Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 943: Want your child


"My child? Do you want my child?" Ye Luo raised a high amount.

She knew that the other party would make rude requests, but she didn't expect it to be her child!


Ye Luo calmed down and suppressed his temper: "Can...can I change the terms?"

"Do not."

Ye Luo urged herself to calm down: "Can we meet for an interview?"


"When can you come to Country H..."

"at any time."

"Then see you at Bolledridge tomorrow afternoon?"


Ye Luo really didn't know how to tell him anymore.

This child is afraid that Mo has some autism. He is waiting for others to speak. Does he have no desire to express himself?

"Then we'll see you tomorrow, goodbye."

"BYE." The other party said and hung up.

Although the words are pitiful, they are not arrogant, at least they know goodbye, maybe they can speak well tomorrow.

What should he do if he really wants his own child?

No matter what, agree to it first, then talk about it then?

What does he want his children to do? Ye Luo didn't fall asleep this night, not only happy that Yan Yu had hope of surviving, but also worried about the child.

She simply stayed with Yan Yu for one night, reading to him one night of news, big and small things that happened in Country H.

Arthur Di woke up and continued to heal Yan Yu before she left.

In the afternoon of the next day, she went to Balladry early, because this was Shivan Lowe's site, and she was not afraid that the people of S·B would be disadvantageous to her.

She waited and waited, and the phone call to Sandy kept shutting down.

That made her worry about whether she was letting pigeons off by this person.

It was evening, and it was getting dark before she got through Sandy's phone.

"Are you here? I'm waiting for you in Burrbury."

Ye Luo didn't have any temper at all. Now it was her uncle who could save Yan Yu, and she could only respect it.

"Here." Just after Sandy's words, a figure stood at her table.

Ye Luo looked up, my god, this kid is so good-looking too!

Blond hair with a shawl, delicate and beautiful features, it really makes people indistinguishable from men and women at a glance.

But Ye Luo still knew that he was a boy, his voice was male, and he had a Adam's apple, and he was very tall. Although he was a little thin, he looked thin and fleshy.

The facial features have grown into such a person, always beautiful, with feminine beauty, but not feminine.

God created the darling.

"Are you... Sandy?" Ye Luo asked happily.

"Yes." Sandy's face didn't have much expression, but it was not cold, he felt very gentle, but there were really not many words!

It seems that saying one more word is wasting his energy.

"Please sit down." Ye Luo only sat down when he saw him sitting down.

If she usually meets such a beautiful teenager, she would definitely look at it twice, but today she is really not in this mood.

She asked: "You haven't eaten yet, what do you want to eat?"

Sandy said: "Coffee."

Ye Luo blinked: "Don't you want to eat anything else? There are a lot of delicious things here, especially the big lobster."


Sandy did not refuse.

Ye Luo probably understands the mode of communication with him. People won't take the initiative to say what you want. You have to ask him, and he will answer whether he is willing or unwilling.

"Would you like a steak? It was airlifted from Country R today. It is very fresh."


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