Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 951: The president is stupid

Xia Zhi is really sad, she still thinks that her brother and sister-in-law can go to her wedding.

As a result, one was taken to the mountain to pray, and the other was unconscious, which was quite worrying.

But marriage can't fail.

She discussed with Bai Lipiao: "Why don't we go back the night before the wedding, and come back after we get married, I can't worry about my brother." Bai Lipiao has no objection.

After all, strictly speaking, this was Xia Zhi's only brother, and he also hoped that there would be nothing wrong with Yan Yu.

He also felt it was a pity that Yan Yu and Ye Luo could not attend the wedding.

Night falls in the temple to practice meditation and pray for blessings. Counting the days, Xia Zhi's wedding day is coming soon.

It's a shame not to be able to participate.

She was ready not to participate, but Qi Ya told her: "Mrs. Yan can go back. After the child is born, she will bring the child to pray for blessings. One day for two years is no less."

Ye Luo: "..."

It was said that she prayed for blessings alone, and how to become her child would have to practise meditation with her in the temple.

"Of course young grandma can start praying now, if you want."

"Not willing."

Now she is not too heavy and can tolerate it in the temple, and she will definitely feel even more uncomfortable when her belly gets bigger and bigger.

And it's so simple here, if something happens when the child is born, it may become a major event.

It's better to go back and have a good life for your own sake.

Besides, she wants to see her dear husband and ask him why he is still not awake.

I also want to go to Xia Zhi's wedding to support her.

In this way, two days before Xia Zhi's wedding, Ye Luo returned to Fancheng.

The happiest one is Xia Zhi: "Ye Xiaoluo, why are you back?"

Ye Luo smiled: "Is my husband still awake?"? "No, I guess you have to slap him again." Xia Zhi said very bluntly.

Ye Luo nodded: "I'll go take a look."

When she walked to the bed, Yan Yu opened his eyes.

Ye Luo walked over and held his hand, tears fell, "You are finally willing to wake up!"

"You didn't reply, and it's boring to wake up."

Yan Yu's spirit is not bad, not like someone who just woke up from a serious illness.

Ye Luo sat beside him: "You are scaring me to death, how can you say so easily!"

"It's my fault. I thought I was dragging him. He would not detonate the bomb. The president might do this for the first time... accidentally pulled the bomb by himself..."? Ye Luo: "... "

"If he is still alive, I can scold him to death. Even if he is stupid, he has to catch up with others."

Ye Luo never thought it would be such a reason.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything wrong? Move around and see if your body is okay."

Yan Yu took her hand and said, "Luoluo, I had a dream, a dream that is a little weird."

"Since it's a dream, don't worry about it. Didn't the dream wake up?"

Ye Luo didn't want to hear what dream he was talking about. In fact, she didn't want Yan Yu to know about their previous lives.

Now is the beginning of a brand new life, the past life is too unpleasant after all.

Yan Yu squeezed her hand tightly: "Yes, you wake up from the dream and the person wakes up, so it's fine if you are still by your side."

"I won't go anywhere, just guard you, I can't drive away, but next time you do something, you have to take care of your child and me! This time I really scared me, I thought if you were gone , I will take the child to find you."

Yan Yu raised his head and stroked her face: "You have lost weight, haven't you eaten properly?"

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