"You hurry up and find a way to transfer, I know you must have saved me and exposed my whereabouts, you have to find a way with so many things here..."

Shivan Luo rubbed her head: "Don't worry, they can't find this place, at most they block me on the periphery."

"Then leave as soon as possible."

Xifan Luo frowned slightly: "Aren't you going with me?"

Ye Luo shook his head: "No, I have to go back to the family of Yanmen. I will find my brother if I have trouble in the future."

Xifan Luo wrinkled her snow-white forehead: "I'm looking for brother when I have trouble?"

Ye Luo grinned and said: "If you don't have trouble, how can you trouble brother casually, you are a noble person."

You are busy.

Xifan Luo said solemnly: "No matter how busy I am, you can find me. You must remember to call your brother even if you think about it."

Ye Luo nodded: "I added my brother's WeChat."

Xifan Luo smiled: "Say good morning and good night to me every day, and I will let you go back to the Yanmen family."

"Okay, I will do it."

Ye Luo didn't even hesitate.

Xifan Luo patted her on the head: "So behaved, I have to give you something to take away, the white wolf and the red wolf come over."

Xifan Luo yelled, and two black charcoal men came over. Not only were their skin black, but their hair and clothes were all black. If you didn't look closely, you couldn't see the facial features of their faces.

"They will follow you in the future and will protect you. They also know how to find me." Xifan Luo said generously.

Ye Luo shook his head: "No way, no way, I went back to the Yanmen family and some of them were protected."

In fact, she couldn't bring this person into the Yan Sect family, and Yan Yu knew that Xifan Luo sent them in and didn't dare to let them in.

She can't do that either.

Xifan Luo smiled and said: "The person who gave it to you is yours. You can rest assured that they will absolutely obey your instructions and will no longer be mine."

Ye Luo looked up at him in surprise: "What do you mean by brother?"

"They were originally prepared for you, they are not mine, so you don't need to worry, you still have to have your own person in the Yanmen clan."

Ye Luo couldn't believe it, the two of them would not listen to Shivan Luo's orders anymore?

Ye Luo tried to ask, "Can I really let them listen to me?"

"You can try to let them kill me."

Ye Luorui looked at the red wolf and white wolf who couldn't distinguish his face: "You two take off my brother's underwear."

Shivan Lowe: "???"

Why is it ***?

The Red Wolf and White Wolf didn't hesitate, they came up and buckled Shivan Luo's belt and untied them.

Xivan Luo looked ugly: "My sister, you must stop them, I don't want to kill them."

Ye Luo calmly said: "Well, you guys stop, I'll joke with my brother."

She just wanted to test whether a white wolf and a red wolf still regard Shivan Luo as their master.

If they had agreed with Shivan Luo in advance, and she told them to kill Shivan Luo without hesitation, then she just wanted to test and she couldn't test it out.

It's just acting for her.

Knowing that she wouldn't really let people kill Shivan Lowe.

But *** is different. They must have never acted before. The Red Wolf and White Wolf must have hesitated to hear such an order, and even look at Xivan Luo's wink.

After all, he was the former master, who would have a sense of awe, and the humiliating things like taking off his underwear were generally hard for his subordinates to do.

But the two did not hesitate.

It means that they really didn't regard Shivan Luo as their master.

She can safely take it away.

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