not be able to be where he is now. I will call again later."

Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief, "My husband, if you say that, then my judgment is correct."

"Yeah, silly girl, how could your judgment be wrong? You are so smart, even if you don't believe in yourself, you must believe in your husband. He has never made a mistake in judgment."

Ye Luo looked at his handsome face with some entanglement: "Are you trying to comfort me, deliberately saying that you judge this way?"

This is to blame on himself.

"Not to comfort you. Believe me, even if he doesn’t call today, he will definitely have tomorrow. The lone wolf is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. He understands the disadvantages of his staying in Country H. He wants to be earlier. Leaving Country H."

As soon as Yan Yu's words fell, Ye Luo's cell phone rang.

After waiting anxiously for two hours, Ye Luo finally received a call from the lone wolf.

The lone wolf said very sorry: "Sorry, Grandma Yan, I can breathe out what you said. I just went out and came back. I am in the mood to negotiate terms with you, but you seem to be unable to do it. Lord of S·B."

Ye Luo sighed in his heart, this guy said to get out of breath, and it was out for two hours as soon as he got out.

She asked worriedly: "What did you do to Lulu?"

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