Ye Luo calmly looked up at him: "Husband, do you want to lock me up?"

Yan Yu asked coldly: "You must go see him?"

"I want to know why my Master’s Yuehan Stone is in his hands, and maybe I can find a clue to Master. For nearly 20 years of my life, Master has been leading me. If it weren’t for Master, I might starve to death in Sanqingshan. He might have been killed by the ghosts while I was saving you. This is all the credit of my master. Shouldn't I go to him?"

She just wanted to find out if Master was in this world, and why Master's moon cold stone appeared in this world.

Since she can travel into this world, maybe the master is also there, even if the hope is slim, she will look for it.

Yan Yu said: "I will help you to investigate, you won't come forward on this matter."

"Husband, I am a human being. I have my own freedom and what I want to do. I may depend on you for other things, but I need your assistance to find Master, but I mainly find it myself."

Yan Yu is not familiar with Master at all, how can he find it?

Even if I ask him, I can't ask anything.

And she didn't want to be kept in the house like this and saw no one.

This is no longer her time, and women do not go out at home, not to mention that in their time, the mother of the family had to go out to socialize.

Although most of the people I saw were women.

But it is not being kept at home. She has few acquaintances and friends in this world, and she also wants to go outside to see and know more people.

As the master said, reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.

People who stay at home all day cannot learn anything.

She still knows too little about the world, and she can't just stay in Yan's house, then she might not be good at this wealthy lady.

"Luo Luo, I didn't say to restrict your freedom, but you can't see this person."

"Why?" Ye Luo asked calmly.

"There is no reason. If you can't see you, you can't see. Don't go to the hospital these days.

"Husband, you are restricting my freedom now." Ye Luo was a little unhappy.

"Luo Luo is your husband. I just told you not to meet other men. I will help you with what you are going to do. There is no discussion about this."

Yan Yu left after speaking, regardless of what Ye Luo said.

Ye Luo frowned. He knew that Yan Yu was stingy, but he didn't expect that he was so stingy that he would not let him see others.

He is a person in this world, how can he think the same as her ancient man.

What if he really wants to lock her at home?

Must resist.

If she is successfully locked up by him this time, then next time she will not think about being free again, one time there will be a second time.

Besides, Arthur Di is the one she must meet.

Arthur Di didn't look like Master at all, and he was not a member of Country H. Where did he get the Moon Cold Stone?

If it is really dug from the treasure cave, then why is Master's Moon Cold Stone in the treasure cave of this world.

Could it be that your own world and this world are the same world, only developed several thousand years later?

Thinking of this night, I feel sad, that is, Master and the others are impossible to be there. Even if Master escaped the ransacking of King Kang's house at that time, he would not have escaped thousands of years.

He will not live to be several thousand years old.

Ye Luo got sad and sat on the balcony on the second floor. Here you can see the distant mountains, a green area full of pine forests, and the breeze blows over, making people feel better.

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