But after the servant tossed her out, Xia Zhi looked at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe it was her.

Oh my god, who is such a temperamental beauty.

"It's so beautiful."

For the first time, Xia Zhi realized what it means to look in the mirror to make herself beautiful.

She took out her mobile phone and took a selfie of herself and tweeted it desperately: "I cried beautifully for the first time. I never thought I had such a beautiful time."

Xia Zhi's Twitter is usually nothing, she applied when she was studying abroad, and occasionally posted about medical issues.

I rarely post my personal affairs.

Mainly there is nothing worth her post.

However, a while ago, because of Yan Yu's incident, he sent a prayer tweet.

The main idea is to hope that her brother can survive, and she is willing to lose his life.

After Xia Zhi posted it, she didn't care about it. She didn't even post it in Moments, because she was afraid that others would say she would show off.

She has always been very low-key about Xia Zhi and Baili Piao. Relatives and friends know that she has found a boyfriend. The family conditions are good, but few know that it is King S’s son.

Xia Zhi didn't want to introduce these. Anyway, she would return to Country H to have another wedding, and she would know it then.

It was the first time that Xia Zhi saw Baili Piao wearing their traditional costumes. Wow, he was handsome again.

Baili Piao came in and saw Xia Zhi in a beautiful red bridal saree, her eyes straightened.

I thought to myself, this is his bride, and the bride he has married back so hard is really beautiful.

The second prince joked by his side: "Brother, you can't do this. If you are still married, your soul will be taken away."

Bai Lipiao ignored him, looking at Xia Zhi, still sighing.

Xia Zhi glared at him, and said, "I'm getting back to my senses, why are you in a daze?"

Baili calmly walked over and hugged her: "It's so beautiful, I can see it."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "Nothing, I am usually beautiful."

Baili Piaohehe: "The most beautiful when you marry me."

"I think you are stinky and fluttering, you are too handsome to wear this."

"Then we are a perfect match."

The second prince looked speechless: "Are you two usually so tired and crooked? It's really hard to watch, it's too dazzling."

Baili said indifferently, "This kind of taste can't be experienced by a man like you who has married a bunch of wives."

The second prince didn't care: "Then you won't feel the taste of a bunch of women."

Xia Zhi was really speechless about his thoughts.

But inconvenience to say.

Baili Piao is noncommittal.

Baili Piao's sister Salama ran in: "Brothers, what are you talking about? They are waiting for you. It's time to rehearse."

Baili Piao said, "I'll go right away."

After a set of rehearsals, Xia Zhi was almost exhausted and cramped. When she thought of doing it all tomorrow, she felt her feet cramped.

Xia Zhi sighed with Ye Luo: "Thanks to the marriage only once in a lifetime, if you have to toss twice more, it is really terrible. Ye Xiaoluo is still smart, you just don't get married, just get a certificate."

Ye Luo shook his head: "I didn't get married because I was afraid of getting tired, but because I hadn't found my parents yet. Anyway, if I get married or not, everyone knows that I am Master Yan."

"Then don't end it, this kind of wedding, it really entertains others to exhaust yourself..."

Xia Zhi was complaining. According to her thoughts, she was really unwilling to hold such a grand wedding. Just a small hold between a few relatives.

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