The CEO of the game company turned his head.

Thinking about when this day is the head, when the young grandma is not fun, why do you want to play hacker attacks!

Shouldn't women just make up, maintain, SPA, and shop every day? ?Why is Young Master Yan so different, hacking other people's servers every day!

After playing like this for a week, Ye Luo felt that it was too simple to attack this kind of server and asked OMG, "Can I change the target?"

OMG nodded: "Yes, young grandma can now try to attack a certain banking system."

Ye Luo came interested: "Can I still attack the bank? Then can I get the money from the bank?"

"As long as we can get in, the bank's money is our money."

"My God, isn't it unsafe to put my money in the bank!"

Ye Luo suddenly lost her sense of security, but she had billions in the bank, and all the money she made from selling stocks was in it.

She hasn't figured out what to do.

OMG smiled: "Don't worry about grandma, it's extremely difficult to attack the banking system, not everyone can attack, and those who can actually attack don't lack the money in the bank."

What's more, if the banking system is really attacked, the person will never escape, and will be caught by Interpol in a short time. Because there is not only one hacker in the world, let alone there are many high-level technical talents in the country. Even if they cannot defend against hacker attacks, it is very simple to find their attack route and find out who they are.

No country will sit idly by things that destroy world stability.

And those who can really attack banks are definitely not short of money.

Even if you really attack the bank, it's just for fun or other purposes.

Moreover, there are not many such hackers in the world.

"Is it so difficult?" Ye Luo widened his eyes, very interested.

"Little grandma, you can attack from the smallest banking system, such as a certain ATM of a certain bank."

"How to say?"

OMG said: "You try to make a certain ATM take one hundred when it becomes one thousand yuan."

"??? Is this really good?"

"There is nothing wrong with it, I directly let the ATM vomit money until there is no money in it."

Ye Luo frowned, "This is not good, it will affect public order and cause panic."

"No, people take a dollar and turn it into a hundred. They will only feel happy, but they won't think about it. In fact, there is a problem with the ATM. Their money may change from one hundred to one because of the problem. "

Ye Luo shook his head: "Even though I said so, I can't do that. I just want to practice my hands and I can't cause any impact on the public."

It is harmless to attack a game company, because it is not a problem for players not to play games for a few days.

But the ATM is different.

If one hundred changes to one thousand, how many people would steal money from that ATM?

If the bank turns that ATM into operation, that bank will lose one machine to use, which will inconvenience more people.

To be a hacker is to attack the person who should be attacked, not to cause inconvenience to others for your own desires.

OMG chuckled and said, "The young grandma can try to destroy others."

Ye Luo nodded: "I'll try to get in first."

After all, it's the banking system, it must be extremely difficult, and she didn't think she could be a fat man in one bite.

Sure enough, Ye fell into great difficulties when attacking the banking system.

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