Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 930: Still cousin can play

"Zhizhi, what to do if you feel uncomfortable." Baili Piao said aggrieved.

After enduring it for more than half a year, until now he hasn't taken up the beloved girl, A Piao feels really wronged.

Xia Zhi blushed and looked at him: "Then...what are we going to do, I can't even here... there is nothing to block."

"They won't come, no one here."

On the prairie, there are only the two of them and a horse here. The cousins ​​and cousins ​​are so far away that they can't even see them. It is not when Baili Piao has no tolerance, he often endures, sometimes Xia Zhi will help him solve it if he can't bear it.

So she knows how to do this.

But this place, this posture is really too embarrassing.

"Let's go back and talk back to the room." Xia Zhi whispered.

Baili Piao said: "No, I'll show you to play again, don't worry I can hold it back."

What he wants is this kind of feeling, it's boring when he returns to the room.

Even if you can't eat it, it's a great feeling to be able to do this.

" are so sick, come here."

Baili Piao kissed her lips and went all the way down, burying her head in her chest: "It's painful and happy. I like it."

Xia Zhi was itching to be kissed by him. Thinking about getting married anyway, she gritted her teeth and said: "Apiao, or... or you really come."

The two have shared the same bed for more than half a year, and they have done everything except the last step.

Baili Piao raised her head and squeezed her to play, and said firmly: "No, I have waited for so long. Let's return to the wedding night in the bridal chamber. That makes more sense."

Xia Zhi took the initiative to kiss him moved.

The horse ran up and down, Baili Piao's voice getting lower and lower, and in the end he almost clasped Xia Zhi's waist tightly. Calling Ai Zhizhi lowly, love can't extricate herself.

Finally, he kissed Xia Zhi hard.

After the kiss, Xia Zhi asked softly: "Alright?"

"Well, Zhizhi, it feels so good. We will ride horses when we get married."

Baili Piao was full of joy. Although there was no real one, he was already very happy.

Zhizhi was already willing to give himself to him.

This makes him extremely happy.

Xia Zhi beat him: "My clothes are not clean anymore."

Baili Piao kissed her: "I will hold you back for a while and say that you fell, no one will doubt it."

Xia Zhi said in embarrassment, "How ashamed to be found out."

The two of them were immediately...

Bai Lipiao hugged her and laughed happily: "What shame, Lao Tzu and his wife are not messy, honest, who dares to say, I will kill him."

Xia Zhi pinched his waist: "I'm not as cheeky as you."

"Yeah, you are a little shy."

"You're just a little shy, go back soon, it makes me uncomfortable, I have to go back and change my clothes."

Bai Lipiao took her back with satisfaction.

Because the posture is so flawed, one cousin joked when I went back: "Cousin, why do you ride horses like this with your cousin? Does it have a special taste? Oh, I also want my Xiaogan to ride like this. go with."

Someone immediately agreed: "Cousin still knows how to play."

Baili Piao said with a cold face: "Zhizhi sits immediately and is afraid, so you won't be afraid when you sit. What are you thinking about?"

With a serious face, he silenced the joker.

Bai Li Piao was originally a very serious person, at least in the eyes of his brothers and sisters.

Some people in the royal family began to sleep with maids and women when they were teenagers. Only the crown prince Baili Piao brought back the first woman at this age, and she still wanted to get married.

I haven't seen him dye any women before, so he said it seriously, and the others really believed it.

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