Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 861: Strength show affection

Ye Luo said to Yan Yu: "Husband, come to the second floor, you are about to run the drug. Many people must enter the safety circle from here, so we just need to stay here."

Yan Yu jumped out of the window to look at the surrounding environment, then opened the big map to look at the pattern and said: "Luoluo, you stay here, I will go and look behind the opposite slope."

"Well, you go, I will cover you."

Yan Yu is still carrying a 98K, just received express.

As Yan Yu climbed the hillside, an airplane whizzed past his head and threw down a box with red smoke.

Xia Zhi exclaimed excitedly: "Wow, airdrops, dreams! Brother, you're going to pick up the airdrops and get your face off."

"What is the use?"

"It is full of good things, with the best weapons, and auspicious clothes."

Yan Yu was about to go, but he heard the sound of the ground, the sound of motorcycles and small cars, as if they were all coming here.

"North 30, there is a motorcycle, I will pack it." Arthur Didao.

"There is a small car and a team of people on the Northeast 22. Husband, be careful."

Yan Yu replied softly: "Yeah."

Yan Yu ran to the hillside and hid behind a tree and looked forward. The box dropped by air was not far from the tree. There were no other shelters around the box.

The motorcycle and the small car are driving straight here.

He looked at the smoke bomb in his bag and asked: "Luoluo, is the smoke bomb useful?"

"Yes, if you throw the smoke bomb in the smoke bomb, you can't see anything."

"How big is the scope."

"A few meters."

"I set smoke bombs and you tell me the enemy's location."

Yan Yu put a smoke bomb on the side of the airdrop box. The smoke bomb quickly released thick white smoke, and Yan Yu rushed into the smoke bomb.

He stood in the smoke bomb and picked up the contents of the airdrop box.

Although it is easy to pick up things like this, once the smoke bomb has dispersed, he will stand under the enemy's gun.

Because he stood in the smoke bomb and was invisible.

"Husband, they are here, 30 northeast, the car stopped, and four people got off. I will call two for you, and you will pack two."

Standing in the smoke bomb, Yan Yu picked up the grenade and threw it towards the 30th northeast.

When the smoke bomb dissipated, the grenade exploded.

Yan Yu vaguely saw four people. He picked up the gun and swept over, hitting and jumping to avoid their bullets.

Gunshots were heard everywhere, and Ye Luo stood neatly on a high place and put one down.

His teammate wanted to rescue him, but was shot in the head by Yan Yu.

Arthur Di and Xia Zhi killed the two people who were riding motorcycles together.

When they wanted to come for reinforcements, the remaining two people were also knocked down by Yan Yu.

Yan Yu rushed up and looked around while filling his gun.

All four heads were taken off.

Ye Luo deliberately left him with a head, and didn't kill one.

Xia Zhi robbed the head of Arthur Di.

Xia Zhi said: "Brother, I took the head of my little cousin. Would you like to thank me?"

Arthur Di hum: "Xia Zhi, you want to marry into our house, how can you turn your elbow outside."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm playing the game normally, right? If I didn't make a move, you might have died."

"Hehe..." Arthur Dihehe laughed twice and jumped into the car: "Go, keep looking for people, there are only forty people left after finishing the circle."

Yan Yu threw all the good guns and medicines he had just picked up to Ye Luo: "Take it, wife."

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