Ye Luo returned to the room, Sandy raised her eyebrows and looked at her, her eyes seemed to ask Fanfan?

Ye Luo simply waved at him: "Sit down and let's talk."

Sandy sat down on the sofa very cooperatively, staring at Ye Luo with a pair of green eyes.

Ye Luo knew that her behavior was a bit shameless, but in order for her children not to be separated, she must also be shameless.

"You are here to collect debts. You have also seen that the three children are triplets and they are neatly together. If they are separated, I would be really reluctant. If you want to take her away from me, you will undoubtedly cut me. Meat, can we change to another method?"

Sendi looked at her contemptuously as if he knew she would regret it a long time ago, "No."

Ye Luo said with a stern face: "I know this is my shamelessness, but for the sake of the child, I can't agree to your terms and won't let you take her away. Parents can fight against others for their children. "? Sandy looked at her without speaking.

Ye Luo pleadingly pleaded: "You see that you are so beautiful, and you must have a beautiful heart. It is very immoral to break up mothers and children. Why do you have to have my children? You are so beautiful and any woman will be willing Give birth to you."

Sandy looked at her like an idiot: "Still young."

Ye Luo knew that he was saying that he was still young.

"You want my child because you like children?"

Sandy looked at her without speaking.

Ye Luo thought for a while and said: "Let's do it, I will let you take away your fans, but... you must live in a place not more than one mile away from me. I didn't violate my promise. At that time, you only asked me to A child, but didn’t say where to take her."

Sandy looked at her with a little surprise, as if he hadn't seen a rascal like the nightfall.

"This is the case anyway, otherwise I will fight my life and I won't let you take my daughter away." Who knows what this young man is going to do after taking away fans.

Let's not talk about how the teaching will be, he is very abnormal if he is a man and wants to take a girl.

What if he is a pervert who has strange thoughts about his daughter?

I heard that people who don't like talking have a dark side in their hearts.

She would never send her daughter to the fire pit.

If she lives nearby, she can look at her daughter up close, and it is impossible for Sandy to do anything wrong.

Sandy looked at the woman in front of her incredulously, she really dared to say it.

He also said that he did not violate the agreement. How could this be for him to take people away.

Sandy blinked, just staring at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo stared at him too.

After about ten minutes, Sandy lowered his eyes and said, "Yes."

This time it is Ye Luo's turn to be shocked, okay?

He actually said yes?

This is simply... happiness comes too suddenly.

She thought that at least she had to fight to death before Sandy would agree.

"Okay, then it's settled. I will be discharged from the hospital today and go home. You can go to my house with me. There is a family of Yanmen in the neighborhood."

Sandy looked at her incredulously again.

Ye Luo coughed, "You can agree to it."

Ye Luo was discharged from the hospital today. Yan Yu rushed back at noon on purpose. When he entered the ward, he saw his wife staring at a young boy who was so beautiful.

He quickly went over and hugged his wife, and asked coldly, "Who?"

"This is the doctor Sandy who saved you."

Yan Yu frowned as soon as he heard it, and his face became colder when he saw that the little baby in the cradle was missing one: "Where is the pink?"

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