Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 916: Car rental cars are sports cars

Princess Hurd was a little worried: "Sheikh has stayed abroad for too long, and I am worried that he is unwilling to accept Asari."

The king doesn't care: "If he doesn't accept it, he has to accept it. He doesn't take it seriously."

Princess Hart sighed: "I hope that the cooperation with Country H will be completed soon, so that we don't have to worry about Xia Zhi."

"I will let Sheikh finish as soon as possible."

Princess Hurd curled her lips: "Xia Zhi really doesn't look like a princess. I really feel wronged by my Sheykh."

"For the country."

Princess Hurd pulled him and shook it twice: "Then you have to give more Sheykh private property."

"I know I know."

The king put his arms around her waist and entered the room: "You have given me too few children. I have to have a few more children. We will work hard."

Princess Hurd pushed him: "It's still early."

The two shoved to the end of the bed.

The second princess, the third princess and the fourth princess, received news from their servants in return.

The king has gone to bed with Princess Hurd.

Several people showed jealousy.

Although country S requires men to be equal to their wives, whether it is property or sex.

But it doesn't matter how many times a man takes in a night.

The king would rest a month in which princess’s room was fixed, but only when he stayed in Princess Hurd’s room would he rest early.

Also allowing Princess Hurd to contraception without having a child, which makes people jealous.

If it weren’t for Princess Hurd who would confuse the king, how could the crown prince’s seat be given to Sheikh. He has been abroad for more than ten years and he has not seen it in China several times a year.

But jealousy goes to jealousy. On the surface, the king did a fair job. They could not appeal if they wanted to.

Not as much as Princess Hurd as loved by the king, she could only watch the Sheikh sitting as the crown prince.

Xia Zhi looked at the buildings outside the window, and the entire city of Baie was dimly lit at night, especially bright.

Many shops on the street are open 24 hours a day.

What shocked her was that the taxi running on the street turned out to be a sports car!

That's awesome.

"Apiao, is such a taxi expensive?" Xia Zhi asked Baili Piao.

"It's not expensive, it's cheaper than the taxi in Fancheng, but the pink taxi is a lady driver, and the one is a bit more expensive than the average, and the price is about the same as the taxi in Fancheng."

Xia Zhi's eyes widened: "Is this... so cool? You don't have to buy a car by yourself when you live in Baicheng. The taxi is so advanced!"

It's no wonder that many netizens would jokingly say: If one day I am old and helpless, throw me to Baicheng to pick up trash.

"Silly girl, people in country S can afford a car."

Xia Zhi had to sigh: "Hao, really ha, the problem is that the car is not expensive."

"It will be your country in the future, are you very proud?" Bai Lipiao asked.

Xia Zhi blinked: "I...not yet this is my country's consciousness."

She answered this very honestly.

I really haven't realized this yet. Different religious beliefs and different concepts.

Besides, she only came for the first day today!

How can there be such a quick sense of belonging.

"But I am proud that this is my husband's country." Xia Zhi added another sentence after seeing Bai Lipiao's expression a little unhappy.

Baili Piao squeezed her face: "You little clever ghost."

Xia Zhi made a face at him and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

Baicheng gave her the impression of being prosperous, with many distinctive buildings and high-rise buildings rising to the sky, so she wanted to be taller than one.

A city in the desert can be built like this, she really admires the government of S, and admire the wisdom of mankind.

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