"I saw it, the situation is not very good, the internal organs were all shocked, and even the operation did not dare to move. Doctor Xia has already performed surgery today, and the situation is fine in this respect." Zhang Shu frowned: "Why doctor Don't dare to do it?"

"The situation is too serious. I'm afraid Shao Yan won't be able to survive the moment he moves the knife."

Zhang Shu said in shock: "This is really thrilling. I didn't expect Yan Shao to be so badly injured..."

Shen Qingheng stroked her forehead: "When he found him, he only kept a breath unbroken. Maybe he was reluctant to have a child with Young Lady Yan, so he didn't want to leave.

I have known him for so many years and I know that he has a passion for him. Although he is usually cold and unfavorable, he never pushes his responsibilities to himself. I did not expect that he would do it this way and encountered such a situation. , I am definitely not as brave as him. "

Zhang Shufu replied: "Yes, Shao Yan is cold and desolate. I didn't expect to be so responsible."

"He has not cared about anything all his life, only his country is interested in military affairs, and he has never liked anyone else in his life. He was so fascinated by the night that he loved such a woman, so ah , He won't be willing to leave, he will survive."

My favorite woman and the most precious child are still there, so how can I die?

Zhang Shu didn't speak. It is hard to imagine that Shao Yan, who was noble and cold yesterday, is just my breath away today.

Really should be that sentence is unpredictable.

Shen Qingheng shook her hand: "Jiaojiao, I know you have a grudge against me, but for the sake of the ball, I want to live with you. You don't think anyone will know who will leave or be there any day. Are we doing well? ?"

Zhang Shu said in a low voice: "Am I not with you anymore?"

Shen Qingheng smiled, Zhang Shu understood very well in his heart, but he didn't open it up, even if a stone was by his side, he could cover his heat.

There are not so many accidents in the world, right?

Zhang Shu called Bai Chang.

Baichang on the other side of the phone answered the call and blew a whistle: "Beauty, you finally remembered me. When you return to your motherland, you forgot about my friend. Is there a male look that makes you reluctant to think about it?"

Zhang Shu smiled: "Just you can talk, what are you doing?"

"While shopping with Sandy, you said that this man has to let me go shopping with him. Two big men have to go shopping. How many times I have been suspected of sexual orientation. How about I am a straight man."

Zhang Shu laughed haha, "Why didn't your straight steel man see you looking for a girlfriend."

"Aren't I waiting for you, marrying your daughter who has a high IQ like a ball, marrying one get one free and making more money, marrying a few women gives birth to too ordinary, I am not interested."

Zhang Shu curled his lips: "Don't make fun of me. The ball's father won't give him away, no nonsense. I have something to tell you. You can ask Sandy if he wants to take the task."

Baichang asked doubtfully: "What kind of task, who is dying of illness?"

Zhang Shu said: "Something happened to Shao Yan recently. The internal injuries are too serious and no doctor dared to operate. It is estimated that only Sandy dares to move in this world. You can ask Sandy if he can answer it."

Bai Qin laughed: "It's not expensive to let Sandy take over the task. Did you place the order or Yan Shao's order? No, why did you help Yan Shao like this?"

"Mrs. Yan wants to join our organization, and she is not an outsider. I can place orders with Mrs. Yan."

"You won't run over to see Shao Yan, right?"

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