Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 911: There is no good result from a close relative marriage

Generally speaking, a man from country S, who is stingy, will let a woman cover this thing to see other men.

Xia Zhi was most afraid of this, and specifically told Bai Lipiao that she would never hide this.

It was so cumbersome, she wanted to breathe fresh air.

Baili Piao hugged her: "I regret it, our Zhizhi is so good-looking, we don't want to show it to others."

Xia Zhi pushed him: "While going, I don't want to be tied down by your sweet words, hum, besides, what I saw today is your family, I have to take out the best of mine, lest they look down on people ."

Bai Lipiao held her regretful for a while, took her hand and went out.

Xia Zhi asked the servant to bring the gift.

Princess Hurd arranged for her two special servants, who looked very S country, not particularly beautiful, but not ugly.

Anyway, Xia Zhi had no secrets, and she was not afraid that these servants were spies arranged by Princess Hurd.

Out of the room, Xia Zhi once again sighed and felt the shock of golden glitter.

Even the trash cans in the palace are made of gold.

The faucets in the bathroom are all gold.

Fortunately, it was not gold that came out of the faucet, otherwise she might not dare to wash her face.

Xia Zhi really couldn't accept this kind of gold decoration, she really wanted to remodel her room.

She asked quietly, "Piaopiao, do we have another house after we get married."

"Silly girl, you have so many properties in your hand, you can live in occasionally."

In Baicheng, the capital of State S, they have four properties and two old castles.

"It would be great."

Xia Zhi happily followed Baili to the living room.

In the living room, there are a bunch of handsome men and beauties. Occasionally, there are a few of them who are out of shape, fatter and older, most of them are still very seductive.

But all the princes are not as beautiful as her A Piao.

The king was not there. Only a third princess came to the princesses. The third princess raised seventeen children, including ten sons.

The face of the third princess, a typical S country woman, has pretty facial features. She is a cousin with the king, which is the so-called close relative marriage!

But her children are not so-called stupid products.

However, there are a few that I can play especially. One likes the zoo very much and visits the zoo abroad all year round.

There was also a drug addict who often went to sexual parties, was driven out of the country by the king, and forced drug abuse at a secret spot in country A.

There is also a seventeen-year-old prince who has wives and concubines, and his daughters are three or four years old.

So, it's not good to get married with close relatives.

Can't give birth to too high quality offspring.

Baili Piao brought Xia Zhi over and gave a salute. The third princess took out a gold bracelet and handed it to Xia Zhi. The gold bracelet was also inlaid with a circle of emeralds, each as big as a fingernail.

The wives of local kings are also inhumane.

Xia Zhi took the gold bracelet and thanked him, and took a jade pendant from the box held by the servant and handed it to her: "This is the suet jade pendant of our country H. A little respect."

The third princess smiled and took Yu Pei and looked at it again: "Is there a dragon on this? Your dragon from country H?"

Phoenix and dragon are carved on the jade pendant.

"Not only is there a dragon, the other is a phoenix with only a tail."

"Oh, I know, your country H likes dragons and phoenix the most. They are very noble symbols."

"Yes, I hope you don't dislike it."

The third princess didn't know what she said, so she didn't understand.

But she was still very happy and said: "I like it very much, thank you."

A little princess joked: "Sister-in-law, we also want gifts. We have never been to Country H. Is Country H fun?"

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