Mysterious Commander, High Profile Love

Chapter 968: The king is a gynecologist

Yan Yu brought the biochemical soup to Ye Luo: "This is biochemical soup. I asked it. There are a lot of medicinal herbs and black-bone chicken stew in it. I will eat this after production."

Ye Luo was already drooling when she saw the chicken soup: "Sure enough, everything is delicious when I am hungry."

Yan Yu gave her a bite and asked, "How does it taste?"

"It's delicious, let me eat it myself."

"No, I'll feed you, you have worked hard today, and I can't do anything else."

Looking at the whole process today, Yan Yu couldn't help with anything, watching his wife's hard work, and could only do it in a hurry.

Ye Luo also felt that having a baby was really too hard, but after giving birth, looking at the three lovely children, it was really worth it.

Ye Luo asked Yan Yu casually: "Do you think you can make a man pregnant in the future? Isn't science and technology more and more advanced?"

"One day."

When Ye Luo thought of Yan Yu carrying a big watermelon, he burst out with a laugh: "I wish I could see a man pregnant with a child in the rest of my life."

Yan Yu thinks it is better not to discuss this issue.

This is not a good question at all.

However, it can also be seen how Ye Luo felt unfair to having children, so Yan Yu decided not to have another child in the future.

Three children are enough.

After the baby was born, a bunch of people came to see the baby, and there was an endless stream of people in the ward every day.

Xia Zhi flew back deliberately, looking at the three pink and tender little babies that she couldn't love: "Oh, so cute, I really want to steal one back."

Ye Luo smiled and said, "Dream, you are born on your own."

Xia Zhi came over mysteriously: "I have it too, for three months."

Ye Luo was happy for her: "This is a happy event, I didn't listen to you."

"Don't they say it all, it took three months to say it before it's stable."

Ye Luo laughed: "You are pregnant very quickly. You can give birth to many more after you see. Doctor Baili is really amazing."

Xia Zhi pursed his lips: "Can he not be great? He is an authority on gynecology. He is more experienced than anyone else when he is pregnant."

And Baili Piao really worked so hard day and night to sow, sometimes she wanted to kick him out of bed directly.

A king who is so busy can always take time to bully her twice.

Not to mention at night.

If Baili Piao continues like this, she might really become a sow that gives birth to a dozen children.

Thinking of that, she felt terrible.

"Haha, that's right, your family is not only a king, but also a gynecologist, I almost forgot his job."

Xia Zhi laughed: "It's better for you to have three children. If I have three children, I can have nine children at most three times. His parents will not stare at me all day to give birth.

You don't know that their family really regards women as having children, and I don't let Baili marry another wife. They just stare at me, for fear that I will only give birth to two or three.

I can feel how hard it is to have a baby. I can’t vomit every day. A Piao has used many methods to no avail. What use do you think the most authoritative gynecological doctor can do? It’s not that it can’t deal with morning sickness.

I told Apiao, if you, a gynecologist, can deal with morning sickness, I will give birth to ten or twenty children without frowning. "

Ye Luo was almost laughing to death when she said: "Doctor Baili was speechless by you. You are pretty good. The hard work of pregnancy can be blamed on her husband. Who makes him not study medical skills well? "

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